At 10 a.m. on September 6, the VIP reception room of Qianhai Securities.

"Mr. Vincent, we understand your appeal very well, but I believe that as a professional who has been engaged in investment work in Huaxia for many years, you should also be able to understand our policy."

"In any country, the market is closed. Although the two parties are trading based on the securities lending contract, during the market closure, we cannot operate the redemption action outside the market."

"This holiday did come unexpectedly, but it wasn't completely without warning. We sent you a notice that the closing time might be delayed. You didn't ask for a redemption at that time, did you?"

Vincent, who is in charge of the idfc agency business, paced the reception room anxiously. He knew that his current attempt would hardly be successful, but he had to try again.

Before today, he had almost no doubts about the success of this investment, partly because he believed in the professionalism of Blackstone Capital, and partly because of his confidence in his own country.

This is self-confidence accumulated over decades or even hundreds of years.

During this time, no one has ever challenged their authority.

Today, however, it seems that things are beginning to take some unsettling changes to him.

Although the above command only said that the other party may have mastered 7nm technology, but with his years of understanding of the official in China, if he just mastered such a technology that is not enough to change the whole situation, the other party could not use such a strategy. .

Whether it is the delay in negotiations or the surging undercurrents in the financial market, they have far exceeded their own perception.

The only thing that kept him still trusting in his orders was the rational education he had received.

Impossible, no matter from which point of view, it is impossible for them to master more advanced technology than their own country, this is an objective law.

It's not that you can directly break the objective laws, right?

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said:

"Mr. Li Rui, I know that my request is very unreasonable, but now we are indeed facing an emergency, and we must allocate a large amount of funds for other purposes, so I want to discuss with you whether it can be used in the process. Give us an exemption?"

"You also know that the redemption at this time does not actually cause you any loss - the stock price has been on a downward trend recently, and we are forced to give up the upcoming profits."

Li Rui, who was sitting behind the desk, shook his head firmly.

It's not that he is unwilling to open this back door. In fact, their unprincipled company has actually done a lot of illegal operations when facing such a big customer.

Only this time, they received a red-line order from their superiors.

Whoever dares to open this hole will die.

"It's not dismissal, it's not giving out, it's literally dying."

These are the words of the leader.

He doesn't know why, and he doesn't need to know.

Just stick to it firmly.

No one is willing to sell their own life for that little breach of contract income under such circumstances.

"Mr. Vincent, unfortunately, I really can't."

Seeing Li Rui's firm expression, Vincent sighed.

He turned around and drove into the office building in Qianhai, looking at the hurried crowd on the street, suddenly had an ominous premonition in a trance.

He always thought that the capital he represented was encircling Huaxia Capital, but he did not expect that he was the only prey caught in the encirclement and suppression.


At 16:00 in the afternoon, the last round of negotiations between Chouguo business representatives and Huaxia business representatives about Yinglong eda.

"We can accept your offer of 400 end users, and we can make further concessions in terms of price and functionality, but the premise is that you must complete the contract with us in the shortest possible time."

"These rounds of negotiations have dragged on for too long, and we have lost our patience. If we drag on like this, we will have to doubt your sincerity."

Lu Siwen's tone was strong, but by this time, everyone in the venue had already heard his bravado.

Chen Hao took a sip of tea unhurriedly, and then replied:

"I'm very sorry to inform you, Mr. Lu, that our conditions on the technical side have changed according to the conclusions of our many companies."

"We decided to stick to the condition put forward by Mr. Ye Zhou at the very beginning, that is: Yinglong eda must be used without restriction."

"In addition, in terms of business, we still insist on not touching the provisions related to grain import and export. As for other compensation, we can give you appropriate concessions in terms of automobile import tax."

"The discount amount is...3%."


As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Siwen on the screen clapped the table and stood up.

"3%! Mr. Chen Hao! Are you kidding me?! What's the difference between having and not having such a discount? Sending beggars??"

Looking at Lu Siwen's face full of anger, Chen Hao was unmoved.

"Mr. Lu, these are our conditions. If you feel dissatisfied, we can sit down and continue to talk. I believe that we will always come up with a result."

Lu Siwen forcibly suppressed his anger and sat down again, then gritted his teeth and said:

"Mr. Chen Hao, the negotiation has progressed to this stage, and I don't think both of us need to hide it anymore. We have already made a preliminary understanding of what your back-up is."

"However, I advise you here, even if you can really achieve your goals, it will be in our expectations!"

"You can't shake our dominance in the field of technology. This is the last piece of advice we can give you from the perspective of technical strength!"

"I only say this advice once!"

Hearing Lu Siwen's words, Chen Hao's eyes gradually cooled down.

He put down the teacup in his hand, looked directly at each other, and said word by word:

"Do you really think that you can threaten us with a domineering attitude like you are now?"

"Do you really think that you can utter nonsense in front of us unscrupulously, saying 'from the point of view of strength'?"

"I can tell you unequivocally that you have no right to say this in the past, present, or future."

"Perhaps objectively speaking, our technical strength in the chip field was indeed far behind yours."

"But now, the offense and defense are changing, Mr. Lu!"

"You don't think that the factory that your satellite is aimed at, it only makes 7nm chips on the bad street?"

"It's ridiculous... Those little things you do, within the borders, do you really think you can escape our eyes?"

"What you know is just what we want you to know."

"Now, I can tell you that what you want to know will be publicly released to the whole country in an hour."

After speaking, Chen Hao directly cut off the video call.

At this point in the negotiation, there is actually no need to continue the negotiation.

At 14:00 on September 6, the first 5nm chip wafer was successfully trial-manufactured at the Xinghuo factory.

At 15:00, the chip wafer passed the intermediate test, which means that the "Zhiwei" lithography machine is running well. Even if there is a problem after the final packaging, it is only a problem of technical details and does not affect the successful manufacturing of the lithography machine. fact.

At 18:00, the first 100% domestic 5nm chip "Kaitian No. 1" was officially exposed, and major official media reported it uniformly.

The country shook.

Then, the huge impact brought by this chip began to spread to the whole world with lightning speed.

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