Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1943: The duel between Yuhabach and the Lord of the Shrine

"Yeah!" That Zhu Yan's complexion changed, and his figure quickly escaped.

But it was a step too late, and a hand had already grabbed his arm, pulling him directly towards Buddha Bo Xun's side.

laugh! !

At this time, a sword qi turned out.

This sword energy did not cut off the Buddha and Demon Bo Xun, but cut off Zhu Yan's arm.

Zhu Yan let out a scream and quickly retreated.

Joined with that swordsman,

A surge of energy poured into his arm, and he was about to restore his arm.

"Do you think I'll give you a chance to restore your arm!"

Buddha and Demon Bo Xun, attacked directly towards Zhu Yan.

Jian Zun held the sword to resist, but was pushed out thousands of feet by the palm of Buddha and Demon Bo Xun.

Finally, Buddha and Demon Bo Xun appeared in front of Zhu Yan.

At this time, Zhu Yan, whose arm had not recovered, let out a low voice, and the remaining arm drew a rune in the air.

Then a flame of light appeared in front of him. I want to block the attack of Buddha and Demon Bo Xun.

But the nebula-like energy entered the flame, bursting instantly, and all six palms pressed against the opponent's chest.

The violent force directly blew his body apart.

Seeing this, Sword Master who was knocked back, his face changed greatly, and he immediately came with his sword.

But a sharp figure burst out from the body of Buddha and Demon Bo Xun.

The female body appeared to block Jian Zun.

The two hold each other's half-formed arms and feet with their heads and four arms.


Like the previous Sword Sovereign, it was directly torn apart.

Then the endless magic energy appeared in the body, wrapping the opponent directly.



A miserable cry came out from the demonic aura.

However, within the demonic energy, there is still a power of piety. Duhua this Zhu Yan is just shrouded in demonic energy and everyone does not know it.

After the magic.

Zhu Yan only had one head left.


However, this miserable head was absorbing energy frantically, recovering itself, and in the blink of an eye, his body recovered.

It's just that the breath is much weaker.

The strength is about to fall to the peak of Dao Realm.

The female body of Jianzun who knocked back the Buddha and Demon Bo Xun with one sword appeared in front of Zhu Yan.

I want to be concerned about Zhu Yan's injury.

But I saw that the flame of blessing flashed,

The palm of the hand is violent, and the head of the sword is directly grasped.

The moment he grabbed the head of Jianzun, the three-body Buddha and Demon Bo Xun appeared beside them, and a black giant Buddha handprint appeared in his hand, which was directly printed on Jianzun's head.


Jian Zun hugged his head and screamed.

But then he sat down cross-legged and saluted the Buddha and Demon Bo Xun.


"It's been transformed!"

Seeing this situation, everyone's eyes froze.

Unexpectedly, Buddha Mo Bo Xun turned into two people at once.


Arrogant Turing's eyes became gloomy,

"Since it has been converted, there is no need to keep it"

Wild Turing's pupils instantly became scarlet, and then two crescent-like blood knives flew out of his eyes.

That Jianzun and Zhu Yan seemed to sense something.

want to resist.

But the crescent-like blood knife penetrated their defenses and directly pierced their heads.


The heads of the two exploded,

"I didn't expect you to be able to transform my two slaves."

"You can't use them for you, either. They have my moon seed on them, and they can't stop the attack on me!"

Huang Turing looked at Buddha and Demon Bo Xundao.

There was a fierce killing intent in his eyes.

This is also why the two people who are called elders can only stand beside Wild Turing instead of sitting like the others.

It turned out that the two were the slaves of Wild Turing.

"Lord of the Desolate Pavilion, go kill him and use all your strength!"

Wild Turing said in a deep voice.


The Lord of the Desolate Pavilion nodded.

The figure flashed in front of the Buddha and Demon Bo Xun.

"The previous battle between you and me was not carried out. Now let me see how strong you are!"

The Lord of the Desolate Pavilion said in a deep voice.

At the moment of speaking, his body began to split, directly into three, three into six.

"Six Demons Transforming Phases!"

The master of the barren pavilion, the strongest unique skill, one person is divided into six people, and in a short period of time, these six figures can burst out with the same strength as the deity.

Su Hao, who was watching the battle, saw this change, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Unexpectedly, the Lord of the Desolate Pavilion didn't use all his strength just now,

"These six figures can burst with the same power in a short period of time, but once one body is damaged, the power of the others will also be damaged!"

Gu Chensha looked at the six figures in the void and said.

"It's a bit strong!"

Su Hao's eyes narrowed and he said,


The six figures shot in an instant, what is the momentum, Bo Xun with three heads and six arms, temporarily can only passively defend,

However, three heads and six arms, attacks from all directions are also within his resistance range.

It's hard to tell the winner for a while.

Seeing this situation, Su Hao couldn't help thinking of Youhabach,

at this time.

in a space,

There were endless psionic soldiers behind Youhabach, and countless figures appeared behind the Lord of the God Pavilion.

"Did you know? I didn't use my strength before because I was afraid of consumption. Now the Sect Master has asked me to use the Divine Mirror, so I can transfer my power to the people behind me." "Your soldiers, I am a soldier. Below, vulnerable.”

When the Lord of the Divine Pavilion spoke, the Shen Tianjian above the eyebrows emitted endless bright rays of light rushing towards the people behind him.

The person who stretched out his hand, the breath on his body continued to skyrocket, as if he had endless power,

Yohabach, who was standing opposite him, looked calm.

There was no fluctuation due to the change in the strength of the figure behind the opponent.


The Lord of the God Pavilion gave a low voice, and the legion behind him was like a torrent. Attack on Yuhabah.

"Do you think you are the only one with this ability?"

"Give it!"

With a low voice, runes appeared in the void, and the psionic soldiers behind him also changed. The strength continued to rise, and the person who came to the God Pavilion in the previous torrent attacked.

The two sides kept fighting.

Some of the psionic soldiers disappeared in the battle, and the power returned to Yohabach.

Yohabach continued to summon psionic soldiers.

form a cycle.

But the figure of the Lord of the God Pavilion disappeared and turned into a corpse.

Seeing this situation, the Lord of the God Pavilion's expression changed greatly.

If this continues, the personnel on his side will disappear, and the other party may still have an endless army, and he may be besieged by then.

You cannot be besieged by others, but you will be besieged by others.

The Lord of the God Pavilion's eyes narrowed.

When the other party gave those psionic soldiers, part of their power disappeared.

He wants to seize this opportunity to intercept Yuhabach.

A blood-colored halberd appeared in his and flew towards Youhabach.

Seeing the Lord of the God Pavilion attacking, Youhabach's expression turned cold, and he directly gave power to himself, and the power that had disappeared quickly returned.

With the long sword in his hand, he fought towards the opponent.

The power of the two fighting swept the four directions, and the people below began to dissolve under the aftermath of the battle.

"How is it possible, how can the power in you return."

The Lord of the Divine Pavilion kept attacking, with disbelief on his face.

"Nothing is impossible, this is my strength!"

There was a trace of cruelty in the corner of Youhabach's mouth.

"As long as those people you refined disappear, my psionic army can completely cover you."

"This space is your burial place."

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