Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1963: The dead wood old man dies, the ambition of Dugu 0 crane

"I didn't expect Dugu Qianhe to take refuge in Yushendu!"

The dead wood old man calmed down and looked at each other.

"If you take refuge in my Yushendu, I believe that the adults will give you high treatment."

"After all, the older generation of you who came out of the ancient stars have a bit of god-killing blood in their blood, which is very suitable for research."

"These blood are also helpful for adults."

The man in black robe looked at the dead wood old man and said.

"Yu Shendu was one of the black hands that pushed to destroy the ancient star forces, you think I will turn to Yu Shendu."

The dead wood old man looked at each other coldly.

I was too shocked to see the mark on the other party before.

Although the other party is from Yushendu, Yushendu is just as powerful as those adults.

If those few took action, he would not have to escape at all, nor would he be able to escape.

But the man in front of him was not.

"It seems that Ku Lao thinks that he can escape in my hands."

The black-robed man looked at the dead wood old man and said coldly.

when he speaks.


The void began to change, and the next moment this area became a vast ocean, a sea of ​​thunder.

One after another thick electric light appeared in the void.

On the person in front of him, the black robe has disappeared.

Exposing his figure, his bronze-colored body flashed with terrifying power, and the thunder and lightning in the sky seemed to melt into his body like energy.

"Old man withered wood, you can really run. If Brother Lei wasn't there this time, I would have let you run!"

"If you run away, my follow-up plan will be in vain."

A red figure appeared in the thunder, and it was Yan Suoyu who fought against the old man with dead wood before.

Yan Suoyu hopes to use the ancient temple to test the undead emperor.

The old man withered wood didn't care about Yan Suoyu's words. He was perceiving the lightning energy around him, and his heart sank, and a thunder field had formed around him.

It's a little hard to force a breakthrough,

Thunderbolt itself is also the restraint attribute of wood attribute practitioners.

Pick me up first!

"The first level of the Nine Thunder Seas!"


The man held a palm, and the lightning in the void changed into various forms, and then bombarded the old man with dead wood.

The speed is fast, the fury is boundless, and the force of the bombardment can shatter ordinary planets.

When the old man withered wood saw this, his eyes narrowed,

The palms were imprinted, and a green light appeared all over the body.

"Quarter column, a blow to the sky!"

He raised his hand, and four huge pillars emerged behind him, hitting the lightning that fell from the void.

The power of thunder and lightning directly shattered the huge wooden pillar.

But it is constantly being repaired.

However, some thunderbolts directly penetrated those giant wooden thorns and attacked his body.

The dead wood old man's body continued to pour out energy to resist these lightning.

For a time, these lightning bolts could not cause damage to the dead wood old man.

"One of the first three elders of the ancient temple, it really is not simple."

The person who shot, did not take down the opponent with the first strike, and quickly shot again, and the other eight lightning strikes fell quickly.


The area where the dead wood old man stood was shrouded in thunder, and finally turned into a cloud of ashes.

"This dead wood old man should have no chance of surviving under your nine lightning strikes!"

Yan Suoyu looked at the dead wood old man who was shrouded in lightning.

"Don't underestimate the dead wood old man. Although you and I restrain him, he is one of the three elders of the ancient temple after all, and he is not comparable to that Dugu Qianhe."

The man surnamed Lei said in a deep voice.


Just when his voice fell.

A fist suddenly rushed out of the thunder light and shrouded them towards them.

Above that fist, there is also a flash of lightning energy.

"This old ghost swallowed my power of lightning and recovered his body."

Seeing this scene, the man surnamed Lei's expression changed. Then the eyes became sharp, and two thunder lights shot out from the eyes.

Behind them, Yan Suoyu's eyes were also condensed, and the whole body was burning with flames.

The two punched at the same time,

On the one hand, the thunder light is bright and boundless, and on the other hand, the flames are like the sea, and the momentum is monstrous.

The fists of the two collided with the fist of the dead wood old man.


The powerful energy flowed out and swept the four directions.

Under this force, the minefield he had arranged before was blasted out.

When this hole appeared, a green light rushed out instantly and disappeared from their sight.

"No, the dead wood old man ran away!"

Yan Suoyu looked at the green light and said secretly.

The man surnamed Lei beside him suddenly shrank his pupils.

"Run and run! Inform Dugu Qianhe and let him know about this."

The man surnamed Lei said.

"Some mistakes! That's all."

At this time, the green light fell in one place.

The old man with dead wood appeared, and a mouthful of blood could not help but spew out of his mouth.

With a fiasco on his face, the two attacked together. He was not an opponent and was seriously injured.

"Dugu Qianhe, I don't know if you took refuge in Yushendu, or if all of your family has taken refuge in Yushendu."

The dead wood old man murmured in his mouth.


The moment he spoke, a fiery black light suddenly shot out of the void and directly penetrated the chest of the dead wood old man.

A trail of blue smoke came out of his chest, giving off a burnt smell.

Then, in the black mirror of Yimion in the void, a black light emitted from the mirror, covering the body of the dead wood old man.

That black light is strongly corrosive.

The dead wood old man emits energy, and under the corrosion of the black light, it is constantly eroded away.

"Black Mirror, Dugu Qianhe!"

The dead wood old man looked at the black mirror that enveloped him and said.

"Those two are really rubbish. They didn't kill you, and they want me to do it myself?"

The figure of Dugu Qianhe walked out of the void.

The moment he walked out, he flashed and appeared in front of the dead wood old man.

The palm sticks out, penetrates the body of the dead wood old man, and holds the dead wood old man's heart.

"Just let me give the old man a ride!"


With the palm of his hand, the old man's heart was crushed.

However, the vitality of the dead wood old man did not disappear immediately, but the energy in his body could not be replenished.

"You didn't take refuge in them?"

The dead wood old man looked at Dugu Qianhe and said.

"Follow them, I can get what I can get from them, I'm just taking advantage of them."

"The ancient star forces need to be I just use them to help me integrate:"

"You are the first step in my plan!"

That Dugu Qianhe looked at the dead wood old man and said coldly.

"You want to unify the power of Gu Xing in the world of the extreme sky, but you can't do it."

"If you can do it, you have to try it. You are old, so you should make a little contribution to the ancient star forces!"

The black mirror shone brightly, covering the dead wood old man and burning it into a mass of ashes.

"Don't blame me, blame you for being too conservative. If you can't move out of Hades, why can't we."

Dugu Qianhe looked at the old man who turned into ashes and withered wood, and muttered in his mouth.

When talking, he passed the information that the dead wood old man was killed by his sneak attack to Yan Suoyu.

Then it turned into a black light and disappeared.

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