Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 522: Dragon Tiger Gate, Lian Bin and Kong Wo

"Before I came to the Dagan Dynasty, a force entered the ruins of my Demon Sect of No Desire!"

"This force is a bit extraordinary, and it ruined a clone of me."

Ouyang was talking.

"Brother Ouyang's clone should have the strength of the Ninth Layer of Domain Realm. I don't know which force touched you?"

Emperor Qian asked with some interest. .

"A force called the Power Gang, it seems that this force hasn't been around for long."

When Ouyang was leaving the ruins of the Demon Sect of No Desire.

The great elder who has controlled the Big Dipper Palace Luo Jiuchuan knows that Su Hao and them are from the power gang!

And also know some of the power gang!

"Power Gang, I seem to be a little impressed."

Hearing this, Qianhuang recalled it in his head, and then his eyes condensed.

Tang Kongliu made this move, and among the three forces he dealt with was the power gang.

And based on the feedback, he was a little surprised.

This power gang defeated the two realm-level eight-strength warriors in the Nanming Sacrifice Hall.

Letting his son Tang Chong return from the Yangtze River Mansion without success, vaguely undermined Tang Kongliu's plan.

"You'd better test this force if you have time. I always feel that they are not easy."

Ouyang Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Power help, I will make arrangements here. I will let someone help you collect your soul first, and let your clone step into the real self as soon as possible. Let's start with the Zhengyi Sect, come!"

Emperor Qian said.

As soon as his voice fell, suddenly, a tyrannical aura appeared in the palace.

With the emergence of this breath, a man wearing black boots walked out of the void.

The man was stalwart and dressed in the official uniform of the Dagan Dynasty. He stepped out of the void with one foot.

At the moment he stepped out, he condensed his own breath, but still gave people a sense of **** and tyranny.

"I'm so real!"

Upon seeing the person who appeared, Ouyang Zheng's eyes condensed, but he disappeared immediately.

The visitor did not pay attention to Ouyang Zheng, but came to the front of Emperor Qian, and bowed respectfully.

"See Your Majesty!"

"Qing Yuanhou, this is Sect Master Ouyang Zheng of the Demon Sect of No Desire, you and Sect Master Ouyang, go to Zhengyi Sect, you don't need to keep alive!"

Emperor Qian's voice was very flat, but there was a chill in the air.

"Subordinates understand!"

The man known as Qing Yuanhou bowed.

"Then thank you Brother Tang, Qing Yuanhou and I will go to Zhengyijiao first!"

Ouyang was getting up gently.

He also felt that his strength was a bit weak, so he must improve as soon as possible.

"Sect Master Ouyang please!"

Na Qingyuan Hou waved his hand, the void in the palace rippled, and a void gap appeared, and the two stepped away.

Not long after they left.

A black mist appeared from the palace, and then the black mist turned into a black robe figure.

"See Your Majesty!"

The black robe directly bowed down.

"What happened?"

Emperor Qian asked softly.

"The second prince has dealt with the money gang, and there has been a strong one in the real world!"

The black robe man said respectfully.

"I'm so real!"

Hearing that, the Emperor Qian, who had always been dull, suddenly burst into a tyrannical aura fluctuation, which directly swept the entire palace.

This breath fluctuates, giving people a sense of landslide and tsunami, and the world can be broken with a wave of terror.

"Has this money gang checked the details?"

Emperor Qian suppressed his breath and asked in a deep voice.

The forces in the Dagan dynasty, the strong in the real world, are few people.

And those who are strong in the real world are in a state of retreat, so this question arises.

"The subordinates did not investigate the details of this force. Based on the analysis of the current situation, this force should be an external force!"

The black-robed man replied.

"Foreign power? Is it for my Void Throne?"

Qianhuang frowned.

"Notify the patriarch's mansion, let the money gang temporarily first, and assist the second prince to find out the details of the power gang!"

The Emperor Qian meditated for a moment.


After the black-robed man got up and saluted, he quickly left.

After the black-robed man left, Qianhuang murmured: "My Void Throne is about to be refined. You want to deal with me, I am afraid it is not that simple!"

Beili Mansion!

Money Gang, Su Hao is in his room.

After he finished bathing and changing clothes, he was ready to start the lottery. After all, this time he got a Level 4 crystal lottery card.

He hopes to be able to draw a strong real self.

He opened the inventory and first clicked on the 3 level 3 crystal lottery cards.

[Consuming 3 3 level crystal lucky draw cards, the lucky draw...]

[Congratulations to the host lucky draw character Ka Lianbin, it has been saved in the inventory, please check! 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing Li Chenzhou's first experience card, which has been stored in the inventory, please check it! 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing the Swallow Fanatic True Self Realm Dual Experience Card, which has been stored in the inventory, please check it!]

"Well, a character card, the others are specific character experience cards, Li Chenzhou, Yan mad! The system really prefers this father and son!"

Su Hao looked at the system prompt and muttered to himself.

"Look at who Lianbin is?"

Su Hao didn't have a deep impression of this character, so he needed to investigate.

[Character Lianbin]: A character from Gaowu [Dragon Tiger Gate], the nine peaks of the realm of strength (you can step into the real self at any time).

Nicknames: Invincible in the World, Ancestor, Little Sword Immortal, Cultivation, Nine Death Evil Skills, Mirror of the Sky, Ascension Jue, Heart Sutra of Ten Thousand Poisons.

"The expert in Longhumen, I didn't expect this Lianbin to be so awesome, he would step into the realm of real self at any time!"

Su Hao looked at the introduction of Lian Bin, and exclaimed.

Step into the real self at any time, such a character, it is estimated that as long as he is born for a while, he can step into the real self.

Su Hao was very satisfied with the 3 level 3 crystal lottery cards, and immediately clicked on the 4 level crystal lottery card.

[Consumption of 1 level 4 crystal lucky draw card, the lucky draw...]

[Congratulations to the host for drawing the character card empty me, it has been stored in the inventory, please check! 】

"Character card, the existence of true self!"

Su Hao immediately clicked on the inventory and started to search for my information.

[Empty Me]: From the world of Gaowu [a figure in the Dragon and Tiger Gate, the strength of the real self is the first level ~ Practice Washing Marrow Sutra, Yi Jin Jing-Black Level One, Golden Bell Cover, Tong Zi Gong, Red Japanese decision and so on.

"Only the real self!"

Seeing the introduction of Sora, Su Hao was a little disappointed. He still wanted to play a master in the real world.

[Random task, the host's own cultivation base is slightly weaker, ask the host to perform hard training, within 3 months, step into the realm of triple level, reward a 4th level crystal card! 】

"I am a mission!"

Su Hao looked at the tasks released by the system, a little confused.

"There is a system that needs hard work!"

Su Hao thought this way.

However, a 4th level crystal lottery card, he did set hard work directly.

His current realm is the first level. After 3 months of working hard and a lot of resources, he may really step into the third level of the realm.

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