Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1979: talk, meet

Nine Heavens Domain.

in a manor.

The Ninth Evil Lord and the God of Death sat opposite each other.

"You said that the first evil lord wants to see me, but why should I meet him?"

"You have a bad reputation as demon hunters."

Death looked at the ninth evil monarch.

The Ninth Evil Lord listened to the **** of death, but his expression was very calm. He thought it was normal for the Ninth Evil Lord to be worried.

Inner demon hunters have a bad reputation in the world of extreme heaven.

But he needs to invite the person in front of him to join the demon hunter.

Because this will not only save his life, but also allow him to increase his status among the inner demon hunters.

The strength of this person in front of him, when he first met, he didn't feel anything.

But this time, he could feel the terrifying power in the opponent's body.

"It's difficult for your strength to improve now, but by joining my Heart Demon Hunter and getting the blessing of Jiuyou Heart Demon Pond, I think you should be able to improve a little bit."

The ninth evil monarch said bewitchingly.

Of course, he was tempted by the First Evil Monarch to join the Demon Hunter because he had been unable to improve his strength after stepping into the Dao Realm.

After countless years, his strength has indeed improved a lot.

"I don't need external things to help me improve my strength for the time being."

Death shook his head.

Now that he stepped into this world not long ago, his own cultivation is in the consolidation stage, and he does not need to rely on external forces to improve his strength.

This temptation is not attractive to Death God at all.

"Brother Evil God, Inner Demon Hunter is a force that appeared in the Dark Age, and knows the burial place of many Dark Age powerhouses."

"When I joined the Jiuyou Heart Demon Pool, the first evil monarch gave me a site from the Dark Era. I think if you join, you should get more than one."

The ninth evil monarch said.

"Dark Age Era Ruins?"

Hearing that, the **** of death's eyes narrowed.

"You just said that Heart Demon Hunters appeared in the Dark Age. Are you also from the Dark Age?"

Death looked at the ninth evil monarch.

"I'm not, I joined the Heart Demon Hunter only a year after the Dark Era."

The ninth evil monarch opened his mouth and said.

"The Dark Era is a few epochs away from now. Your strength, Ninth Evil Lord, is still weaker than before me."

Death looked at the ninth evil monarch.

"My strength itself is not worse than yours, but there are some problems with my heart."

"The disappearance of my heart has caused problems with my body. To be honest, now I only have skin left, and it is normal that my strength is not as good as yours."

The Ninth Evil Monarch said without concealment.

"That's why you robbed Emperor Zhou of his seven orifices."

Death spoke up.

"Yes, as long as I obtain the exquisite body structure of Qiqiao, it should be completed. At that time, I will be able to return to my peak strength."

The ninth evil monarch said.

"Is that so? What is the strength of the first evil monarch?"

Death asked.

"I don't know exactly, but I know he never took that step."

"Didn't take that step?"

Death's eyes narrowed.

"The first evil monarch should be the strongest among your inner demon hunters. He hasn't taken the first step, so even if I join, I won't make much progress."

"What's more, there are powers behind me. I forgot to tell you that I am the evil **** in front of you, but I am called the **** of death among the forces behind me."

Death said.

Identify yourself.

"It doesn't matter, many of the inner demon hunters have power behind them, except me."

The ninth evil monarch said.

Hearing the words of the Ninth Evil Monarch, the God of Death began to ponder.

"Okay, then I'll go see this first evil lord, right here."

Death thought for a moment and then said.

As long as you join the Inner Demon Hunter, you can secretly control the Inner Demon Hunter organization.

"Okay, there should be no problem here, and the first evil monarch will come to Jiutianyu in the past few days."

"The first evil lord has a connection with the evil lord who appeared recently in Jiutianyu, and he should come to see the evil lord."

The ninth evil monarch said.

"I found that you told me this for other purposes."

The **** of death looked at the ninth evil monarch and said, "But I don't care. If there are not enough benefits, I will not join the demon hunter."

After finishing speaking, the figure of the **** of death disappeared in front of the ninth evil monarch.

"What a tough person, but I told you so much, do you think you can escape the fate of joining the Inner Demon Hunter?"

The Ninth Evil Lord groaned in his mouth.

He stood up and walked towards the back of the hall.

in the back hall.

An old man wearing a Taoist robe, the old man has a trace of Taoism, and the Taoist robe on his body is also the Taoist robe of Taishang Jiuqingguan.

Master Qingyuan, one of the nine pavilion masters of the previous generation of Taishang Jiuqingguan.

He is also the seventh evil monarch among the inner demon hunters.

"You just said that the first evil lord will come to see the evil lord, and he wants to help the evil lord deal with my Taishang Jiuqingguan."

Master Qingyuan said.

"Shouldn't it be?"

The Ninth Evil Lord shook his head.

"No, then who will he deal with first?"

"Maybe it's the third evil monarch?"

The ninth evil monarch said in a deep voice.

"Deal with the third evil monarch? Then you won't deal with us together!"

"I suspect that your heart is the hands and feet of the First Evil Lord."

Qingyuan on humanity.

"It should be him, but I haven't been able to find where my heart is? I originally wanted to use Emperor Zhou's seven orifices to restore my strength, and then sense the position of my heart."

"I didn't expect Emperor Zhou to be more difficult than I imagined, and he returned without success, and was suppressed by the people who didn't move Hades."

When it comes to not moving the city of Hades, the ninth evil monarch showed anger on his face.

"It's good that they didn't kill you. In fact, if it wasn't for the third evil monarch to bring you back, I'm afraid you would be drowned in the endless nine secluded magic pools by us!"

Qingyuan on humanity.

"Yeah, that's why I thought about letting the God of Death join the Heart Demon Hunter. In this way, I can win more allies on my side, and my life can be guaranteed."

The ninth evil monarch said in a deep voice.

"This person's strength is terrifying, and it gives me a vague sense of oppression. I'm afraid I'm not this person's opponent."

"Adding him to the inner demon hunter may have an impact on me!"

Master Qingyuan said in a deep voice.

"There must be an influence, but maybe it can check and balance the first evil monarch."

Ninth Evil Monarch said.

"You say that he can check and balance the first evil monarch, it is unlikely!"

Master Qingyuan did not believe it.

"When he sees the first evil lord, he will know. He just asked me if the first evil lord has made a breakthrough, and I said no breakthrough!"

"It was only later that he agreed with the first evil monarch."

"What does it mean, it means that he is afraid of breaking through the first evil monarch, and he is not very afraid of not breaking through."

The Ninth Evil Lord said here, the light in his eyes flickered.

"I hope you're right, that way we might be safer!"

Master Qingyuan Do you know where the evil master is now? "

Then Master Qingyuan asked.

"What appears now is only the incarnation of the evil lord. It is very difficult to find his real body. The fourth evil lord may have a way, but the relationship between the fourth evil lord and the evil lord is not shallow, and he will not help you."

"This requires you, Taishang Jiuqingguan, to find the evil master yourself!"

Hearing this, Master Qingyuan's expression condensed. He came here to find the ninth evil sovereign, in fact, he wanted to know the location of the evil master's true body.


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