Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 538: Tang Wushuang, Xiao Wangyu died, calculating the Xiao family and the Dagan royal famil

   At this time, Gu Qinghou retreated behind Tang Kongliu, his arms were mixed with some blood.

   confronted the blue-robed man wearing thunder gloves, his arm was burst open by the opponent's blow.

   He needs this time to let the blood flow in his body and restore the meridian that was blown up on his arm.

   The silence of the scene.

   The eyes of everyone watching the battle from a distance were focused on Tang Kongliu and Xiao Wangyu.

   Although they are in the Dagan dynasty, they know very well about the young disciples of the Xiao family in Huoyu.

   Xiao Wangyu, the leader of the younger generation of the Xiao family.

   Although the scene is quiet, there is a feeling of tension.

   They had a hunch that something should have happened between the Dagan Dynasty and the Huoyu Xiao family.

   Otherwise, Xiao Wangyu would not defend Xiao Qiushui of Zhengyi Sect.

   "You said they would fight!"

   Someone whispered.

   "Should not, after all, the Dagan Dynasty is still an affiliate of the Xiao family, and it should give the Xiao family face."

   "If you give the Xiao family face, you don't have to stand up, I feel that something big will happen next!"

   The warrior retorted softly beside him.

   Su Hao and Lian Chengzhi in this group are staring at Xiao Qiushui closely.

   Once Xiao Qiushui takes action, it may be dangerous, and they must be vigilant and support at any time.

  The center of the battlefield.

   Xiao Wangyu looked at Xiao Qiushui, waiting for Xiao Qiushui's decision.

   Xiao Qiushui nodded gently towards Xiao Wangyu.

   Suddenly, a smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Wangyu's mouth.

   Xiao Qiushui agreed, and his plan will be realized.

   This is an opportunity not to be missed.

   There was a rune radiating thunder in his hand.

   As soon as this rune appeared, the light that dissipated in the sky appeared again, and it reflected each other with the thunder glove in the blue-robed man's hand.


   The thunder and lightning rune flashed, and instantly merged into the blue robe man's body.

   When the thunder and lightning runes poured into the blue-robed man, the blue-robed man's whole body flashed with thunder, and the whole person was like a **** of thunder.

   He slowly clenched his fist with thunder gloves, and blasted his fist to the ground.

   Almost instantly, the space they were in instantly turned into a thunder world.

   Tang Kongliu's face looked gloomy, and there was a palpitating look in his eyes.

   In this world of thunder, the true energy in his body felt suppressed. He looked at Xiao Wang and said, "What do you mean!"

   "It doesn't mean anything, Xiao Qiushui, I won't let you take it away, so I can only fight!"

   Xiao Wangyu said calmly.

   Listening to Xiao Wangyu's words, Tang Kongliu's face became more gloomy.

   "I want to see the power of your thunder and lightning!"

   At this time, beside Tang Wushuang, the man in cyan armor stepped out.

   But when he stepped out, a low voice sounded in their ears.

   "Since you want to see, let you know my strength now."

   The voice of the blue-robed man, like a muffled thunder, came from the thunder world.

   As his voice fell, huge thunder pillars instantly formed in this space.

   The giant pillar separated these people in an instant. With the isolation, countless thunderstorms poured down from the sky.

   The harsh roar echoed throughout the lightning area.

   Even everyone watching from a distance can feel a terrible power.


   The blue-robed man gave a low voice.

   Those countless flashing lightning quickly condensed to form a huge thunder pillar. He lifted it with his hand and pointed at the man wearing the cyan armor.

   This man wearing a blue armor is close to the real world, he dare not care, he must strike with all his strength.

   The huge thunder pillar blasted towards the man in the armor.

   The man in the armor condensed his eyes, and the true energy in his body continued to gush out.

   As soon as he raised his hand, a huge spear of infuriating energy appeared in his hand.

   The spear was shining with silver light, and there was a strange light in the silver light.

   Although this light is not as violent and shocking as thunder and lightning, it makes people feel palpitation at the moment it appears.

   Everyone looked at the two people exuding strong power.


   The sound of the collision between the thunder pillar and the spear sounded in the thunder field.

   At this rumbling sound, the moment it sounded.

   Xiao Qiushui moved, he jumped, traversing thunder and lightning, and appeared in front of Tang Wushuang.


   The long sword in his hand was instantly unsheathed, and a sword aura was released instantly.

   This sword aura is silent, but it is filled with fierceness.

   Tang Wushuang's mind at this time was paying attention to the battle between the two, and he didn't notice Xiao Qiushui's sword for a while.

   When he found out, Xiao Qiushui's long sword had already appeared on his chest.

   His mind trembled instantly, and he hurriedly wanted to mobilize the hole cards in his body.

   But Xiao Qiushui has recovered from his injury, but he won't give him a chance to move his hole cards.

   The sky-shaking wheel appeared in an instant, pressing directly in front of Tang Wushuang, making it impossible to deal with the cards in his body.

   At the moment when Tang Wushuang was suppressed, Xiao Qiushui's long sword passed through his heart.

   After the sharp sword penetrated Tang Wushuang's heart.

   Xiao Qiushui's eyes flashed light, and he swept toward the weak location of Thunder.

   No matter what purpose this Xiao Wangyu has, he can't stay here anymore.

  A ray of light shrouded his body from the sky-shaking wheel, and Xiao Qiushui was ready to use the power of the sky-shaking wheel to escape.

   Boom! boom!

   At the moment he moved outside the Thunder Realm, thunder and lightning struck the shield of the Sky Shaking Wheel.

   Although part of the power of the thunder and lightning was blocked by the sky-shaking wheel, some of the power still penetrated the screen of the sky-shaking wheel and hit Xiao Qiushui's body.

   Xiao Qiushui couldn't help shaking his whole body, but without the slightest pause, the long sword in his hand sent out a sharp and incomparable sword energy, and he cut open the thunder domain shield not far away.

   his figure jumped out of the thunder domain in a flash.

   After leaving the thunder domain, his figure flickered, merged directly into the void, and disappeared.

   Xiao Qiushui's movements were extremely fast.

   Before everyone who watched the battle understood what was going on, Xiao Qiushui disappeared.

   Of course, there are three people in the court who have been paying attention to the movement here.

   Xiao Wangyu, Su Hao and Lianchengzhi.

   Xiao Wangyu smiled on his face at this time.

   Although Tang Wushuang was still standing there, his heartbeat was gone, and his body aura disappeared.

   died, his plan was completed.

   "Xiao Qiushui, I can find you!"

   He looked at the direction of Xiao Qiushui's disappearance, and said coldly in his heart.

   He left something on Xiao Qiushui, and he can find Xiao Qiushui at any time.

at this time.

   The result of the collision between the thunder pillar and the spear had already appeared, and both sides were annihilated and dissipated at the same time, finally revealing the two figures.

   Except for the glove, the other parts of the man's arm in the blue robe burst with blood flowing across the meridian.

   And the man in the armor, only some light of thunder and lightning flashed on the arm armor, and the others were not damaged.

   But suddenly, this armored man's complexion changed, his eyes looked at Tang Wushuang not far away.

"what's going on?"

   Seeing the face change of the man in armor, Tang Kongliu looked towards Tang Wushuang when he was questioning.

   When he looked at Tang Wushuang, that Tang Wushuang's body fell directly on the ground.

   Upon seeing this, Tang Kongliu's complexion changed, and his figure appeared in front of Tang Wushuang for a while, investigating Tang Wushuang's situation.

   Then his face became very ugly, his eyes had an unbelievable look, and he said to himself: "How could this be!"

   Tang Wushuang had lost his breath and died.

   He looked around and found that Xiao Qiushui's figure had disappeared.

   "Xiao Wangyu, how dare you do this!"

   Tang Kongliu growled at Xiao Wangyu.

   This roar caused everyone's eyes to focus on Tang Kongliu, and he also found Tang Wushuang lying on the ground.

  Some people directly used their spiritual sense to probe, and they were suddenly shocked.

   Because they found that Tang Wushuang had no breath of life.

   They all looked at each other, something big happened.

   "What happened?"

   To Tang Kongliu's roar, Xiao Wangyu seemed very calm, pretending not to know what happened.

   "Why are you doing this!"

   He looked at Xiao Wangyu, and asked with cold eyes.

   "Tang Kongliu, I just stop the Xiao Qiushui you took away. As for Tang Wushuang's death, it has nothing to do with me, I can only express my regret!"

   Xiao Wangyu said softly.


   Tang Kong Liu's eyes narrowed, he didn't expect this Xiao Wangyu to say so.

   He fixed his eyes to the blue-robed man beside Xiao Wangyu.

   "Kill him, shoot with all my strength!"

   he commanded with a low growl.

   The man in the battle armor did not hesitate, and suddenly stepped out, and appeared in front of the blue-robed man in the blink of an eye.

   They came to take Xiao Qiushui away. Now that Xiao Qiushui killed Tang Wushuang, they have a great responsibility.

   At this time, the thick thunder power on the blue-robed man has disappeared.

   Because of the use of that lightning rune power, his own breath fell, and the true qi in his body was consumed too much. He was about to adjust his breath to restore the true qi in his body.

   But when he heard Tang Kongliu's command, he was shocked. Before he could react, he saw the man in the armor, holding out a thumb, thinking of his head pressing over.

   He immediately condensed the infuriating shield, trying to block this finger, but his erupted infuriating energy was too little, and the infuriating shield was as thin as cicada wings.


   The space vibrated, and he only felt his own condensed infuriating shield, which instantly shattered under this finger.

   Then he felt a powerful force appearing on his head.

   He looked up, and his huge fingers were already pressed against his head.

   His head is blank!


   The head of the blue-robed man, together with his body, was instantly shattered under this finger and turned into a piece of minced meat.


   Xiao Wangyu saw this and his face became angry. He didn't expect Tang Kongliu to kill his person in front of him.

   "Xiao Wangyu, this matter, I won't just let it go!"

   Tang Kongliu ignored Xiao Wangyu's anger, but picked up Tang Wushuang who had fallen on the ground, and swiftly moved towards the capital.

   This matter must be known to the Royal Family Clan Mansion.

   "I'm talking about it, things are making a big deal, a prince died on the side of the Dagan royal family, and the Xiao family has died a powerful man of the ninth level of the realm. I don't know what will happen next?"

   One of the warriors who watched the battle whispered.

   "Quickly shut up you, is this something we can participate in? Be careful to say too much, you don't know how to die, get out of here!"

   A man beside him immediately pulled him away.

   Dagan royal family and Huoyu Xiao family, but they can't offend them.

   The people who saw the battle quickly left.

   Su Hao glanced at Xiao Wangyu, his eyes flickering.

   "This Xiao Wangyu used Xiao Qiushui to kill Tang Wushuang, and the Dagan royal family took over the feud with Xiao Qiushui, and must kill Xiao Qiushui!"

   "What good is this for Xiao Wangyu?"

   Su Hao thought in his heart.

   This is something he has never understood.

   "But the other party uses Xiao Qiushui, why don't I use the Xiao family?"

   Su Hao suddenly flashed a bright light in his mind.

  ’’ killed Xiao Wangyu, the Xiao family should move more hands on the Dagan Dynasty! "

   Su Hao had such thoughts in his mind.

   "100,000 sign-in value, 1 4 crystal lottery card, this task is good!"

   Su Hao's eyes flickered.

   The nine-level master of the Domain Realm around Xiao Wangyu has been beheaded, and now is the most suitable opportunity.

   in the field.

   Only Xiao Wangyu was left, his face was gloomy, looking at Tang Kongliu's back as they left, his eyes filled with killing intent.

   After a while, he stabilized his mood, his figure flashed, and he moved in the direction where Xiao Qiushui had left before.

   He wants to find Xiao Qiushui and check other things.

   After he left, Su Hao and Lian Chengzhi followed.

   Su Hao frowned, because Xiao Wangyu's direction turned out to be where Xiao Qiushui was now.

   "How could he find Xiao Qiushui?"

   Su Hao frowned.

   The two followed Xiao Wangyu.

   Soon, they came to a simple courtyard.

  The small courtyard is very scrupulous, surrounded by mountains and trees.

   Xiao Qiushui in the house is adjusting his breath and recovering from his injuries.

   When Xiao Wangyu appeared, Xiao Qiushui's face showed a hint of surprise.

"how did you find me!"

   Xiao Qiushui asked in a deep voice.

   "To help you this time, I have lost a subordinate of the Domain Realm Nine Layers, so I want to meet the Money Helper behind you!"

   Xiao Wangyu came here for the purpose of seeing the money gang behind him through Xiao Qiushui.

   Hear the words!

   Xiao Qiushui's complexion changed: "How did you know that I was helped by money?"

   "The domain of fire is the territory of my Xiao family, of course my Xiao family can know about your affairs!"

   "Not only do I know that you are a member of the Money Gang, but I also know that the Yan lunatics of the Yangtze River are also a member of the Money Gang.

   Xiao Wangyu looked at Xiao Qiushui and said in a deep voice.

   "This is the purpose of your cooperation with me!"

   Xiao Qiushui understood the purpose of Xiao Wangyu's cooperation with him.

   "You killed Tang Wushuang, the royal family will never let you go. Now you can only get money back to find help."

   Xiao Wangyu looked at Xiao Qiu Channel.

   "I can't get back money to help!"

   Xiao Qiushui shook his head and said.

   The Money Gang has returned to Li Chenzhou, and Xiao Qiushui is the head teacher of Zhengyi Sect.

   Hearing the words, Xiao Wangyu's expression was startled and said: "You have been eliminated by the money gang!"

   Seeing Xiao Wangyu saying this, Xiao Qiushui understood that Xiao Wangyu had misunderstood his meaning, but he nodded in acquiescence. .

   "Will you still cooperate with me now?"

   Xiao Qiushui then continued to ask.

"Since you have been removed from the Money Gang, then you swear allegiance to my Xiao family, and inform me of the Money Gang, and guide the conflict between the Money Gang and the Xiao family's royal family. In that case, our Xiao family can take shelter. you!"

   Xiao Wangyu's tone at this time also became very arrogant.

   "Your goal is to get the royal family to fight for money. You can take advantage of the fishermen's profit!"

   Xiao Qiushui understood Xiao Wangyu's final plan.

   "What's wrong with this?"

   Xiao Wangyu said calmly.

   "There is nothing to do, just right, I want to do this too?"

   Just when the voice fell off, Su Hao and Lian Chengzhi walked in from outside the house.

   The moment Su Hao stepped into the house, the sound of the system mission announcement rang in his ears.

   Xiao Wangyu looked startled, turned his head and looked at Su Hao and the others.

"You are?"

   He frowned, but he had a bad feeling in his heart.

   He met these two people. When he was observing Xiao Qiushui in Qingshui Restaurant, he saw Su Hao and the others eating in the next room.

   "See the young master!"

   After seeing Su Hao's, Xiao Qiushui stepped forward and bowed slightly to salute.

   "Young Master? You are the money helper, no, you are the power behind the money helper!"

   Xiao Wangyu's thinking turned quickly, and he quickly guessed the identity of Su Hao.

   "Yes, I am one of the forces behind them. Just now, Young Master Xiao, I agree with your idea, and I am going to do the same."

   Su Hao looked at Xiao Wang and said.


   Xiao Wangyu frowned.

   His idea just now was to stir up hatred between the money gang and the royal family.

   What does the other party mean now?

   "You are dead, the Xiao family should suspect that it was the work of the Dagan royal family."

   Su Hao explained that Xiao Wangyu did not understand the consciousness in his words.

   Just as he explained, Lian Chengzhi next to Su Hao shot.

   A huge qi burst out of him, and he lifted his head and pressed towards Xiao Wangyu.

   The Scarlet Fire Divine Art was activated when he raised his hand, and his palm turned into flames, covering Xiao Wangyu.

"you guys!"

   Xiao Wangyu watched the palm of his hand changed, and immediately displayed his trump card.

   A golden light emerged behind him.

   Among this golden light is a picture.

   There is only one long sword radiating golden light in the painting.

   When Lian Chengzhi's palm was about to take a picture in front of him, the long sword in that painting suddenly broke away from the scroll and directly rose into the air.

   In the small courtyard, a golden sword aura suddenly rose into the sky, a sword fart towards Lianchengzhi.

   The sword spirit was wanton, and the courtyard fell apart at this moment.

   The golden sword aura and the crimson flame collided with each other, exploding with amazing power.

   Su Hao retreats sharply.

   And the sky-shaking wheel above Xiao Qiushui's head also reappeared, directly pressing against the picture scroll floating above Xiao Wangyu's head.

   In the picture scroll, the golden sword aura reappeared, a sword slashed towards Xiao Qiushui's sky-shaking wheel.

   Suddenly, the rumbling sound continued.

   Xiao Wangyu's complexion condensed, his sleeve robe agitated, and nine gray dragon shadows appeared on his original plain sleeve robe instantly.

   At this time, his hands were knotted, and the Nine Dragon Shadows on his sleeves roared out in an instant, rushing towards Xiao Qiushui's Shaking Wheel and Liancheng Zhi.

   "What a powerful method!"

   Su Hao couldn't help but exclaimed as he looked at what had burst out of Xiao Wangyu's body.

   Xiao Wangyu's own strength is the triple realm.

   But in line with his stuff, the strength he showed was able to fight against a master of the realm level nine.

   Boom! boom!

   The collision of the three forces caused an earth-shattering roar.

   Sword energy, flames, and the figure of Nine Dragons, all disappeared in this explosion.

   The sky-shaking wheel on top of Xiao Qiushui's head shook a few times and pressed against Xiao Wangyu again.

   "The flames have no form!"

   Even Chengzhi's face turned ugly.

   He didn't expect that he would not be able to deal with a third-level person in the realm. He suddenly shouted.

   The flames all over his body continued to gush out, enveloping him.

   Then he slapped Xiao Wang with a palm, and the continuous palm strength, like the sky and the earth, shattered the space around Xiao Wangyu into black voids.

   This moment.

   Xiao Wangyu felt that the qi in his body was not running smoothly under this scorching flame qi.

   The golden long sword in the picture scroll above his head continuously slashed fierce sword energy, resisting Xiao Qiushui's sky-shaking wheel, and was unable to deal with Lian Chengzhi for a while.

   Xiao Wangyu raised his hand again, and the nine dragon shadows on his sleeves reappeared, attacking again towards Lian Chengzhi's palm.

  Lian Chengzhi seems to be waiting for this opportunity.

   He twisted the flame power that was shot out with both hands, and instantly those power formed a huge furnace, trapping the nine dragon shadows in the furnace.

   "All things are transformed into oneself!"

   At this moment, he turned everything into oneself.

   Suddenly, the enveloping furnace and the wrapped nine dragon shadows were instantly sucked into his body.

   Under the blessing of this power, Lian Chengzhi's strength continued to rise, gradually moving toward the real self.


   After watching Lian Chengzhi swallow his nine dragon shadows, his aura continued to rise, his complexion couldn't help changing.

   Backed quickly, a rune appeared in his hand, and he threw it directly.

   at the moment he threw it out.


   Sudden lightning and thunder in the sky, rolling black clouds, gathered from all directions.

   There was originally a moonlight sky, but it was all dimmed.

   A powerful breath erupted from the dark cloud.

   Su Hao looked up, his eyes condensed, and a huge whirlpool appeared among the billowing clouds.

   In the whirlpool, entrenched a huge beast with black rays of light.

   Suddenly, the fierce beast roared and crawled out of the whirlpool.

   This long howl formed a powerful sound wave and attacked Xiao Qiushui and Lian Chengzhi.

   The originally promoted Lian Chengzhi suddenly stopped amid this violent roar.

   He looked at the behemoth with both eyes and blasted it with a punch.

   When the giant beast saw Lian Chengzhi attacking, he immediately seemed very angry, and a giant palm pressed directly against Lian Chengzhi.

   The two sides collided instantly, and the two sides retreated violently at the same time.

   At this time ~ outside the capital, in a manor.

   Xiao Kuangsheng appeared above the manor, his eyes staring at the black vortex that appeared in the distance.

   "Dark Underworld Beast! Could something happen to Wangyu!"

   While he was speaking, he broke through the void and stepped in.

   Here, Su Hao looked at the behemoth that was fighting with Lian Chengzhi, his expression condensed.

   "Your subordinates can't even solve my behemoth, and they want to kill me. Tell you, when I arrive, I will draw your soul!"

   Xiao Wangyu looked at Su Hao and said cruelly.

   But when he was talking, countless blood-colored canes suddenly appeared under his feet.

   These vines pierced his body in the blink of an eye.

   At the moment when he didn't make any response, it spread all over his body and began to devour his flesh and blood.


   Xiao Wangyu let out a scream.

   Then all the flesh and blood on his body disappeared, turning into a pile of bones.

   "Sometimes, one can't be too proud!"

   Su Hao's figure flashed and appeared beside that Xiao Wangyu.

  At the moment of Xiao Wangyu's life and death, he was fighting with Lian Chengzhi, the behemoth, instantly turned into a black light, turned into a pitch black spell, and fell to the ground.

   Su Hao grabbed it in the air, grabbed the spell in his hand, and threw it directly into the inventory.

   shouted at Lian Chengzhi and Xiao Qiushui: "Change and leave immediately!"

   Xiao Qiushui immediately put on the mask, and the breath of his body instantly disappeared. As for Lian Chengzhi, he also concealed his breath and changed to another person.

  Hu! A gap in the void appeared, and the three of them stepped into it instantly.

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