Sky War God

Chapter 105: I owe him 1 life!

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Under the gaze of the crowd, Ye Feng stepped away from this trial area.

This young man who created a legend in the trial area of ​​Dugu's house will be remembered by everyone, and the miracles he created will be widely spread.

Looking at the back of Ye Feng's departure, the powerhouses of the Dugu family shone cold light in their pupils.

"Ye Feng, your life will be mine sooner or later!"

Dugulong's eyes also flashed coldly, and after Ye Feng left, he also left here.

Xia Qianqiu stepped up to keep up, but felt that Dugulong's attitude towards her was a little different, and there was a little strangeness in the conversation.

This made Xia Qianqiu's heart cold, knowing that Dugulong was minding her being frivolous by Ye Feng.

Ye Feng stepped away, and halfway, Xie Junlong also followed, looking at Ye Feng full of admiration.

"Brother Ye, great!"

Xie Junlong set a thumbs up at Ye Feng. Before contacting Ye Feng, Xie Junlong once thought that he was good enough.

A strong condensing state of less than sixteen is the best proof. He has extraordinary talents, and it is difficult to find opponents in the same combat power.

But after seeing Ye Feng's series of shocking moves in the trial area of ​​Dugu's house today, Xie Junlong's cognition was completely subverted.

Although he also obtained more than 20,000 combat points on the battle platform, it was nothing compared to Ye Feng's 300,000 combat points.

"Nothing, Brother Xie's performance on the battlefield is also commendable."

Ye Feng said with a smile indifferently. It looks calm and light.

Xie Junlong also smiled, not saying anything, but in his heart he had to admire Ye Feng secretly.

The two moved all the way, and soon walked out of the area where the Dugu Home Trading Market was located.

"Shoo, hoo!"

At this moment, in the distance, there were two blasting sounds, and the sound was extremely loud and spread all over the world instantly.

Ye Feng and Xie Junlong were also attracted by this sound. They raised their heads and stared at the direction from which the sound came, and they saw that in that direction, two fireworks burst into the sky above the sky, releasing brilliant light, even in daylight. It is extremely dazzling, so that people in a very far area can see clearly.

Seeing the two fireworks on the sky, Xie Junlong frowned slightly, his expression became a bit solemn, and then Xie Junlong turned to look at Ye Feng, arched his hands and said: "Ye Feng has changed in the next sect. Let us go. See you in Wufu!"

"it is good!"

Ye Feng's eyes flickered, without asking much, he nodded to Xie Junlong.

Immediately, Xie Junlong left here quickly.

Ye Feng didn't think much about Xie Junlong's sudden departure. He knew that the two fireworks just now were the call signals for Xie Junlong's sect.

At the same time, in every corner of the imperial city, many people noticed the sparkling fireworks, and there was a faint gleam in their eyes.

"what is that?"

In a restaurant, a strong man pointed his finger at the fireworks on the sky and asked.

"It seems to be a signal for a certain force to convene. Look at that direction, it should be the direction of the Shendan Palace."

Many strong people noticed the existence of fireworks one after another, and someone explained it for everyone, causing everyone's eyes to flash with a bit of bright light.

"It's rare to see convening signals of this level. Could there be a great **** in Shendan Palace?"

Some strong people have a very good understanding of the level of the call signal.

"What this Xiongtai said is that there are really rare convening signals of this level. It seems that there is indeed a great possibility that something big will happen in the Shendan Palace."

Another strong man spoke, causing the crowd to be sharp again. Some people continued to say: "I heard that the old palace owner of the Shendan Palace is approaching, and the two camps are fighting for the position of the palace owner. ..."

Although the strong man has not finished speaking, many people have understood what he meant. Recently, a series of things about the Shendan Palace have caused a lot of disturbance in the imperial city, and many people have heard of it.

This time, seeing the God Pill Palace release such a level of convening signal to recruit disciples to return, really has to remind people of the never-ending battle for power in the Shen Pill Palace.

"If you want to know, it's better for me to wait and see. Isn't it clear what Sodasheng is!"

Some strong people spoke, and they were immediately responded by many strong people in the restaurant. They walked down the restaurant and headed towards the Shendan Palace.

After the two convening signals were released, in every corner of the imperial city, there were strong people guessing what happened in the Shendan Palace.

Soon after, the entire imperial city was quashed in all directions, and many strong people rushed towards the direction of the Shendan Palace, including the best geniuses in the imperial city, all put aside their things and moved towards the Shendan Palace Step away from where you are. They all want to know whether the old palace lord of the Shendan Palace is about to be true.

For a time, the Shendan Palace became the focal point of the imperial city's attention because of two convening signals, and everyone felt the breath of a storm coming.

Ye Feng went all the way, and the monster dragon bones were already in hand, so he was ready to return to the Sky Xuanwu Mansion to make the bones into powder, and then condense the armor of the **** of war.


But when Ye Feng just walked to a relatively remote street, he heard a voice of indifference behind him.

Ye Feng's eyes flickered, and he slowly turned his body.

There were more than a dozen figures appearing at the prescription position not far away. These auras are strong, and the one with the lowest cultivation base also has the first level of condensing energy, and the first three are even stronger.

Staring at Ye Feng with cold eyes, there was a vague flash of murderous in the depths of his pupils.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Feng asked indifferently, naturally knowing that these people are not good.

"I don't think you will be that stupid."

Looking at Ye Feng for the first strong condensing qi, his eyes were arrogant, and he said coldly: "Hand over the bones of the demon dragon, but self-defeating cultivation base, I can spare you not to die!"

Hearing what the other party said, Ye Feng's eyes flashed with an edge, his eyes jokingly looked at the other party, and said coldly: "You, are you from the Dugu Family?"

"There are some things that don't need to be broken, you can know it yourself. Hand over the monster dragon bones!"

The strong man's eyes were cold and he spoke coldly. His words were strong and beyond doubt.

Ye Feng slapped his lonely family several times during the trial on the battle platform, and carried their family's treasure, how could they let Ye Feng leave so easily?

"If you want the bones of the monster dragon, you have to have that kind of ability!"

Ye Feng said coldly, seeing a sharp light flashing in his eyes, stepping out, the power of the stars all over his body surged, and his body instantly fell in front of a strong condensing force of the other party, and he punched out without hesitation. Domineering fists shattered everything.

The strong man looked terrified. Before he could react, he felt that Ye Feng's terrifying fists hit his body heavily, causing his body to tremble fiercely, screamed, and flew out with blood in his mouth. Surge, the breastbone sunken, life is stripped.

"act recklessly!"

Seeing this scene, the faces of the rest of the strong Dugu family looked ugly. They didn't seem to expect that the people in the body-refining state in Yefeng District would face so many condensing energy strong men in his Dugu family chasing and killing them. Not only did they not give in, they took the initiative to attack them. , It's just looking for death.

"This son is arrogant, kill him for me!"

The eyes of the leading powerhouse were cold, and a group of them came vigorously, and they were killed by Ye Feng for a short time. It was a bit embarrassing. Only by killing Ye Feng on the spot can the anger in his heart be eliminated.

"Your Dugu family is really despicable. I used battle points to redeem prizes. Your Dugu family sent so many powerful people to chase me down. You said, if I promote this matter in the imperial city, your Dugu family operates a trading market. What situation will it face?"

The light of the stars around Ye Feng's body was shining, and the meteor butterfly stepped out continuously, his mouth made a voice of contempt, and his face was full of mockery. I am not ashamed of the hypocrites of the Dugu Family.

"What about chasing you? Who told you not to offend others, but to offend the young master of my Dugu family? If I can let my Dugu family make such a big fight to kill you, it is worth your death! As for what you said, will If today’s matter is announced, you have to leave here too!"

The strong man sneered and spoke. Among them, a dozen of them, who were strong in the condensing state, killed Ye Feng a body refiner. Naturally, they were able to catch Ye Feng. As for today's matter, Ye Feng is dead, who will know?


The powerhouses of the Dugu family roared, and a series of terrifying attacks came to Ye Feng from all directions, with an extremely strong killing and killing aura, and the tricks were deadly, all for the life of Ye Feng!

Ye Feng's expression was cold, with a horrible spear intent blooming on his body. The gentian bright silver spear had already appeared in his hand, and he was assassinated with a shot. There was a terrible spear entangled in it. The spear was fierce and domineering, able to penetrate everything!

With a "puff", the spear directly penetrated the body of another strong condensing force, blood bloomed, and his strong fell directly to the ground!

After the cultivation base entered the peak of body refining, Ye Feng felt that his combat effectiveness had increased to a certain extent, and he became more and more handy in killing strong men with a heavy concentration, just like an orchid chopping vegetables.

At the same time, the attacks of other powerhouses have also arrived. How domineering the attacks of the condensing gas powerhouses are, a fist with a terrifying sound of breaking through the air is slammed towards Ye Feng's body, terrifying.

"Palm palms!"

Ye Feng's footsteps stepped in the direction of the strong man, and the domineering palm of the mountain shot out, with the powerful sound of breaking the wind colliding with the strong man's fist, there was a terrifying shock, then The strong man's body was directly shook out by Ye Feng's palm, and the blood ran wildly. He died immediately and was vulnerable to a blow.


At the same time, on the right side of Ye Feng, a sword light came towards Ye Feng’s body. The speed was extremely fast, and the sword light was extremely sharp, as if it had cut off the void. Everything was under this sword. Will be destroyed!

Ye Feng stepped out quickly, and the light of the stars all over his body shone through the world, and the huge star map and the entire space would be enveloped in it, with this terrifying rune power flowing on it.

The sword light gleamed and flashed by the side of Ye Feng's body, but it could not hurt his body. However, Ye Feng's spear had already penetrated his throat, making the action of the strong man freeze there.

"How can this guy's combat effectiveness be such a statement? In just a few breaths, I can easily kill four strong condensing states by him. If this continues, even if we can kill him, we will suffer heavy losses. !"

Seeing Ye Feng single-handedly killing his Dugu family's strong condensing state was like cutting melons and vegetables, the rest of the people were shocked, looking at Ye Feng's gaze appeared a little jealous. A few people were even retreating, not daring to attack Ye Feng.

"This son is arrogant, let's go together and kill him!"

The powerhouse headed by the Dugu family looked pale, and he did not expect that the strength of Yefeng District Body Refining Realm martial arts was so powerful that it was shocking.

The eyes of the powerhouses showed sharp sharpness, and the war spirits shining behind them, a phantom of the war spirits appeared behind them, and the light of the war spirits shrouded the space with extremely eyes.


A loud roar sounded, and the sound wave shook the world. Right in front, the strong war spirit was a yellow-ranked giant bear. The mighty power was terrifying. The huge body was filled with a sense of power, and the sharp claws were directed towards Ye Feng's body. Smash down.

Ye Feng's eyes were cold, and the meteor butterfly stepped out instantly. After avoiding the terrible attack of the giant bear, the horror spear light moved to one side, and the body of another strong man fell, and the giant bear ghost disappeared. .

At the same time, a figure descended behind Ye Feng like a ghost, holding a sharp dagger in the hand of this figure, madly moving towards the back of Ye Feng, revealing an extremely cold breath.


However, at this moment, before Ye Feng turned around, he saw a cold light shining in a prescription position.

Immediately, blood shot out, and the next moment, he saw the face of the strong man holding a dagger with extreme fear, and he covered the wound in his throat with his hands, and fell unwillingly.

The eyes of the crowd were slightly frozen, and suddenly a figure appeared in the battle group. This person was wearing a cloth and his long hair casually draped over his shoulders, giving people a sense of vicissitudes, and more importantly, there were fewer people. One arm.

Although he had just killed a person, at this moment, his sword was still in the scabbard.

"One-armed swordsman!"

When he really saw the face of this strong man, the strong Dugu family were all surprised. The one-armed swordsman appeared at this moment and helped Ye Feng kill one of his Dugu family. It was an enemy or a friend. very obvious.

"One-armed swordsman, the grudge between my Dugu family and this person does not seem to have anything to do with Let's leave as soon as possible. Just now you killed one of my Dugu family, I can treat it as nothing happened."

A strong man from the Dugu Family spoke, as if he was very jealous of the one-armed swordsman and didn't want the other party to participate in it.


However, before the voice of the strong Dugu family fell, I saw the one-armed swordsman outside, there was a bright brilliant light shining, so fast that there was only a light left, and it cut towards the body of the strong .

"Be careful!"

The rest of the strong Dugu family looked terrified, and quickly reminded them that they knew how terrifying the one-armed swordsman's sword was, and his sword would mean death.

Sure enough, the reminders of those strong from the Dugu family were still a little late. When the strong reacted and wanted to avoid, the sword light of the one-armed swordsman had arrived, splitting his body in two, blood blooming, shocking .

"I owe him my life!"

A hoarse voice was spit out from the mouth of the one-armed swordsman, so indifferent, as if it were just a trivial matter to slaughter the strongest Dugu family.

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