George Qila, who had been robbed of his business, sighed.

Batra, the wealthy employer, recently changed the employment requirements. Players who clear the game and bring him the [Witch's Rejuvenation Potion] will receive 50 billion denies.

The scene got out of control for a while, and the [Witch's Rejuvenation Potion] cards were snatched by players until... a number of players died.

In short, there are not many people competing for it now, but this does not mean that the difficulty has been reduced. In fact, it is still quite difficult.

Just clearing the game itself is not easy, otherwise there would be no players clearing it for ten years.

He just hopes to bring [Witch's Rejuvenation Potion] back to Batra and get the money.

Because...for Batra's mission, he has not accepted any other employment for a long time. If he cannot get the commission, everything he has paid will be in vain.

Because of the presence of a certain person, Xiaojie's side seems to be stuck, so he can only think of other ways...

"Hey, you two, come with me." The blond young man suddenly looked at George Kira and Guolenu and said.

George Qila and Guolenu looked at each other with the same doubts in their eyes.

They knew the blond young man, but... the other party rarely paid attention to them, let alone took the initiative to talk to them.

The other party followed the white-haired boy in silence most of the time, watching his every move, looking like a dark pervert, or a dog that was always watching its owner's movements and eyeing strangers like them.

"What's the matter?" George Qila and Guolenu took a few steps towards the corner in cooperation, and then George Qila asked.

"Do you want to make a deal with me?" Maro asked, looking at George Kira and Gorenu.

"Let's talk and listen first." George Qila did not agree immediately.

"Work with me to hold down the Bomb Demon. After you leave the game, I can give each of you 1.5 billion." The blond young man's face was cold, but his tone was also full of the temperament of a wealthy young man.

Two people are three billion...

Ordinary people can't easily take out three billion. Even hunters have to work hard to earn it for a long time.

This guy is worth a lot of money.

The mature social worker, George Kira, had a subtle change in the way he looked at each other. From the beginning, "What does this kid want to do?" to "Oh~ employer."

Of course you have to be polite when it comes to paying employers.

"How do you prove that what you said is true?" George Qila asked.

You say this in the game, but out of the game everyone is not in the same place, how can you ask him for money? There is nothing you can do against the opponent if you just run away.

"My surname is Pelicia, the Pelicia from the gang." The blond young man seemed reluctant to mention it, but he had to mention it to increase his credibility.

Although not everyone knows about the existence of the mafia family, George Kira, who is often hired by rich people/gangsters, must have heard of it.

"You just need to join me and hold them off for two weeks, and you can get the money. If you are not worried, I can leave the game now and have someone transfer it to you." Maro said calmly.

"No need, I believe you." George Kira's voice was low, and while speaking, he looked at the figure of the white-haired boy not far away.

"You won't do such a shameful thing as going back on your word." George Kira, who had thick but white eyebrows, said meaningfully.

If he did it, the blond guy wouldn't be the only one who would be embarrassed.

Although George Kira couldn't figure out why such a gangster nobleman could live a life of a young master and follow another person as a servant every day.

Is this a special hobby?

"Then, it's settled." Maro felt slightly relieved.

Transactions that only require money are the simplest transactions.

"Yes." George Kira nodded in agreement.

"Understood." Guolenu also nodded.

Even if the other party doesn't pay, they should be willing to delay Xiaojie's time.

After all, clearing the level with the Bomb Demon would do them no good.

But doing things with money is more in line with the hunter's principles.

The three of them reached an agreement, so Ma Luo turned to face Su Wu. From a distance away, he put his palms on both sides of his thighs and bent down to ask for instructions.

"Sir, let's go first."

Su Wu glanced casually, waved his hands perfunctorily, and looked away again without saying a word.

Maro looked at Sora aside.

"Let's go." The white tiger monster bit Maruo and jumped on the spot, as if stepping on steps made of air, walking higher and higher step by step.

It disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

"It's so convenient to be able to fly." Xiaojie looked at the big white cat's retreating back with envy.

With that magical beast called Sora here, it will definitely be possible to hold down the bomb demon.

"Stop looking and come here for training." Su Wu slowly stretched his limbs and waved to Xiaojie.

The protagonists of shounen comics usually have a tough life.

It just so happened that he also wanted to find someone to experience what it was like when he was trained by West Germany.

The kids in District 12 were not good enough. They didn’t even think about it. They were too weak and died accidentally.

It doesn't matter Gon and Killua, they definitely won't die that easily.


You can play with confidence and boldness!

"This is how I was trained. I believe you can do it too." The boy with white hair and blue eyes stood on the spot and stretched out his hands.

Huge energy rose into the sky, and his blue eyes became brighter and brighter.

When Kurapika is in the flaming eye state, his adaptation to the six major systems is 100%.

In other words, no matter what type of ability is used, it will be in full performance.

And ordinary people usually cannot do this.

When Kurapika is in his normal state, he is a manifestation-type ability user and can exert 100% of his manifestation-type abilities. However, when using abilities that release tendency, he can only exert 40% of his abilities. Even if it is The transformation system, which is very similar to the materialization system, can only exert 80% of its abilities.

Su Wu with six eyes is equivalent to Kurapika in the flaming eye state. After all, when it comes to controlling energy, six eyes are definitely no weaker than any other pair of eyes.

No useless energy will be wasted and no energy will be used incorrectly.

Perfect use of energy will of course result in perfect results.

"Anyone who steps out of this circle will be severely beaten by me as a reward." Su Wu casually drew a circle nearby with his thoughts and said with a smile.

"Wait? Start now?"

"Wait a minute, I'm not ready yet..."

"What kind of reward is being beaten up by you——"

Gon and Killua looked shocked and couldn't help but take two steps back.

Qi flowed in their eyes, and they saw——

Densely packed black and blue stars almost fill half of the sky.

And the next second they noticed, the stars fell.

Dragging the colorful bullets towards them with clear purpose.

They are right next to each other and there is not even a gap.

Just like on a rainy day, how can a person walking on an uncovered street without an umbrella escape the pouring rain?

In an instant, they were hit by several bullets, and stars appeared before their eyes. It seemed that the number of meteors overwhelming them had increased again?

While they were struggling to dodge more bullets, the white-haired boy would suddenly appear around them again.

With a malicious smile on his face, he appeared in the rain of bullets and would do evil things to them from time to time.

"Ah~ so pitiful~"

"The way you evade them makes me laugh."

"That's not bad. How about working harder, making more ugly gestures, and making me laugh louder?"

"Come on, come on."

Whenever they get hit, you can always hear the instigator gloating and trash-talking.

"This guy... I really want to poison him to silence him." Killua, whose nose and face were bruised and swollen by the bullet, said through gritted teeth, his voice a little unclear.

During the two weeks Killua and Gon received special training, not a single day was intact.

Every day I face a new storm with a bruised nose and a swollen pig-headed face.

He was trained by Su Wu and Bi Si Ji in turns. Compared to Bi Si Ji's gentle and persuasive training methods, Su Wu's methods were too rough.

The other party believes that only by being beaten can one grow, so he beats them violently every day.

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