
Lu Cheng looked at his subject’s graceful and heroic dancing with relish, clapping his palms from time to time.

Other colleagues were envious of Reba having someone to accompany offstage.

Reba also rehearsed particularly vigorously.

About ten minutes later, Reba came over after the rehearsal.

“Hard work!” Lu Cheng stood up and took out a tissue to wipe Reba’s sweat.

“They have such a good relationship!”

Reba’s colleague was fed dog food again, “Woohoo! I want to talk about the object too! ”


“By the way, does Brother Lu have an older brother or younger brother?”

One of the female colleagues asked expectantly.

The other female colleagues’ eyes also lit up, “Yes?” Have it? Does anyone know? ”

“Nope! I asked! Zhang Xiaoyun shook his head and said.

“Shh It’s a pity! ”

Reba glanced back at her colleague and said with a smile, “They all like you!” ”

“It’s not because of you, Aiya and U, but it doesn’t matter if they like me or not, you just like it!”

“Of course I like you! You’re my object! By the way, what do you think of our rehearsals? ”

“Very good!”


“Of course it’s true, everything from line dancing to song selection is top-notch!”

“Hearing you say that, I have confidence!

This year, the New Year

The city will hold a party to celebrate the Chinese New Year

Our literary troupe received a notice

Send at least five programs to the election

There was still a singing show left, and I was so worried that my hair turned white! ”

Reba pouted, grumbling to her subject.

Chinese New Year Gala?

At present, television sets have not yet become widely available

Naturally, there will be no Spring Festival Gala that everyone is familiar with in the future

However, a similar party is held in Beijing every year, but it is not broadcast on television.

Seeing his girlfriend’s troubles, Lu Cheng wanted to help solve the problem, “Is there any requirement for this song?” ”

“Of course there are requirements, otherwise, many people in our group will sing, I will also sing, just report a singing program at will, it is not easy to have requirements.”

The requirement is to include ethnic minority elements

The content is positive,

It is conducive to national unity and harmony

It is best to link it with national defense and inspire people of all ethnic groups in the country to actively join the army!

This is stumping us! ”

Reba had a pitiful expression on her face.

“Songs that meet this kind of requirements are really hard to find!” Lu Cheng said.

“Not really! I have a headache! ”

Reba flattened her mouth, she likes to be coquettish in front of her boyfriend, this scene can only be seen by Lu Cheng, in front of colleagues, no matter how great difficulties she encounters, she will not show it.

“Since it’s hard to find, I’ll write you one!”

Lu Cheng said, trying to search for songs in the future.

“Brother Cheng, you can still write songs?” Reba’s surprised look, and her rosy little mouth were slightly open because of shock, which was very tempting.

“I’ll try! Is there a blank piece of paper and pen? ”

“Xiaoqing, you go find a blank piece of paper and pencil!”


Not long after, Xiaoqing came over with a pen and paper.

“Thank you!” Lu Cheng said with a smile.

“You’re welcome!”

Lu Cheng recalled carefully and began to write.

Reba bent over and watched.

“What is the object of the squad leader writing?” Xiaoqing also came over curiously to take a look.

Colleagues saw the squad leader and Xiaoqing watching Lu Cheng, felt curious, and also walked over.

Under Lu Cheng’s pen, on the white paper, a sentence of lyrics is emerging

“Kerim joined the army and went to the outpost

Before leaving, he planted a grape

The girl from the orchard oh Anarkhan

Carefully nurture this green seedling

Yes! Snow water was brought to water it

Set up that pergola to let the sun shine

Grape roots take root in fertile soil

Long vines are wrapped around my heart

Long vines are wrapped around my heart

The vineyard has experienced several spring winds and rains

The little seedlings have grown strong and tall

When the branches are full of fruit

There was good news of Crimea’s meritorious service

Yes! Girl, looking at the snowy mountain outpost

Removed bunches of sweet grapes

The grapes of Turpan are ripe

Anarkhan’s heart was drunk

Anarkhan’s heart was drunk

The grapes of Turpan are ripe

Anarkhan’s heart was drunk

Anarhan’s heart is drunk, his heart is drunk”

Reba looked at the lyrics, her eyes getting brighter and brighter, and in terms of the lyrics alone, it was completely in line with the requirements.

“This lyric is so good!”

“I didn’t expect the object of the class president to write lyrics

The onlookers were also amazed

However, in order to avoid affecting Lu Cheng, who is fully focused on writing the lyrics,

None of them made a sound, either whispering to their sisters’ ears or making their mouths.

Soon, Lu Chengcheng finished writing.

In his previous life, Lu Chengcheng liked this song very much

The musical language is fresh and lively, and the style is warm and magnificent

The melody of the song is gentle and melodious, and the lyrics are sincere and moving

Rich in national characteristics and life atmosphere

Listening to it makes people feel surging, spirited, and patriotic.

Perfect for this era!

Now because of the need, Lu Cheng can only let this heirloom song come out early:

“This song tells the love story of a Uighur girl named Anarkhan and Crime, who is stationed at the border checkpoint, expressing their passionate patriotism while also singing about their pure and simple love!”

“It’s so well written!”

“What a beautiful love story!”

“I want to be in love!”

“It must be nice to sing!”

“Is there a tune?”

Reba and the other women were very excited and excited.

“Yes, this song is suitable for singing with mezzo-soprano, I will simply sing a few words, throw bricks and lead jade!”

After Lu Cheng finished speaking, he sang according to the melody of the song composed by later generations

When I checked in the other day, I got a master-level singing skill, so I didn’t sing at all.

And here’s what it turns out

As soon as Lu Cheng spoke, all the female comrades present, including Reba, widened their eyes and were completely shocked, looking at Lu Cheng’s gaze, full of adoration.

“What kind of genius is my object? Can you write such a beautiful song? The love in Reba’s eyes burst wildly.

“Oh my God! The object of the squad leader is too good, is it really an engineer? It’s no exaggeration to say that he is a national treasure singer! ”

“Woohoo! It’s so nice! I want to cry! I want an object! I want Crimea! ”


After Lu Cheng finished singing, the empty auditorium immediately broke out into warm applause.

“This song is so good! Brother Cheng, is it written for me? Thank you, I love you! Reba couldn’t control her excitement and threw herself into Lu Cheng’s arms with tears in her eyes.

Suddenly, the applause skyrocketed!

There were no female colleagues present who were not touched and envied, and some female colleagues even had red eyes!


Love is so beautiful, I want it!


PS: Salute

“The Grapes of Turpan Are Ripe” is a song written by Qu Cong, composed by Shi Guangnan, and sung by Luo Tianchan.

It’s very good and very old, and those who are interested can go and listen to it!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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