The original neat line,

Because he found out that the compiler of “Introduction to Engineers” turned out to be Director Lu, he was too shocked and fell into chaos.

No one noticed that two sneaky workers took advantage of this opportunity to blend into the ranks.

It turned out that both workers had registered for the second round of assessments

When I heard the radio announcing the interview, I flinched and did not dare to come over

Now I heard that as long as you register, you can enter the second round, and I immediately regret


At this time, seeing the chaos in the team, he felt that there was an opportunity to take advantage of it, and immediately took advantage of it.

“What are you doing? Hurry up and get in line! ”

Hearing the movement outside, Lu Cheng’s temporary assistant walked out to maintain order.

The scene quickly returned to normal and lined up again.

The two workers who were fishing in troubled waters were a little nervous at first, and when they saw that the workers before and after them only glanced at them, they did not show a strange expression, and it seemed that they did not find it, so they were relieved.

In the office.

“Director Lu is good!” Wang Zhifan, a worker and neighbor, walked in.

“Zhifan, hard work is rewarded, keep up the good work!” Lu Cheng handed the book to Wang Zhifan, and he had a good impression of this neighbor who stayed up late to endorse.

Wang Zhifan was encouraged by Lu Cheng and was very happy.

After a while, I saw an acquaintance of the fifth-level worker Weng Aijun.

A few days ago, under the guidance of Lu Cheng, Weng Aijun repaired the machinery that Yi Zhonghai could not repair, and became famous.

The leader of the workshop where he was located tried his best to keep him and promised to reuse him, but he still refused and insisted on becoming Lu Cheng’s apprentice.

The leader of the workshop was not angry, so he said that if he did not take it as an apprentice, he would come back and still use it.

In short, since repairing that machine, everything has been quite smooth, and Lu Cheng has become more respectful and adored.

After Weng Aijun received the “Introduction to Engineers”, he plucked up the courage and asked, “Director Lu, can you help me sign my name!” ”

This is the first worker to make a signature request.

Maybe other workers thought about it, but didn’t dare to bring it up?

“There is a chance! If you can be my apprentice, there will be a signature! Lu Cheng said with a faint smile.

Weng Aijun was a little disappointed at first, but soon became firm in his gaze and said with a strong desire, “Director Lu, I will definitely become your apprentice!” ”

“Good! Come on! ”

Lu Cheng smiled slightly.

After sending books to a few more people, Lu Cheng said to his assistant, “Come on!” ”

“Okay! Director Lu! The assistant nodded and took over the work.

Lu Cheng was drinking tea with Director Yang on the side.

Suddenly, Lu Cheng noticed that one of the workers in the team looked a little nervous and still faceless, and he couldn’t help but pay some special attention.

Finally it was the turn of this worker.

The man did not dare to look at the gaze of the assistant.

Just as he was about to receive the book, Lu Cheng spoke, “Wait, what’s your name?” ”

The worker was taken aback, “I, my name is Yue Baoming!” ”

“A few workshops!”

“Five workshops!”

“Registration is available!

“Yes! Some! ”

“When did you come and line up!”

“I, I was late with diarrhea just now, so…” Yue Baoming’s forehead broke out with sweat, and he was very surprised in his heart, realizing that he had been discovered, but he didn’t understand how Director Lu found out?

“If you’re late, you won’t have a chance! This is the rule! The assistant said with a straight face, if Director Lu hadn’t found out, he would have almost been fished by this guy in troubled waters, this is a dereliction of duty, naturally very unhappy.

“Sorry! I’m sorry! Yue Baoming blushed, turned around and walked out.

One of the workers in the group was also frightened and ran away.

“Two want to fish along the water!” The assistant frowned.

The eyes of the plant director who was watching from the side lit up, and he asked curiously, “Director Lu, how did you find that person is fishing in troubled waters!” ”

“I remember the faces of the fifty people present, including their order in line! Therefore, in front of me, if you want to fish in troubled waters, there is no existence! Lu Cheng said lightly.


When everyone present heard this, they were stunned.

However, although it seems strange, no one doubts it.

Because the person who said this was none other than Chief Engineer Lu, the youngest engineer since the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

Such a person must be a genius, and it is normal for any miracle to happen to him!

Actually, before that,

The workers all felt that the reason why Lu Cheng let others memorize a more than 100-page “Fitter Application Manual” in three days was because he could do it himself.

Now, I heard that Director Lu could actually remember the faces of the fifty workers present and their order of queuing

Once again confirmed their private speculation – Director Lu has the ability to never forget.

Looking at Director Lu’s gaze, he couldn’t help but admire it even more, and he was more eager to become Director Lu’s apprentice.

A famous master is a high apprentice!

Who wouldn’t want to be the next engineer!

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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