Six Eyes Sunuo started as a hunter x hunter

Chapter 180 Sneak into x and meet (two in one)

"Human technology is very interesting, meow." Nephibit watched as Pufu turned into Dongguo Tuo's external spokesperson and appeared on the big screen.

The voice of the talker could be heard on televisions and radios throughout East Kota.

The content is nothing more than - all riots are caused by armed elements causing trouble. Don't panic. People are killed by the rebels. There are no monsters. Everyone should be careful of those who make alarmist behavior and don't believe them. , and finally asked humans to stay at home and stay behind closed doors.

"After all, controlling the mouthpiece of society and controlling public opinion are also methods that rulers must learn." Su Wu watched all this from the side and spoke slowly.

Then he walked around Dongguo Tuo and found that most people believed this statement and hid in their homes one after another.

The entire East Kota seems to have become a base for ants to keep humans in captivity.

Those closed doors and windows are of no use to ants.

The Ant King stayed in the palace and lived a daily life of playing chess with different players every day. His skills steadily improved and he has not lost a single game so far, making him the invincible player in the country.

Some opponents trembled as soon as they saw him and were unable to pick up the chess pieces. Usually such people... would be killed directly.

Of course, even if they are killed, they can still appear in the outside world intact.

Even those opponents who insisted on playing chess with the Ant King did not perform much better.

"That's all." The Ant King, who thought he had reached the pinnacle of chess skills, spoke arrogantly.

The next opponent he encountered was a human girl who looked ordinary and couldn't be more ordinary. Her clothes were a little plain, and in the eyes of the Ant King, they could even be considered tattered.

She also had a runny nose and looked sloppy. Moreover, she was blind and looked weak.

For such a weak person, the Ant King didn't even regard her as an opponent.

Too weak to look down on at all.

This made him not pay attention at all when he started playing chess with the opponent.

After all, there was no way he could lose to this pitiful creature who looked weak at first sight.

When Su Wu came back, the Ant King had already lost.

He couldn't believe it, he was furious, he became angry, he flipped the table and left.

The opponent's mood is terrifyingly stable.

"What happened?" Su Wu asked the brother and sister living in a dark corner.

"The ant king lost to that human in chess." Ellie replied.


Su Wuzai carefully observed the opponent who had defeated the Ant King.

She looks young, a human girl, and well... she's also blind.

The elements are all there.

Could this be the characteristics of the domineering ant king and the blind human girl?

He looked so weak, no matter how he looked at him, he felt that this guy was very weak... his life energy was about the same as that of ordinary people.

But he should be very good at chess, after all, he defeated the ant king.

Thinking of this, Su Wu immediately said to Aimei and Aili in a firm tone: "The Ant King will fall in love with her."

This is how the plot develops.

He also guessed the trick. The ant king who had never been defeated was defeated by such a weak human girl, so he was curious and unwilling. He got to know more deeply. They got along every day and he fell in love.

After all, the ant king... likes people with big contrasts, such as people who look weak but taste delicious. I thought his meat was not surprising before, haha.

In this way, the human girl in front of me... fits the requirements of the Ant King very well.

It looks very weak, worse than ordinary people, but in fact it is a rare thing and tastes much better than ordinary people.

Confirmed, he loves the Ant King very much.

"Why?" Aimee asked doubtfully.

Ant King? Fall in love with this human? As expected, Chimera ants with human genes are difficult to see through.

"Because the ant king lost to the type he despised the most, his pride was trampled under the feet of the other party. He has never met this type of person, and he was played on the palm of his hand." Su Wu read aloud in a measured tone. .

"..." Aimei and Aili looked like they didn't understand.

They, who have never read bloody novels and TV series, are still non-human beings, and do not know whether there is such a thing as an emotional system, so naturally they will not understand this routine.

"To put it simply, the ant king lost to her, so he fell in love with her." Aimei concluded.

I don't understand, I don't understand at all. Chimera ants with human genes are as complex as humans.

The original Chimera Ants only wanted to expand their army, find food, and build a kingdom.

In other words, I only have the concept of eating and eating in my mind. Expanding the army and building a kingdom is also to obtain better and more food.

"I'm going to give it a try." Su Wu sat down in the Ant King's seat and "come with me for the next round too."

"By the way, the rules of chess are that each move cannot take more than thirty seconds. If you are late for one second, you will lose." Su Wu silently threw out the rule he was most familiar with, trying to end the game as soon as possible through this rule.

After all, the longer it takes, the easier it is for his brain to explode.

"...Please." The human girl has a stable mood and a soft voice. Listening to it makes people relax unconsciously. Even if they keep talking, they will not make people feel irritated.

However, her playing style is completely different from her weak and useless appearance.

Playing steadily and step by step, there is no delay when it is time to cut off the tail, and every move is full of determination.

When playing chess, her blind eyes seemed to be able to see the chessboard and the chess pieces above, and...

When she was forced into a desperate situation by Su Wu, she woke up.

The opponent exuded powerful thoughts that were inconsistent with the frail body.

Awakening mind through playing chess...

Is your talent strong enough to awaken your thoughts on your own? This can be regarded as another kind of heaven and curse.

It's similar to Fuheshier's concept of using zero mana power in exchange for the strongest body.

After all, he is a being who can beat the special level with physical skills alone...

Just talking about playing chess, the guy in front of me...maybe be number one in the world in the future.

Su Wu covered her nose and remained silent.

My head hurts.

Playing chess is a time-consuming and mentally demanding activity. They played chess for two hours.

And within thirty seconds, you have to see through your opponent's intentions and respond correctly, which is twice as difficult.

For Su Wu, who was suffering from double debuffs and was already burning his brain, his brain was burned out once in the past two hours. It was burned out in the physical sense. Of course, he used it as soon as it was broken. Reversal surgery cured it.

However, even so, he failed to win.

Of course we didn’t lose, it was a draw.

The generals on both sides were trapped and unable to escape, and there were no other pieces to move. This game of chess could no longer continue.

If this game of chess is regarded as a war between two countries, it means that the two countries have reached the point where they have run out of ammunition and food, and they can only prepare to shake hands and make peace.

"..." Su Wu lay back and fell into deep thought.

He also won the title of world number one in chess competition, although it was not a military honor.

I also played against AI and won.

Su Wu had already tried his best in the chess game just now. The debuff would only give him a headache and make him lazy to use his brain. It would not make him smarter. Even if he lost, he could not use this as an excuse.

But this was a draw, and even if there was another round, Su Wu couldn't be sure who would be the winner.

"The Ant King deserved to lose to you." Su Wu wiped the blood on his face, stood up and ignored the Ant King who had returned and had been watching silently for a long time.

The other party seemed to be angered by his words again, and sat back down directly.

Not surprisingly, after the opponent awakens his mind, the Ant King will be even less likely to win.

Su Wu had no intention of staying to watch them play chess. He stretched his limbs and disappeared in front of the two of them.

Not only does playing chess consume your brain, but watching it on the side also consumes your brain.

After all, once you see it, you can’t help but analyze the situation.

In the palace, Norbu's figure appeared in every corner from time to time, secretly recording the information in the palace, and at the same time, he had to be wary of the dragonflies and ants in charge of surveillance in the air, as well as the human soldiers who patrolled from time to time.

"So hungry..." A figure came, and Nobu immediately jumped into the black hole on the ground.

"Someone come and prepare afternoon tea for me."

Before hiding in, he was a little confused. The voice sounded strangely familiar.

Lazy and naturally arrogant, just by listening to his voice you can imagine the bossy appearance of the other party.

Nobu silently stuck out half of his head to observe the situation, and then saw a very familiar figure.

The figure wearing a black sweatshirt looked tall and thin, with white hair. The other person turned his head, and Norbu saw the black facial lines on the other person's face.

But the eyes... why are they red?

Controlled by Chimera Ants?

Nobu retreated into his fourth-dimensional apartment to analyze the situation.

He uses his ability to make himself appear in another place.

"Click." A crisp sound made Norbu's heart pick up.

"Are you here to inquire about information?" The white-haired boy held an apple, as if he was not surprised to see Norbu here.

"You..." Norbu broke into a cold sweat.

He didn't think it would be a good thing to meet a familiar face in this palace occupied by the Ant King.

It doesn't matter whether they are friends or foes.

"Don't panic, the ants can't see us." Su Wu said.

"...Why are you here?" Nobu forced himself to calm down and asked.

"Come and play, the Ant King's side is more fun than yours." Su Wu took a bite of the apple without hesitation, speaking in a natural tone.

If he stayed with humans, he might still have to work hard as a thug.

It's different with the Ant King. No one will bother him at all. The Ant King and his guards don't care much. He can do whatever he wants. If he's bored, he can even pick a fight with the Ant King.

Needless to say, the opponent's strength has also improved significantly. He has opened up the field, and the opponent can still draw with him.

If Su Wu progressed a little slower, he might lose the next fight.

Both playability and durability far exceed the others.

But Norbu's thought was - Could this guy have betrayed humanity? Join the ant camp?

Or is it that the other party has been turned into a chimera ant?

Su Wu watched Nuobu change his face and finished eating an apple in twos and threes.

"Not betrayed, not a spy, not controlled, still human." Su Wu said expressionlessly.

Stop the little theater in your head and take a rest.

"If your mental quality is like that of an ant, can you really still act?" Su Wu expressed doubts about Nobu.

However, the opponent's ability is indeed very suitable for penetrating into the enemy camp.

"..." Norbu said nothing.

Su Wu stopped caring about the other party and left alone.

"Bissev." He waved when he saw a human man in a black suit.

"Sir, what are your orders?" Bisef said respectfully, and hurried forward like a dog that heard the call.

This guy is a pure human, but he currently belongs to the ant king camp, because between death and becoming a human traitor, he chose the latter without hesitation. Because of his smooth methods, he was left by the ants to handle human affairs.

This guy pretended to be smart and presented human beauties to the Ant King before. Well, the Ant King didn't like any of them, so he ate a few of them raw in front of him, and they still didn't think they tasted good.

Then the guy stopped offering it to the ant king, but the beauty still wanted it, but he kept it for himself to enjoy.

In Bisef's eyes, Su Wu, a guy with white hair and red eyes and four eyes, is also a monster, so he always treats him with respect.

"What are you going to do?" Su Wu just stared at the other person with unclear meaning and asked.

"This..." Bisef hesitated to speak.

Is he going to say that someone below sent him a woman?

"...The person who sent the supplies is here, I will receive it." He said in a euphemistic way.

Oh, the woman sent below has arrived.

This guy's reputation for lusting after beauty has spread widely, and the women who fall into his hands don't end well.

When it was alive, it was kept in the basement built by the other party. After it was used up, the waste was reused and thrown to Neferbit and Xiaoyapufu as experimental subjects.

"Go." Su Wu waved his hand, having lost interest in this.

He felt the faint presence of the Neferbit circle disappear again.

Fang Yuan seems to be born with her own skills, and her occasional disappearance means she is repairing toys.

It's probably some kind of restriction that prevents you from using the circle when using the repair ability.

What toys did this guy get again?

But she was with the Ant King, so she probably wasn't repairing toys, so someone was injured?

Su Wu looked carefully and found that the injured person... was the Ant King.

The other party didn't know what he was doing, so he took off an arm.

Is it a bet for playing chess with someone?

Norbu was still taking this opportunity to run around, approaching the central hall step by step.

Bisef, who was in the basement, drove a car with several women inside and drove directly into the underground building he built.

Originally, this was a very common thing, if the women in the other car were ordinary women.

But one of them is obviously an ability user...

It seems that Nobu is not the only infiltrator today.

But what should I say...the appearance of these two's strength here is really no different from walking in to die.

Norbu may be a little better, his ability is very suitable for escape.

Does that woman also have special abilities suitable for saving her life?

Su Wu silently took out another apple.

One apple is not enough to replenish the brain power he consumes. With his appetite, he can eat thirty in one meal.

He randomly found a place to sit down and seemed to be eating while closing his eyes and concentrating. In fact, he was concentrating on all the movements happening in the palace with his six eyes.

After all, with four six eyes, double the debuff also means double the efficiency.

The ant king's injury has been repaired by Nephibit, and the familiar circle unfolds again.

The ability user who was brought into the basement by Bisef left the room created by Bisev.

Walking cautiously in the corridors of the palace, he seemed to be looking for something.

"This is too impatient." Su Wu complained when the other party passed by him.

In a latent investigation, shouldn't we wait and see what happens before taking action? Why did she start taking action as soon as she came in?

But according to the situation, if the woman continues to move forward, she will trigger a super lucky situation - encountering the two guards of the Ant King at the same time.

Hmm... Do you want to remind the other party? If I do nothing, I feel like I really am a traitor to humanity.

And it seems like I’ve seen this guy before.

Probably...when Gon and Killua were being trained by Bisji, the other one was also present?

People from the Hunter Association...

"Hey, what are you doing?" Su Wu lifted the curtain around him and said casually.

"..." Pang Mu stiffened when he heard the voice coming from behind.

"I...I am Lord Bisef's servant..." She turned around stiffly and looked back.

There was a white-haired young man sitting on the floor with his back against the wall.

It seems that they have met before. At that time, she was surprised that the other person and Killua looked like brothers, and the other person's attitude towards Killua and Gon was like an incompatible older brother.

But the other person with white hair and red eyes didn't look friendly at all.

Especially——when being stared at by those four red eyes.

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