Sign In to the Hyperion at the Start, The Goddess Seeks to Team Up

Chapter 410 The Core Of The Super Magnetic Field, Energy Restoration

Su Yan put the wreckage into the super spaceship.

The wreckage of the super spaceship is an energy device, Su Yan put it into the super spaceship, and then began to study it.

When studying the super spaceship, Su Yan saw that there are some special things on the super spaceship.

These things are exactly the same as super spacecraft. This special thing is called super magnetic field, which can also be said to be super energy, but it is not super energy.

The super magnetic field is able to absorb the surrounding super energy, which can be absorbed by the computer inside the super spaceship.

It is then stored in the energy cabin, but this absorption is very slow, so the defense of the super spaceship will become weaker and weaker.

The super spaceship is not invincible, and it will be destroyed by the enemy when it encounters a powerful enemy.

And the energy core of the super spacecraft is a key point of the super magnetic field. If the super magnetic field is damaged, the super spacecraft will be completely reimbursed.

The energy core of this super magnetic field should not be too bad. After all, a super spaceship is composed of energy. Although the energy is destroyed, as long as the energy source is still there, the super spaceship can continue to fight. But now the super spaceship’s The energy has been destroyed, and the energy source has also lost its function, so if you want to destroy this super magnetic field, it may not be so easy.

Su Yan carefully studied the energy of the super magnetic field. This super magnetic field is composed of super energy, and super energy is also energy. There is an obvious difference between the two kinds of energy.

The super magnetic field is like a piece of ordinary steel, the super energy is like a small planet, and the super emperor is liquid.

Super energy is also liquid, so there is a huge difference between the two.

I can absorb some energy now, but I can't convert this energy into energy. The energy of the super magnetic field can only be absorbed, and the remaining energy cannot be stored in the energy tank, otherwise, the super magnetic field will also explode.

The super magnetic field should not be too difficult to handle. If I can find the super magnetic field and absorb all the super energy inside, then my super spaceship will definitely be more powerful

Su Yan thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

At that time, I can use the super energy to drive the super spaceship to fight. This idea seems very good.

Su Yan thought he could give it a try.

Therefore, Su Yan began to try to fuse the super magnetic field into the super spacecraft. The energy of the super magnetic field is a very powerful energy, and Su Yan could not absorb and fuse the super magnetic field at all.

Therefore, Su Yan can only temporarily seal the super magnetic field into the core of the super spaceship.

After Su Yan sealed the super magnetic field into the core of the super spaceship, he injected the energy of the super spaceship into the inner space of the super spaceship.

Make the internal space of the super spacecraft larger, so that the super spacecraft can store more energy and protect the safety of the spacecraft. This is Suji's plan.

The energy of the super spaceship is stored in the core space, so the super spaceship will not be easily attacked by any outside world, unless all the energy of the super spaceship is drained, otherwise, Su Yan can guarantee the super spaceship forever. The spaceship will not be attacked.

After Su Yan thought about it, he began to try to use the energy stored in the super spaceship to fill up the interior of the super spaceship.

In this way, the energy in the super spaceship can be continuously delivered to Su Yan's super spaceship.

Su Yan thought of this, and then began to manipulate the super spaceship.

With Su Yan's control, the energy of the super spaceship continuously poured into the inner space of the super spaceship from the limbs and bones of the spaceship.

These energies are like running water, flowing continuously. While injecting the energy in the super spaceship, Su Yan controls the energy (cdag) to expand to the inside.

The energy inside the super spaceship is about tens of millions of kilograms, but the space inside the super spaceship is very vast.

The energy of Su Yan's super spaceship has been expanding inside.

An hour later, Su Yan absorbed all the energy in the super spaceship.

These energies are all stored in the inner space of the super spaceship.

After Su Yan filled the space inside the super spaceship, he stopped sending energy, and then Su Yan began to think about how to increase the power of the super spaceship.

The main material of the super spaceship is metal formed by condensing super energy, and now I can inject all the super energy into the super spaceship, so can the main material of the super spaceship withstand the impact of so much super energy?

Su Yan thought about it, and then tried it again, and found that his idea was correct. The main material of the super spaceship is a part of the super energy.

It can also be said that super energy is the main body of this universe, that is, the entire universe is the cornerstone of super energy, so the main material of a super spaceship can carry a lot of energy.

After Su Yan stored the energy in the super spaceship, energy can be released without restriction.

Sure enough, it is so easy to store energy in a super spaceship!

Su Yan sighed, and at the same time was a little excited, the super energy is so powerful, this is simply a means against the sky!

If it is the energy in the super magnetic field, I think it should be able to withstand more energy. The energy is stored in the super spacecraft, and it is impossible to perfectly control this super energy.

Su Yan thought about it, and tried a few more times, but the results were all ineffective. The super energy could not be used perfectly, which made Su Yan a little helpless.

The inner space of the super spacecraft is actually equivalent to a super universe, and all the energy in the super universe is stored in the inner space of the super spacecraft by Su Shi.

It seems that I have to think of a way to use the super energy perfectly.

The energy of the super spacecraft is stored in the super spacecraft, just like a storage device.

But it is not a storage, the storage is a container, and the super energy is a universe.

What if the super energy is stored on the outer shell of the super spacecraft?

It's a pretty crazy idea, but it's the fastest way. .

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