Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 512: Jagged Banner

"Check the strength of the goddess, just you?"

Hearing that, Su Hao's expression was startled, and his eyes were a little bit disbelief of Xiao Yao's words, so relying on their strength, he wanted to investigate the strength of the goddess.

How confident is this? Isn't this pure looking for death?

"Are you sure you didn't come to the Dagan Dynasty to be cannon fodder!"

Su Hao looked at Xiao Yao suspiciously.

"cannon fodder?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yao was taken aback and didn't understand Su Hao's meaning, but knew that Su Hao's words were not good.

There was a trace of dislike in the depths of the eyes, but then he went into hiding, and said:

"That's why I came to cooperate with your gang, hoping to use the power and strength of your gang to investigate the strength of the king!"

Xiao Yao didn't conceal it, she told her intentions.

"Cooperation requires qualifications and capital. Your current qualifications and capital are still not up to the qualifications to cooperate with me."

Su Hao shook his head.

Although the system has such a task, he will also cooperate with Xiao Yao, but she needs Xiao Yao to show some sincerity.

"Then I want to talk to Shao Su alone, Mr. Lu, go down first!"

Xiao Yao thought for a while and said to Su Hao, and waved his hand to let the old man named Lu leave.

She does not have the capital and qualifications to talk to Su Hao now.

Although she is the first person in the Xiao family, she has not much power.

But she can provide something to Su Hao.

Upon hearing this, Su Hao waved his hand to let the two Yan lunatics follow the old man named Na Lu and leave the hall.

For a moment!

In the hall, only Su Hao and Xiao Yao remained.

"Unexpectedly, Su Shao is so relieved, isn't he afraid that I will attack you? Your strength is not my opponent!"

Xiao Yao looked at Su Hao and said with a smile on her face.

"It's up to you!"

Su Hao shook his head and said: "I want to kill you, just in a thought, just tell me what you have to talk to me, I don't like to make rounds!"

The tone is very flat, but it shows absolute self-confidence.

Xiao Yao straightened up and said softly:

"I know that the Xiao family sent me to the Dagan Dynasty, just to stand in front, and to check the strength of the Ganwang is only to attract the Dagan Dynasty!"

"According to my guess, the main line of the Xiao family may act on the Dagan Empire. Once the Dagan Empire is destroyed, I think the Money Gang may be able to accept some of the Dagan Empire's territory!"

Xiao Yao didn't talk about the power behind Su Hao, but just talked about the money gang.

"The Xiao family is ready to attack the Dagan Empire!"

Su Hao's eyes narrowed.

Although he had such guesses in his heart, he was slightly surprised when Xiao Yao said this.

He hadn't seen him before, but he had made a shot once, and his strength was definitely above the realm.

"Don't your Xiao family be afraid of the three empires uniting against you?"

Su Hao looked at Xiao Yao and said.

"This is the decision made by the main line, and our collaterals cannot intervene. In the Xiao family, the main line is the ultimate authority!"

Xiao Yao said this? A trace of helplessness appeared on her face.

If it wasn't for that kind of curse on her body? Maybe she wouldn't even think of entering the main vein.

The pain of the curse, that made her mind firm? That's why she was vying for the first person next to the Xiao family.

"Is it just this news!"

Su Hao was a little dissatisfied.

"As long as Su Shao, you help me find out the strength of the goddess? I can complete this mission, and then I can step into the main line!" :(/

"When the time comes, once the Xiao Family takes action against the Dagan Dynasty? As my main line, I might be able to help your Excellency!"

"Of course I can tell you something? That is, Xiao Wangyu, the main line of the Xiao family, and Xiao Muchen, a sideline of the Xiao family, are already in the territory of the Dagan Dynasty? Xiao Wangyu should be in the capital, and Xiao Muchen is in the Beili Mansion!"

Xiao Yao looked at Su Hao.

"The main line of the Xiao family has also arrived, but there is something special about this Xiao Muchen's sideliner!"

Xiao Yao actually put together this Xiao Muchen and Xiao Wangyu, who is the main line of the Xiao family? Then it shows that this Xiao Muchen is not simple.

"He is actually the collateral of the Xiao family? The real first person, but he never participated in Patriarch Nubuat, so I will become the first person of the Xiao family collateral this year. He has a high status in the collateral of the Xiao family. !"

"It is rumored that a major figure in the main line really wants to accept him as a disciple. He can enter the main line at any time? Become the core figure of this generation."

"His threat is lower than Xiao Wangyu at all. My subordinate Lu is actually his own? The reason why he came to Beili Mansion is to find out who killed his brother Xiao Qingshan."

Xiao Yao informed Su Hao of some of the information she knew.

"Xiao Qingshan's elder brother, but even if he is the first person in the Xiao family? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with me, this can't convince me."

Su Hao still shook his head when he heard the words.

"The people of the Xiao family come to the great dynasty? They will definitely choose the target of cooperation? Once other forces get their support? It is not a good thing for you, but if I can become the main line of the Xiao family, it will help you very much. Big!"

Xiao Yao said in a deep voice.

"Okay! I will cooperate with you!"

Su Hao nodded and said.

[The host cooperates with Xiao Yao, who is next to the Xiao family. The reward sign-in value is 50,000, and a level 3 lottery card has been stored in the inventory. Please check it by the host. 】

"Thank you Su Shao, but Su Shao my task has a time limit and I have to complete it within 2 months!"

After Su Hao agreed to cooperate with Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao spoke again.

"2 months!"

Su Hao's eyebrows frowned. He didn't expect that the Xiao family would only give Xiao Yao two months.

Some hurry at this time!

She didn't say anything about the task time, because 2 months was really too short.

Who is the Qianwang, the king of the Dagan dynasty, is the existence that makes the main line afraid, how can she complete this task in 2 months.

But this is her only chance, so she will not let it go.

"How many days are left!"

Su Hao asked in a deep voice.

"There is one month left!"

Xiao Yao replied, her eyes fixed on Su Hao, she wanted to see Su Hao's reaction.

This can also see the strength of Su Hao's forces.

"Okay, I will find someone to help you test your strength!"

"But I don't believe that Xiao Qingshan came to Beili Mansion, just to avenge his brother Xiao Qingshan, so I want you to find out what Xiao Qingshan really wanted to come to Beili Mansion one day later!"

Su Hao said coldly.

Xiao Qingshan wanted to investigate Xiao Muchen's death, he should be in the capital, not in Beili Mansion, so he must have another purpose.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yao's face condensed.

She didn't like Su Hao's command but now she is under the eaves, so she can only bow her head.

But Su Hao's words moved her heart, and she was also a little confused.

"Did he discover me that day!"

Xiao Yao secretly said in her heart

"Shao Shao, this is my jade card for contact, you can contact me through this!"

"I'll leave first, and investigate the reason why Xiao Muchen came here as soon as possible, and let you know!"

Xiao Yao took a jade card from her arms and threw it to Su Hao, then stepped out of the hall.

After Xiao Yao stepped out of the hall.

Su Hao opened the inventory and clicked on the level 3 crystal lottery card he just won.

[Consumption of 1 level 3 crystal lottery card, lucky draw]

[Congratulations to the host for drawing the Iron Blood Banner, which has been stored in the inventory, please check it! 】

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