Director Li smiled next to him and said, “Although the design drawing of this new sawing machine was designed by Lu Cheng, the eighth-grade Gongwang master has seen it and said that there is no problem!” ”

When Engineer Zhao heard this, he was even more disgusted, and muttered in his heart: “Eighth-grade worker? It’s a fart! What about what he saw? ”

However, Engineer Zhao originally glanced at it casually.

Just, just such a glance,

Engineer Zhao immediately saw that the level of this design drawing was not simple, and couldn’t help but look at it one by one.

Director Li and Director Yang patiently waited for Engineer Zhao to finish reading it, and they could do it.

Director Li looked at the expression on Engineer Zhao’s face carefully, hoping that he could see what clues could be seen from it.

About a minute later.

“This design drawing will not work! It’s whimsical! Critical parts cannot be manufactured at the level of the factory! ”

Engineer Zhao said lightly.

He himself could not design this new sawing machine, nor did he want to be designed by a second-level worker, otherwise he would not be a joke in the factory.

“It’s a pity!”

Since Engineer Zhao said no, it just can’t.

Director Yang and Director Li left disappointed.

Third workshop.

Team leader Zhou returned with the design drawings and said regretfully, “Engineer Zhao said that your design drawings don’t work, and the factory doesn’t plan to manufacture them!” ”

Master Wang was also a little disappointed at once

However, he still has great respect for Engineer Zhao, and feels that it must be Engineer Zhao who sees the flaws in the design drawings, so he said no, after all, people are engineers are really awesome, and it is normal to see that they have not found problems.

“Doesn’t it work?” The corners of Lu Cheng’s mouth raised, revealing contempt, but he didn’t say much.

Master Wang comforted Lu Cheng not to be disappointed and was optimistic about his design ability.

Lu Cheng said it was okay.

In the afternoon.

Lu Cheng knew that Master Wang had the right to use the dilapidated and discarded machinery in the warehouse, so he asked Master Wang for it.

Master Wang didn’t ask Lu Cheng what he was doing, and readily agreed.

Near the end of the day.

Team leader Zhou announced, “Overtime starts tomorrow, don’t work overtime today, rest well, work hard tomorrow, be sure to complete the order!” ”

As soon as he finished speaking, the workers of the third workshop immediately cheered.

After work, the workers in the third workshop all left.

As long as Lu Cheng stayed.

It was busy until very late.

Simply slept in the factory.

The next morning.

The first worker to enter the factory was surprised to see Lu Cheng sleeping on the machine tool.

“Lu Cheng, did you sleep in the workshop last night? It’s too curly! ”

Lu Cheng woke up wiping his eyes and grinning, “I’m used to it!” ”

Indeed, Lu Cheng is used to it, he often does this before crossing, anyway, there is no daughter-in-law at home, no one, where to sleep is different.

The worker colleague gave a thumbs up, “Good, the worker pacesetter evaluation at the end of this year, I vote for you!” ”

“Thank you!”

Soon the workers in the factory knew that Lu Cheng worked overnight in the factory last night and did not go home, and they were very impressed.

This matter also reached Master Wang’s ears.

Master Wang asked Lu Cheng not to fight like this and pay attention to his body.

Team leader Zhou over there also knew about Lu Cheng’s overtime last night, and he was very happy, if the workers in the workshop were so conscious, he wouldn’t have to work so hard, and the yield rate of production capacity and parts would also have the opportunity to surpass the first workshop, and also taste the first taste.

As usual, the bell rings for going to work.

After Team Leader Zhou gave the workers some mental mobilization, he dispersed the meeting and let the workers start to rush to work.

Due to the tight tasks, other workers worked nervously as soon as they returned to their posts.

Team leader Zhou was satisfied when he saw it.

When his gaze fell on Lu Cheng, he was stunned for a moment.

“Hey, this Lu Cheng is not working, is he drawing and designing again?”

Team leader Zhou thought that Lu Cheng was not dead set on yesterday’s design drawings, and he was still messing with it.

In fact, Team Leader Zhou also had high hopes for yesterday’s design drawings, but Engineer Zhao said that it didn’t work, it just didn’t work, and it would be a waste of time to get it again.

In fact, if it weren’t for the tight schedule of this batch of parts, he wouldn’t care about Lu Cheng’s design, what if he succeeded?

But now that the task of the order is so tight, Team Leader Zhou can’t let Lu Cheng waste time in this regard.

Had to walk over.

“Lu Cheng, engage in design, I support you very much, but I hope you complete the order task assigned to you first!”

Lu Cheng listened to Team Leader Zhou’s words, turned around and said, “The order task, I have completed it!” ”


Team Leader Zhou showed surprise.

Order completed?

How could it be so fast?

Lu Cheng smiled, took Team Leader Zhou to the place where the finished parts were stored, and pointed out, “It’s all here!” ”

Team Leader Zhou quickly picked it up and looked at it, shocked again!

These parts fully meet the requirements of production.

Such a large amount, it was done overnight?

How did Lu Cheng do it?

Master Wang, who came back from the toilet, also came over, listened to the words of the two, and quickly picked up the parts to see.

“The quality of this part is really good, the quality is so good, and it is so fast, how did you do it?” Master Wang was also amazed and a little unbelievable.

“In fact, it is not that difficult, with the sawing machine I built, every worker can do it, not only fast, but also the yield rate is increased by more than three or four times!”

Lu Cheng said as he pulled open an oilcloth.

Master Wang and Team Leader Zhou immediately saw a sawing machine with a shabby appearance, but somewhat familiar.

“What’s going on with this sawing machine?”

Team Leader Zhou wondered.

“Didn’t I design a new sawing machine yesterday? Since the factory did not approve the development, I had to make it myself from discarded old mechanical parts! ”

Lu Cheng said lightly, as if it was a very simple and normal thing.

“What? Lu Cheng, you use old mechanical parts to make a new sawing machine? How did you do it? Didn’t Engineer Zhao say that this design drawing will not work? ”

Team Leader Zhou said in surprise.

“He’s not good at technology! Anyway, I did it out! My task is complete, can I move on to other tasks? Lu Cheng was still calm.

“Yes! OK! As long as you get the job done, you can do anything! Great, with this machinery, this order is stable, and there is also a chance to surpass the first workshop! Team Leader Zhou said excitedly.

“This machine is so subtle, these machines are really made from old parts, how do you do it?”

Master Wang squatted down and studied it, admiring and shocked.

“It’s nothing, you and I both think this design drawing is feasible, some people say no, I just hold my breath, tinker with myself, and make it out!” Lu Cheng said.

“What a genius!”

Master Wang listened without hesitation.

The workers next to him were shocked and envious when they heard that Lu Cheng had finished the parts required by the order with a new sawing machine designed and developed by himself.

In fact, the reason why the old sawing machine is not productive is because the parts made by the sawing machine still need several manual processing processes, so the time is full.

However, after Lu Cheng’s improved sawing machine, almost one step in place, only need to process a simple process, greatly shortened the time, naturally much faster.

“Lu Cheng, how much does this new sawing machine you developed cost?” Team Leader Zhou said curiously.

“It’s all old and discarded parts!”

“Only use discarded parts, you can manufacture such an advanced sawing machine, you are really a genius, you have made great achievements in our workshop and factory, I immediately went to report to the factory director, he must be very happy to hear it!”

Team leader Zhou excitedly left the third workshop.

Lu Cheng can be said to be the calmest in the whole workshop, and he feels that this is nothing.

Concentrate on continuing to design drawings.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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