Finally finished drawing.

Lu Cheng put down the pencil and when he stood up, he was stunned.

On the chair next to him sat a big beauty, who was none other than Reba.

“Reba, when did you come in, I was so addicted to drawing drawings that I didn’t even know you were coming, why didn’t you wake me up!”

Lu Cheng walked over with a look of surprise and held Reba’s little hand.

“Seeing you so focused, I can’t bear to disturb you, I’ll be fine later!” By the way, congratulations on your promotion, Chief Engineer Lu, Director Lu, there is such a happy thing, are you going to have dinner tonight? ”

Reba said with a grin.

“The happiest thing for me is to see you!”

Reba listened to Lu Cheng’s words, and looked at Lu Cheng with affection in her heart like she had eaten the sweetest honey, “Me too!” ”

Lu Cheng hugged Reba.

Reba was a little nervous at first, but soon relaxed and hugged Lu Cheng as well.

The two hugged each other like this, but they felt extremely satisfied.

“Shhh! Reba’s figure is too good to exaggerate! ”

“I didn’t expect to be held by Brother Cheng, I felt so comfortable!”

A hug is about ten minutes.

If it weren’t for Reba’s stomach grumbling in protest.

The two didn’t know when they were going to hug each other.

“Brother Cheng, how long are you going to hold me!”

“I’m going to hold it for the rest of my life!”

“Exactly! But I’m hungry now! ”

“Then let’s go eat first!”

Lu Cheng let go of Reba.

Start packing up the drawings on the table.

“Brother Cheng, what are you drawing?”

“Design drawings for a new rolling mill!”

“Wow! Rolling mill, you can also design ah, so powerful! Reba’s big beautiful eyes were wide and adoring.

Lu Cheng listened to the object’s praise, and he was very proud.

After packing up the design drawings.

Lu Cheng and Reba walked out of the office.

When I came to the factory gate.

Reba deliberately waved thanks to the members of the security section who were guarding the door, “Thank you for taking me to my partner just now!” ”

“You’re welcome, this is what I should be!”

The members of the security section said happily.

“What a manly and female-looking!”

He watched Lu Cheng ride away with the object, and he was sincerely envious.

Lu Cheng brought the object to the Red Star State-run Hotel.

I thought that the target, as a Uighur, would eat many differences, so I let the object order.

Unexpectedly, except for not eating pork, everything else is no different.

Reba is very economical and does not like extravagance and waste.

The two people only ordered two dishes of one meat and one vegetarian, and they were also full.

The more Lu Cheng gets along with Reba, the more he finds her good.

“Be sure to marry Reba home to her daughter-in-law as soon as possible!” Lu Cheng decided to give a dowry before the New Year.

After dinner, Lu Cheng drove the object to Shichahai to play.

It wasn’t until half past eight that Reba was sent home.

Before parting, make an appointment to go to her house.

“This is what I gave you!” Lu Cheng took out a beautiful box.

“What is it?” If it’s too expensive, I can’t ask for it! ”

Reba’s tutor is very good, even if the object, before getting married, too expensive gifts, can not be wanted.

“Perfume, not expensive, you take it!”

Reba was pleasantly surprised when she heard the perfume, let Lu Cheng hold the box, took out the exquisite perfume bottle, and then dripped a drop on the back of Bai Nen’s hand and put it on her nose to smell.

“Wow! Fragrant but not strong, it is still the taste I like! Brother Cheng, you also smell it! Reba was very happy and extended her snow-white little hand in front of Lu Cheng’s nose.

Lu Cheng sniffed, “It’s so fragrant!” I knew it was for you! ”

“Brother Cheng, thank you for the gift, I like it very much! However, I’ve been too busy lately to prepare a gift for you, I’m sorry! ”

Reba looked at the object pitifully, full of guilt.

“It’s okay! Your presence is, for me, the best gift! Lu Cheng touched the dark and smooth hair of the hot ba and said lovingly.

Reba thought for a while, her face was slightly red, “Brother Cheng, you close your eyes!” ”

Lu Cheng was slightly stunned, thinking why Reba let herself close her eyes?

But he still obediently closed his eyes.

Reba plucked up his courage and first kissed his palm, and then printed it on Lu Cheng’s mouth.

“All right! I’ve returned your gift, bye! ”

Reba didn’t even dare to look at Lu Cheng, waved his hand and turned around and trotted away.

“What kind of gift is this?” Lu Cheng didn’t react at first.

Soon, the aroma coming from his lips, Reba’s shy look, made Lu Cheng wake up, Reba should have kissed his palm first, and then printed it on his mouth, which can be regarded as an indirect kiss.

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng was already satisfied and pleasantly surprised.

As for premarital kisses?

That’s a fantasy.

In this era, before marriage, if you want to kiss your partner, it is simply a dream, not impossible, rarely rare, and such a woman is either silly and sweet, or not serious.

And Reba is still a Uighur, with their culture, let alone think about it.

Therefore, indirect kissing is already the greatest intimate act Reba can do because she loves herself too much.

“This gift is so precious!” Lu Cheng looked at the street where Reba disappeared in the distance, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

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