Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1935: Character Death, 1 palm and 1 life

[Congratulations to the host for winning the thunderbolt character card Death God, which has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

Su Hao's eyes narrowed, he was still thinking about the Lord of the God of Death before falling on the God of Death?

Unexpectedly, he was drawn this time.

Check it out immediately, just as he guessed.

The system's definition of the **** of death is the pinnacle of Taoism.

There is another Taoist peak powerhouse in Fudo Pluto City.

"No, I forgot that he also drew the Wannian Pot, which is Emperor Shi's treasure. With this treasure, Emperor Shi's combat power will definitely reach the peak of Dao Realm."

He glanced at King Tian Yuan who was facing off against Emperor Shi, and his face seemed very bad.

That's unlucky enough.

Let me draw the Wannian pot.

Secretly and never in the city of Hades, the Wannian Pot was passed to Emperor Shi, who was confronting King Tianyuan and buried the Buddha.

Di Shi was getting the Wan Nian Pot from Su Hao.

His face didn't change at all.

But he was the first to strike again.


A palm shot out, and the endless Buddha light shrouded out, attacking towards the Yuan Wang of the day.

Seeing Di Shi's move, King Yuan snorted coldly that day, and endless power poured out to confront the falling Buddha light.

But this time, the Buddha's light seemed to be endless.

There is no stagnation at all.

"Are you in a hurry?"

Seeing this, King Tian Yuan snorted coldly.

Everyone else thinks so too.

Thinking that there is no peak Dao realm powerhouse in Fudo Hades City to block that Nie Chaozong, so I thought of dealing with King Tianyuan first.


King Tianyuan did not hold back at this moment.

Do your best.

Meet Di Shi.

But after a period of time, the Buddha's light became more and more prosperous.

Countless Buddhas appeared in the Buddha-burial plateau behind him, as if he had endless faith at this moment.


You are strong and he is weak, with the support of this endless belief.

King Tianyuan was shrouded in Buddha light.

In the depths of his soul, countless Buddhas appeared, and these Buddhas eroded his soul.

One after another Buddha's voice constantly echoed in his head.

As if to wash all his soul.

King Tianyuan roared.

But his anger was only a moment of resistance. The emperor who used the Wannian Pot had countless beliefs.

His resistance can only be eroded, and finally his soul is golden.

gradually become Buddhist.

At this moment, Nie Chaozong seemed to sense something and wanted to rush up.

But it was blocked by the endless Buddha light.

He raised his palm and charged towards the Buddha's light with endless power, shattering the Buddha's light.

boom! boom!

After two consecutive punches.

The Buddha light screen disappeared.

But the king of Tianyuan in it had already converted and sat down with the emperor, with a pious expression on his face.


see this phenomenon.

The spectators exclaimed and trembled.

The fight was indistinguishable just now, and suddenly, the opponent was converted. Could it be that it was just a joke!

Looking at this situation, some people thought in their hearts.

But also felt terror.

Enveloped by the Buddha's light, it purifies people.

Better stay away.

They moved their pace unconsciously.

Nie Chaozong looked at Emperor Shi with gloomy eyes.

Unexpectedly, they who had the upper hand were unexpectedly attacked by someone and suffered heavy losses.

"It seems that only by killing you can King Tianyuan be restored!"

Nie Chaozong looked at Emperor Shidao.

"Kill me, I'm afraid you can't do it."

Di Shi's voice was calm.

Now that he has the Wan Nian Pot in his body, even against this Nie Chaozong, he still has the strength to fight.

Although it may be suppressed, when he breaks through to the peak of Dao Realm, it will be different.

"Really? I'm here to see!"''

While speaking, he raised his hand and grabbed the Emperor Shi.

A giant Buddha appeared behind the emperor.

A palm shot out.

The two collided, and Emperor Shi's body was hit and retreated. There were also cracks in the huge Buddha's body, but countless beliefs flew out again from the cracks and poured into the giant Buddha to repair the giant Buddha.


Seeing this phenomenon, the eight baby bodies behind Nie Chaozong appeared again. His breath began to soar.

But at this moment, the giant Buddha on Emperor Shi's body disappeared.

It seems that he is not ready to fight against Nie Chaozong.

Nie Chaozong's eyes froze.

At this moment, something in the void was thrown out.

Everyone looked at that thing.

It's a head with open eyes.

"That's Lie Shenyang's head, why is his head here?"

The Butterfly Emperor looked at the head, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

There was wonder in his eyes.

Lie Shenyang is one of the three elders of the Desolate Pavilion, and his strength is equal to that of Tianlu Zhenren, and they are all at the peak of Taoism.

But now there is only one head left.

A breathless head.

The dead are still a little restless.

Nie Chaozong, who was condensing his breath, looked at the head of Lie Shenyang, his complexion changed greatly.

His eyes looked towards the void.

Where did Nie Shenyang go?

Gu Xing dealt with Su Hao.

But now the head has been brought back, what does it mean? It means that the opponent has a master coming, or it is the one who killed Lie Shenyang.

The void is torn apart, and a figure walks out.

It was Gu Chensha who followed Su Hao to Gu Chensha.

"Who is that?"

Seeing this voice, some people could not help asking.

They are familiar with Abandoned Heaven Emperor and Dong Huang Taiyi, but they really don't know about other people who don't move the city of Hades.

"That's Gu Chensha, the second lord of Fudo Hades City."

"The only deputy suzerain of the Wild God Sect appeared, and Gu Chensha, the second city lord of Fudo Hades, appeared."

"It also carries Lie Shenyang's head, which is the same as Nie Chaozong killing the first emperor!"

Some people recognized Gu Chensha and said.

"Today you are besieging my stronghold in Hades City, so just stay!"

"Looks like you still have eight lives, I don't know how many moves you can support in my hands!"

Gu Chensha looked at Nie Chaozong and said.

His tone was contemptuous, as if he did not regard Nie Chaozong as an opponent at all.


Seeing Gu Chensha despise him so much, Nie Chaozong's eyes narrowed, he raised his hand, and the eight soul spears burst out instantly.

When the soul gun was dispatched.

He also punched Gu Chensha with a punch.

Gu Chensha didn't care much about his attack. As soon as he lifted it up, the eight soul guns that rushed towards him disappeared in a blink of an eye.

When the soul gun disappeared.

That Nie Chaozong was startled, he lost the connection with the eight soul spears.

With a fierce look in his eyes, all the power in his body poured into his fist and slammed into the opponent.

Gu Chensha also punched out with a punch

fist bump.

Nie Chaozong's figure was shaken and flew out.

When flying out, a palm appeared in the sky.

Directly fell on top of his body.

Bang! The whole person turned into a cloud of blood.


With just one blow, Nie Chaozong was knocked out.

This is astounding.

But Gu Chensha said, "The first life!"

When Gu Chensha's voice fell, Nie Chaozong appeared in another place, looking at Gu Chensha in horror.

This is too terrifying, even if he has fought with the first emperor, his strength has weakened a bit.

But the opponent's palm kills his own life.

Seven more times, and he really fell.

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