To be honest, if he hadn't watched the original drama and knew the next plot, He Yuzhu would have felt that Cui Dake had no possibility of entering the machine repair branch at all, as his apprentice Zhang Shengli thought, and thought that everything he did was in vain.

However, He Yuzhu understands that Cui Dake, a villain, is really capable, because the machine repair branch attaches great importance to this pig named "Xiao Zhuang", so that Cui Dake, who sent the pig, successfully met all the leaders of the branch, and because the branch could not find someone who could kill the pig, Cui Dake, who volunteered, had a chance to perform.

Although Cui Dake did not perform well because of the pig killing, he was able to stay in the machine repair shop for a few more days.

And Cui Dake finally seized the opportunity smoothly, and in the past few days, he continued to befriend various leaders, and finally relied on the ability to get all kinds of scarce materials from the countryside to the machine repair factory, so that Liu Feng and others agreed to stay in the machine repair factory canteen as temporary workers first, and then it didn't take long to get the status of a regular worker.

It can be said that if Cui Dake hadn't done a lot of bad things later, but with this, he was really good, and it could be regarded as a counterattack by a small person.

Of course, after He Yuzhu heard that Cui Dake had an uncle who was a leader in the commune, he also understood that although Cui Dake was a peasant, he was not really the lowest person, and he still had a bit of a background.

Also, in the original play, it was introduced that Cui Dake's reputation in the countryside is very bad, not only is he idle, he doesn't work well, but he often knocks on the widow's door, such a person can send pigs to the machinery factory on behalf of the commune, and it is absolutely impossible for no one to help and support him.

Presumably, the reason why Cui Dake has been able to get so many materials in the original play must be inseparable from his uncle, who is the leader of the commune.

Thinking of this, He Yuzhu couldn't help but think about whether to stop Cui Dake before he went to the machine repair branch, so that the rest of the story would not develop like the original drama.

But He Yuzhu quickly thought that with Cui Dake's person, since he had identified the machine repair branch, he could destroy it for a while, but it was impossible to keep an eye on Cui Dake, maybe he couldn't go this time, and he would find an opportunity to quietly go to the machine repair branch afterwards, and there was a high probability that he might still join the machine repair factory.

In addition, He Yuzhu considered that he had inquired about Cui Dake and others for no reason, if he made another move, this matter would definitely not be hidden, and then it was likely to cause others to be suspicious of him.

Although this will not affect him much, he also does not want others to focus on him because of this.

Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, He Yuzhu gave up on making a move on Cui Dake first, but he had a new idea, that is, after Cui Dake joined the machine repair factory, he found a reason to transfer Nan Yi, Ding Qiunan and Liang Ladi to the main factory.

In this case, as long as the four of them don't work in the same place, then even if Cui Dake calculates, it is estimated that he will not be able to be with Ding Qiunan like in the original play, and the tragedy of Liang Ladi will be avoided.

Da Mao and other children are so sensible, He Yuzhu can't bear to watch them have accidents one by one like in the original play.

In the end, He Yuzhu, who had made a decision, directly sent Zhang Shengli, who was extremely curious, which made Zhang Shengli itchy and helpless at the same time, after all, he couldn't force He Yuzhu to tell him the reason for everything!

On the side of the machine repair branch, just like in the original play, when the big truck pulling the big fat pig of "Xiao ~ Zhuang" was about to arrive, Liu Feng, the factory director who got the news, immediately went to the radio room excitedly and personally announced the news of "Xiao Zhuang is coming" to everyone, requiring everyone except for some necessary personnel to gather in the factory canteen and hold a general meeting of all employees.

This news made the male workers who were originally lining up at the door of the infirmary in groups to let Ding Qiunan, the factory flower of the machine repair factory, be inspected and inspected, and they were immediately so excited that they couldn't bother to look at Ding Qiunan, a big beauty, and they began to think about running to the factory gate.

In the blink of an eye, only Ding Qiunan and Nan Yi were left in the originally overcrowded infirmary.

Ding Qiunan saw the people who ran all at once, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief and began to clean up silently, and he didn't notice that Nan Yi was still outside the door.

At this moment, although Ding Qiunan's face remained calm, her heart was also excited, after all, she had eaten coarse tea and light rice for several years, and she couldn't wait to eat some meat to satisfy her hunger, but in view of her identity and the girl's reserve, she did not show any joy.

Anyway, she also knew that the pigs were coming, and this meat would definitely be indispensable to her. At this time, the sudden voice behind him frightened Ding Qiunan again.

"Doctor Ding, don't close the stall, there are still people here. "

Ding Qiunan looked back and saw that it was Nan Yi, and she didn't pay attention to him at all, because she knew very well that Nan Yi came to her to see a doctor, and her mind was the same as that of other men in the factory, and they were all beating her attention.

However, compared with other men, Nan Yi's good cooking skills and often bring her some delicious food still make Ding Qiunan have more good feelings for Nan Yi than other men.

As for liking, that's not yet.

Ding Qiunan's mind is now on taking the medical university entrance examination, and he has no idea of getting married.

Later, she was rejected many times by the factory, and she was not allowed to go to university, she knew that there was not much hope, coupled with the difficulties of life, so she had feelings for Nan Yi.

As a result, Cui Dake, who was targeted at her, destroyed the relationship between the two again and again, and was finally lost by Cui Dake's calculations, so he could only choose to follow Cui Dake and spent a decades-long but unhappy married life.

Of course, all this, the current Ding Qiunan still doesn't know anything about it, she is packing up her things, listening to Nan Yi's words behind her, and can only sit down and take Nan Yi's temperature....

At the same time, Cui Dake, who sat on the top of the big truck and entered the machine repair branch, looked at the team standing in two rows at the gate, dressed very festively, beating gongs and drums for their arrival, showing a very happy team, and the long crowd behind, he couldn't help but wave his hand to greet everyone at the same time, his face was also full of happy smiles.

Through such a welcoming scene, Cui Dake has realized that compared with the heavy industry machinery factory that did not specially arrange a welcome ceremony for the arrival of more than a dozen pigs yesterday, compared to the general factory workers who also came to see the pigs but were not excited, based on what they see now, it is obvious that the life of this machine repair branch is not good, and there is really a shortage of meat here.

Therefore, Cui Dake understands that his opportunity has come, and believes that as long as he promises the leaders here that he can get a lot of materials every month, it should be possible to stay here, and it will not be like the machinery factory, there is no chance at all.

Although Cui Dake also knows that this place is not as good as the machinery factory, but for him who wants to stay in the city, he knows that he can't enter the machinery factory now, and he can recognize the reality clearly, and it is not easy to be ambitious.

Cui Dake plans to seize this opportunity first, and after becoming a worker in the machine repair branch, he will find a chance to see if he can be transferred to the larger general factory of the machinery factory.

Thinking of this, Cui Dake, who had been hit in the machinery factory, was instantly full of confidence, and he began to think about how he should persuade the leaders of the machine repair branch to let him stay here .......

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