Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1940: The army is facing the deserted Shenzong, and the momentum is shocking

at this time.

a place in the void

The Shang Emperor hid on the back of the swallowing beast, and behind him stood two of the three generals. There are also groups of ferocious soldiers.

"Huang Shenzong, these people may not be on the bright side. This person, Huang Turing, has always liked hiding methods."

"Where are the people who don't move Pluto City?"

He turned to the person beside him.

"From the information passed to us, it's almost here. Not only did Gu Chensha, the second city owner of Fudo Pluto City, show up, but the ancient emperor of Fudo Pluto City also came in person."

One of the three generals beside him spoke up.

"Gu Huang, this person is very young, and his strength does not seem to be very strong. He can actually control so many masters in Pluto City."

When I heard the ancient emperor.

There was a hint of surprise in Shang Di's eyes.

The ancient emperor Su Hao, he has investigated the realm of strength.

However, he could not control many of the powerhouses in Pluto City.

From what he has investigated, these powerhouses are all overlord-level characters.

The means are extremely extraordinary.

Perhaps these people's achievements are no less than his Shang Emperor.

So he was very curious about Su Hao.

However, if Su Hao came in person, it showed his attitude towards the Desolate God Sect.

Among the ancient stars, Su Hao's shots were all conquest battles to annihilate his opponents.

"Huang Turing, I don't know what means you still keep?"

The Shang Emperor's eyes looked through the void, towards the direction of the Wild God Sect.

Wild Shenzong

Sitting on the chair of the sect master, Huang Tujin noticed this gaze, and his eyes looked towards the void.

It was as if he saw the eyes of the Shang Emperor.

There was a divine light in his eyes, cutting off the surrounding void.

"Emperor Shang, since you're here, show up. You have been huddled in the wasteland for so many years, it's time to come out and let it go!"

Wild Turing's voice echoed in the void.

"The Shang Emperor is here!"

Hearing this voice, everyone looked around.

The Shang Emperor is also an absolute strongman in the Wild God Realm.

Back then, the Wasteland God Dynasty could be said to be a completely subordinate country to the Wasteland God Sect, and the emperor's assignment was decided by the Wasteland God School.

But when the Shang Emperor appeared, it completely changed.

Emperor Shang was the son of the Lord of the Wasteland God Dynasty. After the death of Emperor Shang, the original Wasteland Shenzong had sent someone to take over the Wasteland God Dynasty.

However, he was beheaded by the current Shang Emperor, and then declared himself to be the Shang Emperor.

And resisted some shots from the Wild God Sect.

Expanded the authority of the Wasteland God Dynasty.

"Desolate Turing, after today, the Desolate God Sect doesn't know if it's still there."

When Wild Turing's voice fell.

Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and everyone looked at them.

Emperor Shang rode on the swallowing beast and appeared in the dark clouds with countless soldiers, and the momentum was extremely huge.

These soldiers exude a huge fighting spirit.

These fighting intentions condensed and formed pressure towards the Wild God Sect.


Under the Lord of the Divine Pavilion beside Huang Turing, the man in the armor made a cold sound, and a black cloud appeared above his head.

The suffocating aura in the dark clouds was soaring to the sky, resisting the fighting intent that was coming over.


The two forces collided, and it was like a storm on the water, causing ripples.

Layer by layer, it took a while to disappear.

"One person blocked the fighting intent of countless soldiers gathered behind the Shang Emperor. Who is this person?"

The spectators had already guessed the man in the armor, and now they are even more curious.

But then their eyes became hot.

When the Shang emperor arrived, it seemed that a war was about to break out.

For these Shang emperors and Huang Turing's expressions, it seems to be a trivial matter.

"Emperor Shang, you are arrogant. I didn't expect you to turn to the ancient stars in the end. It's a shame for my Wild God Realm."

Huang Turing slowly stood up and looked at the Shang Emperor Road in the void.

Strike first.

Directly give Shang Emperor a big hat first.

"Hmph, Wild Turing, don't use these little tricks, it will lose your identity as a generation of suzerain."

Emperor Shang said coldly.

"Isn't it? Your Wasteland God Dynasty came to Fufu Hades to come to my Wasteland God Sect to take the lead."

"Isn't it a pawn?"

Wild Turing said coldly.

"Sect Master Wilderness, what you said is wrong. We have a cooperative relationship with the Wasteland God Dynasty."

"What's more, this matter is a battle provoked by your Desolate God Sect. I don't move Pluto City to cooperate with the Shang Emperor, and I just want to eradicate the cancer of the Desolate God Domain."

At this moment, a voice sounded in the void.

Then the void was split open.

Su Hao led everyone out of the void.

Among them, the Emperor Abandoned Heaven, Emperor Shi, Qiye Demon Lord, and Immortal Emperor Furious Battle, four of them stepped out.

Immediately, a surging and vast power erupted from his body, sweeping the sky and covering the earth.

And pressed towards the Wild God Sect.

Su Hao's side is different from the Wasteland God Dynasty.

When you come up, you start to oppress.

Boom boom boom!

The four Taoist powerhouses shot at the same time, although the momentum was not as good as the peak of the four Taoist peaks.

But these four people are all leading figures, their own strength is one aspect, and their aura is another aspect.

The momentum of the four people's shots was simply earth-shattering.

A wave of terrifying power fluctuations descended from the sky and bombarded the light curtain outside the Wild God Sect.

In the face of the attack of the four, the light curtain that was able to absorb the power before, set off a series of ripples at this moment, these ripples rapidly expanded, and then covered the entire light curtain.

Huang Turing looked at this scene, his eyes condensed.

With a wave of his hand, nine men in white appeared in the Wild God Sect. After they appeared, they quickly gathered runes and merged into the light curtain.

Help the light curtain fend off these attacks.

Su Hao, who appeared, watched this scene with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He made such a move mainly because he wanted to see the situation of the powerhouses below the peak of the Desolate God Sect Dao Realm.

boom! boom!

When these people helped the light curtain to resist.

That Emperor Shi suddenly slapped it with a palm.

The huge Buddha palm is printed on the light curtain.


Cracks appeared in the light curtain.

With the appearance of a crack, the energy began to be reckless, and finally the light curtain shattered directly.

There appeared blood spilling from the corners of the mouths of nine people, sitting cross-legged on the ground, recovering from their injuries.

first round.

Untouchable Pluto Castle wins

"Sect Master Huang, is this your guardian formation? It's so weak."

Su Hao looked at Huang Turing and said.

"Hmph, you are Su Hao, I don't know how you can't lead so many masters in Hades City with your strength."

"But you shouldn't underestimate my Wild God Sect."

Wild Turing said coldly.

The swordsman beside him. When Wild Turing's voice fell, he immediately rose up.

On the other side, who had previously fought against Sansheng, Zhu Yan, one palm and Sansheng would separate and join the Sword Master.

After they met the momentum of the two skyrocketed.

The dark red flames around Zhu Yan burst out, covering the world.

Jian Zun's body filled with sword energy, turning into countless sword energy storms, entwining around him.

"Sword Wind, Earth Fire!"

The two let out a low drink.

That Zhu Yan raised his hand and punched out, and the huge fire source formed a sea of ​​fire.

Jian Zun raised his sword, and the sword qi formed a storm of sword qi. Combined with the flames, it formed a monstrous aura that swept towards Su Hao and the others.

The momentum is stronger than before, Emperor Abandoning Heaven and the others.

After all, the two of them are the peak powerhouses of the Dao Realm.

What's more, fire borrows wind.

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