"Understood, but where is the Mermaid?" Jiang Yuntian said.

"I'll take Dabai to explore the way first, anyway, as long as the teleportation array is connected, you can pass anytime." Xiao Yi said.

"Well, but the mermaid people should all be underwater, you should have a big problem here!" Jiang Yuntian originally planned to go with Xiao Yi by himself, at least his water quality is not bad.

Xiao Yi smiled mysteriously and replied: "Don't worry, I already have the equipment to fight underwater!"

Jiang Yuntian was stunned, and asked curiously: "What good thing, can you show me?"

Xiao Yi took out the SSS-level jumpsuit and explained its attributes again. Jiang Yuntian's eyes widened.

"This is too powerful, when did you upgrade them?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

"Two days ago." Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"In the future, there will be a powerful equipment that can fight in the water." Jiang Yuntian looked at this equipment enviously, and reluctantly returned it to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi waved his hand and said, "Correct, not one, but twelve!"

Jiang Yuntian swallowed, and asked in disbelief: "You mean to upgrade all the suits?"

Xiao Yi nodded.

Jiang Yuntian was completely speechless. A total of twelve suits would require twelve level-up cards. From where can twelve level-up cards be issued at once?

But Xiao Yi had always been so unexpected, Jiang Yuntian could only shook his head, and carried the jumpsuit into his arms.

"Then this is mine!" Jiang Yuntian said.

"Of course, this is for you, and it can also defend against wizards' mental attacks. If you encounter those senior wizards, remember to wear them to meet the enemy!" Xiao Yi exhorted.

"Understand! If there was this before, the two wizards of Ai Feng Aiyu would not need to take drugs at all!" Jiang Yuntian said.

"Yes, but after playing them, I found the level promotion card." Xiao Yi shrugged and said helplessly.

Jiang Yuntian nodded: "I finally have equipment that can deal with wizards in the future!"

At this time, Jiebi, who is not too far away from the Qiufeng City, also discovered that the sea is rising!

"Is this a regular and regular high tide like our island, or is it another problem?" Jiebi asked secretly, looking at the suddenly flooded open space.

But he has no native captives here, and he can't even know the law of the previous tide.

After thinking about it, Jiebi decided to ask Yiranpin.

"Yi Ranpin, hello, I wonder if your Qiufeng City found anything abnormal today?" Jiebi said.

"Abnormal? Is there? It seems that more and more explorers are going to the New World!" Xiao Yi replied.

This is true.

In addition to Xiao Yi sending a large number of teams, other alliances have also opened teleportation to foreigners.

Regarding this point, Jiebi once made a solemn protest to Yiranpin. He believed that since Yiranpin had sold the transmission rights to him, the foreigners' transmission should also go to him!

But Xiao Yi didn't even bother him, and directly replied: "When the transaction was originally made, there was no agreement on this point!"

Originally, JieCoin was planning to use the transmission cost to earn back a little bit of the cornerstone squeezed by Xiao Yi, but Xiao Yi didn't expect that Xiao Yi would not give him this opportunity at all.

When I think of this, Jiebi itches my teeth with hatred!

Hearing Xiao Yina's decisive and straightforward answer, Jie Bi thought he hadn't noticed the rising sea level!

As a result, he decisively changed the subject: "Since there are more and more people, can we unify the price, we can't always have five cornerstones on my side, three on your side, and three of my three for you. If this continues, We are the ones who suffer!"

Hearing that JieCoin suddenly changed the subject, Xiao Yi smiled slightly: "Okay, I will find a few representatives later, and you can talk about the transmission cost. If there is a cornerstone, everyone can earn it together!"

"Okay, I will arrange someone to go to Autumn Wind City to discuss with you!" Jie Bi replied, and then ended the call.

"It seems that this Yiran product is just like that. I'd better find someone to go to Qiufeng City to inquire about it!" Jie Bi thought so, and then arranged for a wizard contracted by him to go.

On the face of it, I talked about the unification of transmission costs, but in fact I came to Qiufeng City to inquire about the law of rising tide.

But what made Jiebi unexpectedly was that the language of Qiufeng City was still different from the native language. The wizard he sent listened to the language that 80% of them couldn't understand, with a constipation expression on his face!

In the end, the wizard could only return to life with the unified teleportation cost.

"What? The language of Autumn Wind City is not the same as yours?" Jie Bi's eyes widened.

The wizard nodded helplessly.

"Okay, you can withdraw!" Jiebi was helpless, there is no person who can speak the language of Autumn Wind City, this information is impossible to inquire!

"You can only find the rules on your own!" Jie Bi thought so, he was still very confident in himself, after all, he was a master of strategy in his previous life!

At this time, beside the teleportation formation of Qiufeng City, Xiao Yi, Dabai, Xiaobai, and Lingsha were there.

"Island owner, it has been successful!" Shi Kong watched the light on the teleportation formation turn from yellow to green, and immediately reported.

Lingsha could not help but walked into the teleportation formation, but Xiao Yi stopped her: "Wait, let's go first!"

Although Lingsha has many magical skills, her combat effectiveness is really too low.

"Xiaobai, you are responsible for guarding the teleportation array. If I don't show up, any aliens will come and subdue them directly." Xiao Yi exhorted.

"Roar!" Xiaobai replied.

Xiao Yi took out the jumpsuit and gave it to Da Bai, and said, "We will fight underwater in a while, and we will last longer if we wear this one!"

Dabai was a little confused, it was good water, and he thought it shouldn't need additional equipment.

But Xiao Yi insisted that Da Bai had to put on the jumpsuit.

The jumpsuit can automatically adapt to the body shape of the person wearing it, and the polar white bear is no exception.

After putting it on, the jumpsuit squeezed immediately, and he waved his bear paw without any hindrance at all.

And I don’t feel bored at all, I feel pretty good!

After Xiao Yi saw that Da Bai was satisfied, he also put on the jumpsuit and took the lead to step into the teleportation formation.

Da Bai followed closely, and Lingsha was the last one!

The moment Xiao Yi stepped into the teleportation formation, his figure disappeared in the teleportation formation.

In the next moment, Xiao Yi found himself appearing next to a dilapidated building, but it seemed that there had been fierce fighting and a ruined wall.

From time to time, passing the bubbles in front of him, reminding Xiao Yi that he is not on land!

Dabai and Lingsha also teleported over behind him.

"Lingsha, show the way, let's go to your ancestral land first!" Xiao Yi said.

Lingsha looked at Xiao Yi in shock. She didn't expect Xiao Yi to speak so clearly in the water!

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