Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 536: Xiao Wangyu appeared

Tang Wu was overjoyed and nodded to the two of them.

As long as the two can suppress Xiao Qiushui's sky-shaking wheel.

Then Gu Qinghou had absolute certainty, beheading or seriously wounding Xiao Qiushui.

This is self-confidence in the strength gap.

Tang Wushuang retreated slightly, and the two masters of the Nanming Sacrifice Hall behind him stepped out.

They turned their hands, as if some weird mudra were formed.

From a distance, Xiao Wangyu looked at the Jie Yin in the hands of these two people, his expression wrinkled.

"The method of Nanming Sacrifice Hall, how could they be in Dagan Dynasty? Could it be that Dagan Dynasty colluded with Nanming Sacrificial Hall!"

His heart sank.

The Nanming Sacrifice Hall is not a force in the Fire Territory, it is also a powerful sect force in the Outer Territory.

He didn't expect that the Dagan Dynasty would have something to do with the Nanming Sacrifice Hall.

"The Dagan Dynasty really can't stay!"

Xiao Wangyu murmured.

"Ready to do it!"

Xiao Wangyu said to a dark place behind him.

At this time, Xiao Qiushui's complexion condensed.

When he saw the two Jieyin, his heart was bulging, and the sky-shaking wheel inside his body made a clank sound.

A whirr appeared above his head.

Shaking Wheel!

When it appeared, a huge force broke out, and the entire third floor was instantly ruptured by this force.

For a time!

The whole restaurant erupted with screams, and the sound of running and fleeing

Of course, more warriors are paying attention to this side.

When they saw the appearance of the Shaking Wheel, they all exclaimed at the same time.

"The Shaking Wheel of Zhengyi Sect was not obtained by the Dagan Dynasty, but in the hands of this person. Who is this person?"

The crowd exclaimed and asked inexplicably.

Although Xiao Qiushui had been in Zhengyi Church for a while, he rarely showed up.

So outsiders don’t know that Xiao Qiushui is the new leader of Zhengyi Church.

As soon as the sky-shaking wheel appeared, huge infuriating energy was released wantonly from the sky-shaking wheel.

Suddenly, bursts of roar erupted from the originally quiet night sky.

With the roar, the sky-shaking wheel on top of Xiao Qiushui's head began to turn, and as it turned, the body of the sky-shaking wheel continued to expand.

It was like a giant moon volleying in the sky.


At this moment, the sky-shaking wheel sent out a ripple, and the moment this ripple was in contact with the air, a huge wave of air was formed and swept toward the two people in the Nanming Sacrifice Hall.

The two masters of the Nanming Sacrifice Hall seemed to have noticed the movement of the sky-shaking wheel above Xiao Qiu's head.

The movements in his hands are extremely fast.

"Star banning technique!"

They shouted violently, and starlight appeared in their hands.

This starlight corresponds to the starlight in the night sky, forming a huge starlight giant net and heading toward the sky-shaking wheel.

The wave energy of the sky-shaking wheel, when it encounters the starlight giant network, instantly seems to be stuck, unable to move forward.

At this moment.

Gu Qinghou skipped it in an instant, and the whole person turned into a blue light, attacking Xiao Qiushui at a speed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Xiao Qiushui.

He gave a cold voice, and with a surging innocent palm, he pressed towards Xiao Qiushui without hesitation.

Xiao Qiushui's complexion condensed, the Sky Shaking Wheel was suppressed, and the nine-fold master of the opponent's realm shot.

He has no chance to escape at all.

But he is not a person who is waiting to die.

He mobilized the surging true energy in his body, gathered it on his palm, and patted Gu Qinghou unceremoniously.

Bang, bang!

The low palm wind collided.

In the next moment, Xiao Qiushui immediately spouted a mouthful of blood, his figure was shaken back for a few steps, and he fell directly in front of Su Hao and the others.

Gu Qinghou, who locked Xiao Qiushui, saw Xiao Qiushui's body shape being shaken back, and grabbed Xiao Qiushui with one palm.

At this time, the suppressed Sky Shaking Wheel uttered bursts of low groans, and burst out a powerful counter-shock force.

The two people at the Nanming Sacrifice Hall, their faces flushed, blood spurted wildly, and their bodies shot backwards in embarrassment.

When Gu Qinghou grasped Xiao Qiushui's palm, the sky-shaking wheel appeared in front of him.

An invisible wave directly pressed the palm of Gu Qinghou's protruding hand.


Gu Qinghou snorted coldly.

A dazzling silver light burst out from the palm that was grabbed, turning into a big silver hand and patted the sky-shaking wheel.

Xiao Qiushui had been injured by him, and the power of this sky-shaking wheel could not be fully released, and it could not stop him.

The big silver hand patted the sky-shaking wheel, trying to move him away from Xiao Qiushui's side.

The sky-shaking wheel is very unusual, and the imperial family's real-life powerhouse did not leave the sky-shaking wheel, so he just wanted to suppress it.

As long as he suppressed the rest time of the Shaking Wheel, he would be able to catch Xiao Qiushui and take Xiao Qiushui away.

After all, Xiao Qiushui who was alive would be more useful.

At this time, Lian Chengzhi, who was in front of Su Hao, looked towards Su Hao, and he was asking Su Hao if he wanted to do it.

Su Hao did not respond.

He wanted to wait, he wanted to see what Xiao Wangyu was doing.

Although he knew that Xiao Wangyu calculated Xiao Qiushui, he didn't know his purpose of calculating Xiao Qiushui.

Is it just that Xiao Qiushui was taken away by the Dagan He didn't believe it.

There should be other purposes.

Sure enough, the moment when the Shaking Wheel was suppressed by Gu Qinghou's big silver hand.

Two figures slowly walked over from a distance.

The leader was Xiao Wangyu, and beside him was a man in a blue robe.

As soon as the two of them appeared, Gu Qinghou instantly put away the big silver hand and looked at each other solemnly.

Xiao Wangyu walked slowly in front of Gu Qinghou and Tang Wushuang.

"Sect Master Xiao is the person I have appointed, you can't take it away!"

Xiao Wangyu was speaking at the same time.

The man in the blue robe beside him clenched his fists and made a creaking sound.

Immediately, a thunder and lightning real energy whizzed out from his body, and suddenly a violent force swept towards Gu Qinghou.

Gu Qinghou's complexion changed, and cyan rays of light surged all over his body, and his arms instantly thickened.

The figure jumped and directly attacked the blue-robed man.

The purpose of his coming here was to fight against the people around Xiao Wangyu, and now that the opponent came, he also found his goal.

As for Xiao Qiushui and Xiao Wangyu, he knew that the dynasty had other arrangements.

On the other side, there was a sneer from the corner of the blue robe man's mouth.

In the next instant, a hideous color appeared on his face, his figure suddenly stepped on, and a thunderous sound suddenly appeared in the air.

When I saw him again, I saw his fist colliding with Gu Qinghou's fist.


A low sound was made at the place where their fists collided, and then an invisible force spread.


The remaining two-story building also collapsed instantly.

At this moment!

In the void not far from the inn, Tang Kongliu stood quietly with a man in cyan armor.

Their eyes calmly watched Gu Qinghou and the blue-robed man fighting.

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