"Sign in successfully, get reward: high-rise housing template (SSS level)*1."

Seeing this sign-in reward, Xiao Yi was stunned: "Didn't I get what I wanted? Shouldn't I be given a type upgrade card, or give it to the playground resort?"

In the past more than once Xiao Yi needed what he needed, and he would be rewarded for signing in. This time it seems that he did not reward him according to his ideas!

"High-rise housing template (SSS level): After being used on the island monument, by providing raw materials, you can build simple houses of various levels without restriction. You can freely design the room layout."

Seeing this explanation of the system, Xiao Yi asked in surprise: "Then can I build only one floor?"


"Great, isn't it that I can make all kinds of houses?" Xiao Yi said in surprise, and then used this template at the island monument.

But looking at the materials needed in it, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

Because this template comes with a simple package, there are many things that have not been developed yet, such as chips in electrical appliances.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi immediately thought of the smart biochip manufacturing machine he had signed in before, and asked, "System, can the smart biochip be used for the chip required in this high-rise housing template?"

"Yes! When manufacturing, just choose the scene of use!"

Hearing the system's reply, Xiao Yi nodded: "Now we are all alive! The gap between steel and cement is still huge!"

The construction of high-rise buildings requires a large amount of reinforced concrete. Steel is currently mainly supplied for combat and defense. Even the construction of rail transit on the island has stagnated.

As for cement, naturally, mining machines and smelting machines have been working on the indigenous islands, and it is too late to get to Qin Feng to mine limestone, which is the main raw material for cement. Therefore, although Xiao Yi has a cement formula in his hands, he did not produce it. .

"If there is enough reinforced concrete, more space will be available on the island to refresh the resources." Xiao Yi secretly said.

But this matter needs to be said later.

At this moment, Bai Qi called: "Island owner, the Alliance West Island has refreshed another metal vein. The original iron vein refresh interval is five days, which means it can be renewed five days after we finish mining. Refresh it."

"Well, the data related to the mineral veins on your island must be kept." Xiao Yi exhorted.

"Yes!" Bai Qi responded.

After telling Bai Qi, Xiao Yi switched to the Yi Tian group.

"The cooling in the past two days is really too obvious. Fortunately, I bought a big brother's down jacket yesterday. It's so warm!"

"Yes, it's warmer than the down jacket that came out of the material box before."

"Boss, we still want to buy some. There are still many natives on our island. I forgot about them yesterday!"

"So are we, do you still have it over there?"

Xiao Yi saw the reaction of the people in the group and called Li Yan: "Aunt Li, what is the output of down jackets now?"

"Down jackets can be made directly from Daobei, so the output of down jackets depends entirely on the supply speed of our raw materials. According to our current production in the textile factory, we can produce about 60,000 pieces a day!" Li Yan replied.

"Are we all equipped with down jackets?" Xiao Yi asked.

"It's all ready!" Li Yan replied.

"That's OK, keep an inventory of 100,000 pieces, and produce as many as you sell!" Xiao Yi thought for a while and said.

"What about the price?" Li Yan asked.

"Follow one piece of 15 cornerstones first, and customers who come to the island to play can buy 12 pieces each, up to ten pieces." Xiao Yi replied.

Yesterday, the price Xiao Yi sold to the outside world was all 10 cornerstones, so the normal selling price can't be too low!

This can encourage everyone to buy their own things when they are in their own sales promotion, that is, when they are in double state, and they can achieve the maximum benefit when they are in double state!

"Yes!" Li Yan replied.

After telling Li Yan, Xiao Yi immediately said in the group: "We will hang down jackets in the group later, but the price is naturally higher than yesterday’s promotion. If it feels expensive, you can wait for the next promotion. Buy it again when time, and those who visit the island at the same time can buy ten pieces at a discounted price!"

"Hey, I knew the price was going to increase. The big brother's down jacket is Scorpion's papa, the only one!"

"Even if the price increases, you have to buy some, otherwise you can't go out to work in winter, and the loss will be great!"

"Yes, buy less."

Xiao Yi smiled, watching the branches outside are beginning to become bald, and secretly said: "I don't know if I will experience extreme cold this winter!"

The system prompts: "Real-time temperature: 5.3 degrees Celsius!"

It's really cold, but Xiao Yi, who is an SS-level physique, doesn't feel particularly obvious.

After everyone discussed the down jacket, the topic soon changed to an exploration of the new world.

After all, the New World is currently an important source of their cornerstones. If they hadn't encountered those indigenous patrols, they might have gained much more than they would normally open a material box!

"It's good to follow the boss. Not only does it help to transmit for free, but it also instigates a coastline guarded by indigenous people, through which we can land safely."

"Yes, but how do I feel that the natives deliberately let us go ashore?"

"Uh? What do you say?"

"Those patrols didn't find us when we first landed, but retreated a lot of distance. Obviously, they didn't want to kill us in the first place!"

"It is estimated that they have already occupied some island monuments, knowing that even if the mainland is silent, they will have a way out, so they don't want to fight hard with us."

"It's possible that at the same time, the Yiran product boss has been able to get the opponent's SSS-level wizard continuously, and I guess it will make the other party scared!"

"Yi Ran is a great boss!"

"In that case, we are able to explore in the new world thanks to the Yiran product boss!"

"Otherwise, you don't really think that you can go to the New World with your abilities at will!"

Hearing their discussion, Xiao Yi suddenly realized a problem!

Purely native teams, even those natives with island monuments, entering the new world will not trigger the refreshing of the treasure chest. This conclusion has been tested before!

In other words, those indigenous forces that have occupied the island monument, no matter whether it is a city or a country, can't trigger the treasure chest on the new continent!

The rules of the world, or the latter in this world, may give the indigenous people some convenience, but it seems that they have never been directly given to the cornerstones. They are all other things, such as weapons, manufacturing drawings and the like!

In this case, in addition to the existing cornerstones on the mainland, the indigenous people who want to obtain additional cornerstones can only grab them from the survivors!

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