Chapter 87 Building a tank is building a tank, not a tractor!!

Just when most workers are confused.

There were several old employees in their fifties and sixties, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in their minds.

Five pairs of wheels plus tracks.

In addition, the drawings drawn by Su Chen are so familiar.

An old employee shouted with a slap on his thigh.

“Special! Isn’t this just the tank chassis? ”

As soon as this old employee said it, several other old employees in their fifties and sixties also suddenly realized.

They were all employees of other factories more than 20 years ago, and only in recent years have they come to Changhong Tractor Factory

In the past, factories would produce many military products.

And they have also been exposed to a lot of munitions.

At present, this familiar shape is not the appearance of tanks that used to be produced in military factories.

“It turned out to be this thing, it’s not too simple.”

An old employee said abruptly.

“That’s definitely a hand-to-hand catch.”

“I still don’t recognize this thing?”

For a while, these people said that it was easy to get it.

After all, for them, the experience of producing tanks in the past remains in their brains for just too long, and they can’t remember it at first glance at the drawings.

If they hadn’t been reminded, they wouldn’t have thought about it in that direction.

Because the tank model of this drawing drawn by Su Chen is far from what it is now.

Now domestic tanks are already very advanced.

“This old antique, who will buy it?”

An old employee couldn’t help but mutter.

The style Su Chen painted was a little too antique.

Even when they produced tanks at military factories more than twenty years ago, this was an old model of machine.

At this time, the old employees really can’t think of any country that still uses it.

Perhaps only the countries of the black continent will not pick it, this kind of old antique.

Several older employees discussed with each other, and the other younger employees were obviously very puzzled.

“What tank? Is this shape actually a tank? ”

They were relatively young, and the oldest appearance of the tank they saw was more advanced than this drawing drawn by Su Chen.

Therefore, these young employees did not realize at first that what Su Chen drew was actually a tank.

After the suggestions of the 25 veteran workers, these young employees understood.

“This style is also too old.”

“What tank would make it like this now!”

For a while, everyone was talking about it.

Su Chen saw that they had an idea and did not mention it again.

After all, what he wants is the effect, no matter how these employees understand it, as long as it can be reproduced according to the drawing, it is enough.

When it comes to such an old and antique thing, only the old employees in their fifties and sixties can still say a few words.

Other young employees could only slap their hands and stare.

After all, they also did not have experience in the production of such old tanks in the past.

The old employees really raised their eyebrows at this moment, and they studied the drawings enthusiastically.

“The tracks here should be made of old-fashioned track designs, which can still be made with the current production line of our factory.”

“I see that these compound wheels only need hubs, and since the director of the plant requires the construction of an old-fashioned tank, there is no need to put components other than the production hub.”

“Since it is necessary to change the shape of an old tank, then the upper part of the tractor must also be changed.”

“Let’s change it according to the current production line of our factory, the shape has changed too much, and we will not be able to produce it at that time.”

The first person, the next life.

Originally, these old employees thought that the drawings drawn by Su Chen would be very difficult to understand, but they did not expect that these just bumped into the parts they were good at.

Therefore, the mood of the old employees is particularly excited.

They want to reflect their value and show it to Su Chen.

This shows that Su Chen bought the tractor factory, not to spend money wrongly.

It also shows their backbone as a tractor factory, the last remaining workers.

They kept holding their breath, feeling that if it weren’t for the bad environment now, they would definitely be able to produce all the products.

With this breath in their hearts, they began to ponder the design drawings vigorously.

Seeing that they were discussing so seriously and focusing on it, Su Chen didn’t bother more.

“The idea given by this drawing is enough, we will produce the tractor required by the director in a few days!”

“No problem, my old bone can drive the night train again!”

Su Chen turned and left, hearing the voices of the old backbones shouting there, he was very satisfied.

The old employees of these tractor factories are doing a good job.

Su Chen took out the design drawings, and they quickly reacted to what they wanted to produce

It’s just that they still don’t understand Su Chen’s painstaking efforts in producing civilian supplies.

It must be said that tanks are produced.

Can a tractor with a track be called a tank?

Su Chen shook his head, feeling that these employees of the tractor factory still had room for improvement.

Even young employees who do not understand do their best to help older employees develop drawings as early as possible.

In the production hall, everyone is enthusiastically pondering all the areas on the design drawings that can be optimized.

Seeing that the enthusiasm of the workers was so high, Su Chen felt that it would not be long before he could get the tractor.

Don’t look at the drawings he drew so simple, things are not important whether they are old or new, the right is the most important.

The production of things is mainly based on customer needs, rather than blindly piling up materials.

At the beginning of Su Chen’s design of products, he did not intend to produce these things so sophisticated.

He knows exactly what his customers are, and naturally what their needs are.

Whether the product is high or not and whether it is grade or not is secondary, mainly depends on what the customer needs.

The needs of customers are the most important places for products.

Su Chen believes that with his design, it can definitely meet the needs of Kadazuo.

After he left the tractor factory, he instructed the driver to send him back to the rolling mill.

The mill driver waited outside for a while, and without the order of the director, he would not leave casually.

Although the drawing drawn by Su Chen is simple, there are some technical difficulties that need to be adjusted, and he estimates that it will take at least two or three days for the tractor factory to produce a prototype.

During this period, Su Chen was not idle, and he also had to arrange the production tasks of the rolling mill.

The part produced by the tractor factory was solved, and it was also necessary to cover the outside with a layer of skin.

This layer of steel sheet needs to be produced by a rolling mill.

Therefore, Su Chen did not plan to go back to rest, but directly returned to the rolling mill, and Su Chen went straight to Assistant Zhang as soon as he got off the car.

“Assistant Zhang, where are the newly recruited employees in our factory?”

Assistant Zhang quickly took Su Chen to the production line of the new plant.

Because Su Chen did not explain what he wanted these new employees to do, Assistant Zhang only arranged for them to familiarize themselves with the machines on the production line and the products they were producing now

In the past two days of recruitment, the new employees have adapted well, the operation steps of the machine are not complicated, and they have to do extremely simple work.

As a result, many of the new employees are already proficient in operating the machine.

The pressure on the production line is also greatly reduced.

Su Chen strode forward and came to the door of the new employee.

These new employees have just been recruited and are not yet familiar with the production line, and although they can already work with the journeymen, they are still a little rusty.

So they can’t do too complicated work.

Su Chen did not intend to find a backbone elite among these employees, and the reason why he recruited so many people was because of the shortage of many basic labor.

For example, he is about to arrange for new employees to do something.

“From today, you will be producing 20 mm thick steel plates in this plant.”

Su Chen said as he took out the design drawings drawn on the road and took them to the blackboard.

“The shape of the steel pipe is very simple, just need to produce it like this.”

The 20mm thick steel plate can be easily handled with one press of the machine.

Even if they don’t have much contact with the machines in the factory, new employees can quickly get started.

The shape of these steel plates is also not complicated, as long as the cutting machine on the production line cuts a little.

No matter what work these laid-off workers were doing before, it was very simple to complete Su Chen’s fifty-millimeter steel plate modeling requirements.

Fortunately, there are many skilled workers in the factory, as long as the old brings the new, in less than half a day, these new employees can also skillfully use the machines on the production line.

The new employees were very excited to see Su Chen appear.

Although they didn’t know Su Chen’s face, they knew Assistant Zhang.

After all, Assistant Zhang is responsible for applying, so most of the new employees almost recognize Assistant Zhang’s appearance.

Seeing him respectfully following Su Chen, the new employees quickly guessed Su Chen’s identity.

This is the famous rolling mill director who spread throughout Sijiu City.

The moment they saw Su Chen, many people’s eyes showed admiration.

There is only one in Four Nine City.

Therefore, the new employees all looked at Su Chen with burning eyes.

They know that as soon as they enter the rolling mill, their future life will be secure

From the time they entered the factory to now, they have also chatted a lot with the old employees of the rolling mill.

After knowing that the treatment of the old employees of the rolling mill was only recently mentioned, their minds were also much more active.

New employees are catching up with the good times and can earn higher wages if they work hard.

And with Su Chen’s ability to pull large orders, they are not worried at all that the rolling mill will face the doom of bankruptcy again.

Su Chen had no idea that these employees were more worried about the collapse of the rolling mill than himself.

After he arranged the modeling drawings, he stood by and observed the new employees’ actions.

The new employees received a short training session and gained an initial understanding of the machines on the production line.

Therefore, there is no need to arrange for old employees to teach them how to use these kinds of machines, and they will quickly get started.

After seeing Su Chen’s styling requirements, they quickly arranged everyone on the production line.

Several team leaders who commanded the new employees were veterans of the rolling mill, who were also more familiar with the arrangement of the production line and quickly sorted out the team.

The reason why Su Chen is ready to sell this backward, stupid and black “tractor” to Kadazuo is that he believes that this “tractor” can help Kadazuo better develop agriculture.

He is also not a person who wants to come out one by one, and the reason why he chose to do this is to consider the local situation in the Black Continent.

The black continent is fertile and very suitable for farming, with very few mountainous areas and more vast plains.

Therefore, this old-fashioned “tractor” is more suitable for use on the black continent. As for the simple and rough production, this was also intentional by Su Chen.

Judging from the current production situation of the Black Continent, if he wants to send the new “tractor” over, it will be difficult to ensure the production efficiency of the “tractor”.

And the old-fashioned “tractor” also has a plus. That is, it is very convenient to repair the 817.

Of course, the simpler the structure, the less likely it is to break.

Su Chen believes that the “tractors” and “tractors” produced by their factory will definitely satisfy Kadazo.

Thinking about this, Su Chen looked at the scene of the new employees producing hotly, and nodded and left with satisfaction.

Don’t look at these new employees are all new hands, but after simple training and the guidance of old employees, they are enough to make products on the production line.

Seeing Su Chen leave, the new employees dared to speak.

“What is the director of the factory suddenly asking us to produce this strange thing?”

“Could it be that our factory has received another big order to sell these to other countries, such as eagle sauce?”

“Stop dreaming, every day comes to the big order.”

The new employees couldn’t help but whisper as they operated the machine.

The old employees are also full of curiosity at this moment.

But they stopped the new employee’s distraction and shouted.

“We don’t need to worry about the director of the factory, you can just do the work under you.”

“Don’t put this chatter on hold, these are piecework wages, you do one less, then there will be a few cents less, and you have to continue to talk clearly.”

Hearing the team leader say this, the new employees quickly silenced and buried their heads in hard work.

They were laid off without jobs and came to a factory with good benefits like a rolling mill, but they didn’t want to make no money because they chatted a little more.

Who doesn’t have a few mouths waiting to eat?

Seeing that the new employees were settling down and working hard, the old employees were satisfied.

These newcomers have been treated so well since they arrived, and the old employees have endured many years of hardship to get to where they are today.

Therefore, they also have a sense of superiority of their predecessors.

These days, staring at the new employees at work, the old employees also have a bit of a shelf on them.

Fortunately, although the treatment of new employees is also good, no one can surpass the old employees.

Therefore, the old employees are not very exclusive.

It’s just that a large number of new people poured into the rolling mill, which also caused a little sense of crisis in the hearts of the old employees.

If they don’t work well in the factory to meet the production targets, maybe they will also be fired.

After all, now that the times have changed, the factory has also changed its owner, and if they cannot meet Su Chen’s production requirements, they may lose this job.

In order to make money and continue to work in the rolling mill, these old employees are working harder than one.

With the leading role of old employees, new employees naturally dare not be lazy and work hard.

For a while, in the rolling mill, the atmosphere in the workshop was very harmonious.

No matter what everyone’s thoughts are, the hot look of the current work is quite the passion of the past…

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