"Okay, let's use fluorescent coral!" Xiao Yi replied, "Help me prepare more!"

"Okay, please wait a moment, it will be done soon!" Ling Yiji said.

Soon, one of the guards swam over with a pile of corals glowing with white light.

Looking at the fluorescent corals, Xiao Yi felt like the glow sticks of the previous world, even brighter.

"Thank you!" Xiao Yi took the corals and said, "Ling Patriarch, I have an idea, you can consider it."

"Please speak!" Ling Niji said.

"There are some special products on the seabed that are not on the island or in the shallow sea, so you can collect some and try to sell them at the market on our island. At the same time, there are many grades of food for sale on our island, so that the materials can be circulated. "Xiao Yi said.

Ling Orji's eyes lit up: "Good idea!"

In this way, their mermaid clan has an additional source of income-grade food, and the Spirit Orb is naturally very happy.

Xiao Yi continued: "If you can handle the biochips on my island, it will be very convenient to trade. Of course, this is just a suggestion, not forced."

"We will handle it!" Lingsha said as she swam over from the side.

After seeing Lingsha, Xiao Yi said with a smile: "Yes, she knows better, let her talk to you carefully."

"Okay, I will ask carefully later." Ling Yiji nodded.

Xiao Yi left the merman tribe with the fluorescent coral.

Ling Niji asked Lingsha about the biochip in detail.

After Lingsha introduced it again, she said, "Father, this is an opportunity to narrow the distance with Xiao Yi Island Master! The mermaid tribe must seize this opportunity."

Ling Yiji pondered slightly: "Is the biochip really so magical?"

"I've only seen them trade a few times, maybe there are more functions, I don't know yet." Lingsha replied.

Ling Yinji was silent for a moment, and said: "Call on the whole family to handle implanted biochips."

Lingsha was very happy when she heard the order from her father. In her opinion, the mermaid clan must seize the opportunity to keep up with Xiao Yi's footsteps.

She has a hunch that as long as they keep up with Xiao Yi, their ethnic group will grow and develop soon!

Xiao Yi took the pile of fluorescent corals and returned directly to his bedroom. It was already too late at this time. Xiao Yi was going to rest for the night, and he would pass by during the day tomorrow.

Anyway, the energy spar is not so anxious now!

"Huh, what is this?" An Ran just came to Xiao Yi's bedroom and saw that there was a stick-like substance glowing brightly in his hand.

"Fluorescent coral, ready to be used to explore the deep sea!" Xiao Yi replied.

"What? How can it be so bright?" An Ran said in surprise, "We also had fluorescent corals in our fish tank before, and we needed to irradiate them with light to shine."

"Do you need light?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

An Ran nodded and replied: "Yes, I also specifically checked the principle of fluorescent coral luminescence. Fluorescence is a photoluminescence phenomenon. Simply put, it converts shortwave light into longwave light and emits it. "

"Really? But the mermaid side seems to be able to shine with just this!" Xiao Yi said suspiciously.

"Then let's try it!" An Ran said, "As long as we create a completely dark environment, we will know if we can shine!"

"Yes!" Xiao Yi grabbed a fluorescent coral, held An Ran with one hand, turned off the light, and got into the bed amidst An Ran's exclaim.

"It's only nine o'clock..." Before An Ran finished speaking, he saw the fluorescent coral glowing yellow, and it even felt brighter than under the light.

"How could this happen?" An Ran's eyes widened, "This is unscientific!"

"It seems that the rules of the two worlds have similarities and differences. It doesn't matter. If you say it is unscientific, we are the biggest unscientific in this world!" Xiao Yi shrugged helplessly.

An Ran nodded and replied: "Yes, there are not many things in this world that are scientific! By the way, where are you going to explore tomorrow?"

"A survivor previously opened an energy spar vein map from the treasure chest, but it turned out to be on the bottom of the sea." Xiao Yi replied.

An Ran said: "Well, then you can rest early!"

"Hehehe, all come, do you want to leave?" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

An Ran exclaimed, and then lost herself.

The next day, An Ran got up early, took a shower, and went to prepare breakfast.

Xiao Yi chose to sign in immediately.

"Sign in successfully, get reward: contract card (SSS level)*1."

Xiao Yi was stunned: "System, you are playing with me, now give me this reward? How good was it to me yesterday, then I guess I can earn the Holy Light Empire under his command!"

"I gave it to you yesterday, you can't accept the Holy Light Empire, at most one SSS-level wizard!" The system responded magically.

Xiao Yi was stunned again: "What do you mean? Isn't the wizard in the Holy Light Empire the one with the highest status?"

The system was silent again.

As for the system, Xiao Yi was also helpless. He felt that some information might not be unknown to him, but he would tell himself selectively.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "Well, I better have another SSS-level wizard here today!"

After solving the breakfast, Xiao Yi immediately transmitted to the energy spar vein.

Tie the fluorescent coral to your body and swim to the bottom of the water.

With the fluorescent coral, when I dived to the same position again, my eyes were no longer as dark as yesterday.

They can be seen clearly from a distance of five meters in radius beside them.

"Let's continue!" Xiao Yi said, leading the two of them to continue the dive.

As the depth of the dive continues to increase, Xiao Yi's shock is constantly refreshed.

"Island owner, this energy spar vein is too deep!" said the soldier on the side.

Xiao Yi nodded, and then immediately withdrew the soldier, a huge antenna rolled towards him.

"Giant Octopus (S Grade):..."

It was only S grade, Xiao Yi drew out the Xuanyuan sword and stepped forward to kill it.

The soldier said with lingering fear: "Thank you, the island owner!"

Xiao Yi waved his hand and said, "Be careful!"


Later, I encountered several S-level deep-sea creatures, all of which were easily solved by Xiao Yi.

However, Xiao Yi frowned. So far, there is no sign of reaching the bottom of the sea.

And as the sea creatures get more and more powerful, although the level is still S, but the strength is getting stronger and stronger.

"Does this spar vein also resemble a copy of a treasure? Or will you encounter these high-level creatures when you enter the ocean?" Xiao Yi meditated.

If it is a dungeon, it's okay, the monster level limit on the map opened by the current survivor will not be too high.

But if it's the latter, there is a possibility that there will be SSS-level deep-sea creatures below, which is troublesome!

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