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Chapter 861: Coercive Da Luo Zong

"Brother Jin, you are a person, and you made the right choice. We will meet in the starry sky in the future and we will have a good time together!"

People give face to himself, and Su Hao also needs to give face to others!

"Then wait for City Master Su, after leaving the Yellow Realm, I will go to the Golden Crow Dynasty in the Star Realm!"

"If City Lord Su goes to the star realm, you can come to me!"

When speaking, a golden token appeared in his hand!

On the front of the token is a gold letter, and on the back is a three-legged golden crow.

Jin Fantian handed the token to Su Hao.

[Congratulations to the host, Flick the Beast King, win the Ten Thousand Beast Domain, and reward a Level 8 crystal lottery card, which has been saved in the inventory, please check! 】

The voice of the system rang in Su Hao's ears.

The task is too easy!

When Su Hao touched this token.

Feel the power of a fire attribute in this token surging.

The fire attribute power in his body was mobilized by the power in this token, unconsciously operating.

This token is not simple, it helps practice!

Su Hao secretly said in his heart!

Then he moved slightly in his heart!

"I don't have a token yet? The forced grid is a bit weak!"

Some questions in my heart, the other party took out the identity card, I didn't look weak!

[The host can consume 100,000 sign-in points to customize a token! 】

At this time, the voice of the system rang in Su Hao's ears.

[Customize a token with 100,000 sign-in value! 】

Su Hao didn't, he ordered a token directly!

In a blink of an eye, a token appeared in his inventory, his back did not change the appearance of Hades, and the front was a Su character.

As for the material that looks a bit cold, Su Hao doesn't know what material it is.

But I think this material should be extraordinary.


A token appeared in Su Hao's hand.

"This is my token. When I can take charge in the future, Brother Jin can come to me!"

Su Hao said.

He is telling the truth now, there is no boundary, this token is purely a facade, so he can only say that.

Seeing the token in Su Hao's hand, his eyes narrowed slightly when the token appeared.

The Chi Yang Real Fire in his body actually felt suppressed.

"What material is this!"

The Beast Emperor Jin Fentian took the token from Su Hao, and suddenly a chill spread from the token to his body.

This chill began to suppress the Chi Yang real fire.

But then he felt that his Chi Yang Real Fire had begun to grow slightly under the erosion of this cold air!

His eyes suddenly delighted!

Although the coldness on this token is not much, it can also help him a little.

"Thank you, City Master Su, I think City Master Su will be in charge soon!"

Beast King, Jin Fentian said.

The horror of Immovable Hades in his heart scored another point.

"In these three days, if Brother Su has anything to help me, just speak up, I will come!"

Beast Emperor Jin Fentian finished speaking.

If the good destiny is closed, then don't prevent it from getting more.

The master of the life master next to the opponent was scrupulous about inconvenience to make a move. He helped Su Hao by himself, and it shouldn't affect his assessment!


Su Hao looked at the Beast Emperor, his eyes lit up, he didn't expect that the Beast Emperor, Jin Fentian would say so.

Help him!

"I don't know! Brother Jin, do you know what is strong in the wild regions!"

"The Savage Emperor of the Wild Clan is a pinnacle master of the Mighty Venerable Realm!"

"There are also rumors that in the depths of the wild, there is still a sleeping master of the Mighty Venerable Realm pinnacle. Other things are not to worry about!"

The Beast King said.

He has also planned for a hundred years in the yellow world and knows some conditions in the yellow world.

"Where is the Great Luozong of Great Luoyu?"

Su Hao heard this and thought that he was attacking Daluoyu.

I also want to see if the words of the Beast King are credible.

"Da Luoyu is a bit strong. Their lord Qu Chengyang and his junior brother Luo Ming are both at the pinnacle of the Great Power Venerable Realm!"

"It is rumored that Da Luo Zong is the Chen Realm. When Da Luo Shenzong destroyed the sect, there was a vein that escaped into the Yellow Realm. The hole card should not be deep!"

The Beast Emperor said truthfully.

"What's the situation in the sea area!"

"There is a queen in the sea, whose strength is at the pinnacle of the Venerable Mighty Realm, and there are two mid-level masters of the Venerable Mighty Realm!"

"The Nether realm is now in civil strife. Many years ago, the top masters of the Mighty Venerable Realm, because of a dark grave, several masters of the Mighty Venerable Realm were hit hard, and they disappeared!"

"The resources in that place are as poor as the abyss, so no one in other domains pays attention!"

"City Lord Su, if you want to win these two domains, I'm afraid you need to send a powerful master of the life master to take action!"

"Of course it's not a question of strength, but these two domains. The geographical area is very vast and the interpersonal relationship is rare. It is a bit difficult to find a powerful player among them!"

The Beast King said.

"So that's the case, I understand, after a while, I will let someone go to these two domains!"

Su Hao knew little about these two domains, and he didn't care about it.

His speech also seemed very plain.

Hearing this, the expression of the beast king in front of him was stagnant!

My heart shuddered.

Su Hao's tone was very flat just now, which means that he can order the strong master of life next to him.

"This immovable Pluto city, what kind of power is it, a young city lord, can actually let a fate master realm strong take action!"

He was shocked, unable to calm down.

Then he felt extremely grateful for the decision he made!

I also feel sad for those Mighty Venerable Realm pinnacle masters in other domains!

Interesting or able to live, otherwise, I am afraid it will only fall.

at this time!

Da Luo domain, the sky above Da Luo Zong.

A huge psychic palace floats in the air, completely covering the entire Daluozongmen.

Youhabach, the huge figure sits in the palace, holding a huge sword in front of him.

A terrifying coercion swept Da Luozong from his body.

Within Da Luo Zong!

Luo Ming, who was dealing with chores, changed his expression when he felt the breath.

My heart shuddered.

This coercion can make him feel the pressure, and the strength is definitely the person who has taken that small step.

Beside him!

A Supreme Dharma Protector appeared, and the strength of this Supreme Dharma Protector was in the early stage of the Mighty Venerable State.

He felt the pressure and came to Luo Ming's side.

"Let's see you!"

Luo Ming's eyes condensed, and the figures of the two instantly rose into the sky.

When they saw the avatar of Yu Habach and Su Hao sitting in the palace, their pupils shrank!

"Luo Zong surrendered today, not surrendered!"

Youhabach stood up from the seat.

The moment I stood up!

The huge psionic palace also Do not move the city of Hades, I did not expect you to come so soon! "

Luo Ming said in a deep voice.

Demon World War!

Youhabakh and Su Hao, the avatars of the Blood Cloud Demon Lord, have been discovered.

Therefore, Luo Ming, who was the first deputy suzerain of Da Luozong, immediately recognized the identities of the friends and the others.

"It looks like the other party is going to take down their Da Luozong today!"

Luo Ming and the two looked at each other, deeply jealous in their eyes.

But Da Luozong is their foundation and they cannot surrender.

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