Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1971: Domineering 9 evil kings

As for that inner demon fantasy card.

Su Hao was slightly stunned.

He immediately checked out the Inner Demon Fantasy Card.

The inner demon fantasy can trigger the central demon in the human heart, so that the mind is controlled by the user of the inner demon fantasy card.

"This thing is of great use. Maybe I can get some things I want to know from the ninth evil lord."

After the banquet started, the Shang Emperor of the Wasteland God Dynasty sat down with Su Hao and the others.

Isolated from others, he appeared in a small palace.

Among them, they can sit together, and only the Shang Emperor.

"Emperor Zhou, Emperor Shang, now we offend the inner demon hunters, and the inner demon hunters may attack us."

"I'm new here, and I don't know much about Heart Demon Hunters. I wonder if the two of you can help me out!"

Su Hao said.

"This Zhou Emperor may know more than me, but I know very little."

Shang Di opened his mouth.

"Actually, I don't know much. This heart demon hunter first appeared in the dark era. There are nine evil monarchs. They hunted down the remaining Taoist powerhouses at that time and collected their souls!"

"What is the specific use, I haven't found it here. This is that they collected souls in the early stage, and then they directly hunted the powerful Taoist realm and took away the body of the Taoist realm powerhouse!"

"With the passage of time, ordinary Dao realm powerhouses seem to be unable to attract them, so they will take action against the powerhouses at the peak of Dao realm."

"However, those who can cultivate to the peak of the Dao Realm have some means, or they are all powerful, so the hunters of inner demons have some losses."

"But those who are killed soon will appear again, and their strength will become stronger!"

"However, after years of investigation, I found out that these inner demon hunters may only be their identities in the dark, and they should have identities on the surface."

"Like the third evil monarch, I have played against him several times, and it is rumored that he is the dark emperor of the dark era."

"It's true, he is the Emperor of Darkness, and he can also be the Buddha of the Great Dark Buddha Temple like today's Zen Buddhism!"

Zhou Di said in a deep voice.

"Dark Buddha Temple!"

Hearing Zhou Di's words, the Shang Di's expression changed.

The Dark Great Buddha Temple, the supreme force in the Tianchan Buddhist domain, is just across the deep sea of ​​Yuan Dynasty from Yingzhou.

"What about the rest?"

Su Hao asked.

"Some time ago, the Eighth Evil Monarch went to the Undead Clan. I don't know what to do. Now I'm being hunted down by the Undead Clan, but as far as I know, the Undead Clan failed to catch up!"

"The Ninth Evil Lord has always appeared in **** human skin. I have played against him very few times, and I have no way of knowing who he is."

"I don't know about other evil monarchs. After all, I rarely meet each other."

Zhou Di opened his mouth and said.

"Is that so?"

The forces that emerged from the dark era are very ancient forces.

Should be a little tricky to deal with.

Su Hao is now thinking about meeting the ninth evil prince and seeing if he can know something?

at this time

In a mountain range outside the wooden city.

The figure of the third evil prince appeared in a cave.

This cave is where the previous ninth evil monarch was located.

"Lao Jiu, I didn't expect you to be suppressed this time."

"If you kill you, you may be able to live again, but if you suppress you, then there is no way!"

The third evil monarch muttered in his mouth.

Then he made a seal in his hand.

A black light emerged from his hand.

Then seven rays of light were formed and merged into the void. After a while, the void in which the seven rays of light were merged began to change, and silhouettes emerged from the void.

These people were all wearing black cloaks and could not see their faces clearly.

"The third evil monarch, didn't you go and **** the ninth evil lord, Zhou Di's seven orifices exquisite heart? How did you get it!"

A low voice said.

"Not only did he not get it, the Ninth Evil Monarch was suppressed!"

The third evil sovereign said.

Hearing this sentence, the other seven fell silent for a moment.

"You are saying that the ninth evil monarch was suppressed by Zhou Di, and his deity shot himself, it shouldn't be, even if his deity shot himself, you can stop him by yourself!"

"The Ninth Evil Lord has a chance to get the Seven Apertures Exquisite Heart!"

Another voice asked in a low voice.

"The Zhou Emperor's clone can burst out the battle power of the deity, and the three moves my clone dissipates at the same time as the opponent. As for the ninth evil monarch, he was suppressed by Dugu defeated Tian, ​​the city of the unmoving Hades."

When talking, Tai raised his hand, and the scene of the previous battle instantly appeared in front of several people.

First was the battle between Emperor Zhou and the third evil monarch, and finally it was the picture of Dugu Baitian taking action and suppressing the ninth evil monarch with one hand.

"This Dugu Baitian actually cultivated the body of the eleventh life. He is really a strong man. If he can use his soul and body to invest in the Jiuyouxin Demon Pond, after we absorb it, the power should be increased."

"The increase in strength is too slow now."

One person spoke.

"The three behind Dugu Baitian are not so easy to deal with, and that Dugu Baitian is the first deputy city lord of Fudo Pluto City, you are sure to deal with him!"

At this moment, a cold voice sounded in the cave.

"Fifth Evil Monarch, what do you mean? Could it be that this is the end of the matter? The Ninth Evil Monarch is suppressed. If we don't rescue us, we may not be afraid of our inner demon hunters!"

A dead, hoarse voice sounded in the cave.

From the words of the two, it can be seen that the two are not dealing with each other.

"Since the Ninth Evil Monarch was not beheaded by the immovable Pluto City, it means that they have reservations."

"The second evil lord and the fifth evil lord, you and the third evil lord, go to Fudo Pluto City together, and let Fudo Pluto City release people."

An old, but majestic voice rang in the ears of several people.

Although the Ninth Evil Monarch is in the opponent's hands, we cannot be suppressed.

If they don't hand over the Ninth Evil Lord, then we will activate the Jiuyou Heart Demon Pool, provoking the inner demon within the Ninth Evil Lord, and kill him.

At that time, a ninth evil monarch can be bred from the Jiuyou Heart Demon Pond.

After the old voice finished speaking, the figure disappeared.

This old man doesn't seem to care much about the life and death of the ninth evil monarch.


After the old man left, some people left one after another, leaving only two figures.

"Trouble the third evil lord, start the teleportation formation, and the fifth evil lord and I will arrive at your side and go to Fudo Hades City together to see what their attitude is."

The second evil sovereign said.

"it is good!"

The third evil prince nodded.

When the third evil prince nodded, the two figures disappeared.

And the third evil monarch formed a seal in his hand, and a series of rune formations appeared in his hands and fell on the ground. Divergent light shines brightly, turning the cave into day.

Two spatial fluctuations came from the light, and then two figures appeared in front of the third evil monarch.

"Let's Let's meet the people of Fudo Pluto City!"

The second evil sovereign said.

"The Shang Emperor of the Wasteland Region, the Zhou Emperor of Yingzhou, and Su Hao of the Underworld City are all in Mu City!"

The third evil sovereign said.

"Is Emperor Zhou the real body? If it is the real body, maybe we can take it directly!"

"This can also warn the people of Pluto City."

The second evil monarch's tone is very domineering.


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