In the private room of the canteen of the steel mill, Silly Zhu looked at Xu Damao, who was drunk and drunk on the table.

“Xu Damao, this time you fell into my hands again, right?” Silly Zhu smiled sadly.

Before, Stupid Zhu had just compensated him for beating Xu Damao for thirty yuan, and he was very unconvinced at that time, but he had to pay Da Mao money because of the request of Uncle Yi Zhonghai.

However, he was secretly unconvinced in his heart, and he kept thinking of taking revenge on Xu Damao again.

No, the opportunity came, just now the stupid pillar easily split Lin Yi.

Now he can sit next to Xu Damao and think about how to fix him.

“Xu Damao, you give me up!” Silly Zhu tried to pull Xu Damao, but he didn’t react, and he slept like a dead pig!

Hey! Silly Zhu had already thought of the script, he first moved Xu Damao to the kitchen, found a rope to tie him to a chair, and then took off his pants.

When Xu Damao wakes up tomorrow morning, the stupid pillar will say that he is drunk and playing hooligans on lesbians to scare Xu Damao, and then let Xu Damao call himself grandfather, and then let Xu Damao go home with his bare ass.

This plan is just perfect, and the more Silly Zhu thinks about it, the more proud he gets!

So, Silly Zhu began to implement his plan, he first carried Xu Damao to the kitchen, pressed him to a chair, and then began to undress him.

When Silly Zhu was looking down to drag off Xu Damao’s clothes, he felt a yin wind blowing behind him, and he couldn’t help but fight a cold war, looking back and seeing that the kitchen door was blown open by the wind.

When Silly Zhu turned around again, he saw Xu Damao’s eyes open, and Silly Zhu jumped up in fright.

“!” Silly Zhu exclaimed, and saw that Xu Damao’s eyes were covered with red bloodshots, and it was indeed strange and scary to look at.

“Xu Damao, you don’t say a word when you wake up, you want to scare me to death!” Silly Pillar cursed.

But Xu Damao’s next reaction surprised Silly Zhu, and he didn’t scare Silly Pillar.

This is not like Xu Damao’s person, he would have jumped up and cursed stupid pillars before.

“Xu Damao, what’s wrong with you!”

Silly Zhu felt that Xu Damao was a little strange, so he boldly stepped forward and shook his hand in front of his eyes, but he still didn’t react, and he didn’t even move his eyelids.

Silly Zhu thought that it might be that Xu Damao occasionally opened his eyes when he was asleep, so he still stepped forward to take off his clothes, and the moment he stepped forward this time, Xu Damao suddenly broke out.

Xu Damao’s hands suddenly pinched Silly Zhu’s neck, and Silly Zhu quickly reacted and quickly went to clasp Xu Damao’s fingers, but at this time, his fingers were extremely cold and hard, like the claws of an eagle.

“Xu… Da Mao, you… You let go! Silly Zhu shouted anxiously.

This thing is too weird, Silly Zhu stared at Xu Damao’s face without any facial expression, and saw that his forehead hair was black as if he was covered by a ghost, and Silly Zhu’s scalp was numb for a while.

Silly Zhu remembered that the older generation said that people who were ghost-onboarded would suddenly become infinitely powerful, their eyes straight, Yintang blackened, and their heels off the ground.

Now almost all of the Xu Damao in front of him was hit, and the more Stupid Zhu thought about it, the more afraid he became, and quickly kicked and hit Xu Damao’s crotch directly.

As soon as Xu Damao was in pain, his hand finally loosened, so Silly Zhu quickly took the opportunity to break free from his hand.

“Ahem!” The silly pillar jumped back and coughed.

But as soon as the silly pillar took a breath, Xu Damao rushed up.


Silly Zhu was hit in the face by Xu Damao’s punch, and he suddenly felt Venus in his eyes and buzzing in his ears.

Xu Damao’s strength was too great, which made Silly Zhu begin to be a little overwhelmed.

“Xu Damao stop, are you evil spirit!” Silly Pillar shouted while dodging.

There was no way he couldn’t dodge when he saw it, so he had to bite the bullet, Silly Zhu was a street fighting master after all, and he punched and collided with Xu Damao’s fist.

Silly Zhu is worthy of being a street battle master, although he felt pain in his hand and retracted his hand, but he seized the opportunity to dodge around Xu Damao’s back, and suddenly stopped and hugged Xu Damao.

“Xu Damao, you wake up quickly!” Silly Zhu shouted in fear, and his voice began to tremble a little.

He looked down and saw that Xu Damao’s heels were indeed off the ground.

Silly Zhu quickly inserted his two feet under Xu Damao’s feet. Soon Xu Damao was paralyzed, and the stupid pillar quickly helped him to the stool and pinched his people again.

“Silly Zhu, what are you doing?” Xu Damao finally woke up, and he looked at the silly pillar with a confused look and asked.

“You just fell for evil!” Silly Zhu said fearfully.

“You…….. Don’t you fart, did you take off my clothes? Xu Damao looked at the silly pillar with contempt on his face and asked.

“I, how do I know, that’s how I saw you!” Silly Zhu pretended to be innocent and said.

Seeing that Xu Damao was awake, Silly Zhu had to turn around and help Xu Damao take the clothes he threw on the stove.

At the moment when Silly Pillar turned around, Silly Pillar felt a sound of breaking wind behind him, and the next moment, he only felt a pain in the back of his head and lost consciousness.

The silly pillar was beaten with a stick, and it was Xu Damao who made the move, and I saw him standing behind the silly pillar with a rolling pin.

More precisely, Xu Damao, who was put on by the ghost baby, in fact, Doudou has always been attached to his body, and everything just now was just his naughty cooperation with the performance of the silly pillar.

Next, ‘Xu Damao’ did the same, tied the silly pillar to the chair with a rope, then took off his pants, and burned his pants and the pants inside with a bad smile.

When everything was done, Doudou quickly left his body, because even if he was a ghost baby, he could not be attached to the human body for too long, otherwise he would become weak.

And as soon as the ghost baby left, Xu Damao fainted again.

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