Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1924: A place outside the square, the Buddha Burial Plateau

The giant Buddha that appeared also raised his hand.

The two palms collided and made a terrifying roar.

The third emperor, the fourth emperor and others quickly shot out.

He stepped back and looked at the giant Buddha in the sky and the plateau that was close to the sky behind him.

The Buddha buried the plateau emperor is known as the ninth Buddha, powerful and close to the peak of the Tao.

It is similar to the realm of the Tianyuan King.

After the bang.

Heaven and earth return to clarity.

Everyone looked at Di Shi and King Tian Yuan in horror.

Of course, they paid more attention to the great Buddha's body.

This person should also be a person who does not move Pluto City.

They were horrified in their hearts, there were too many masters of the immovable Hades, and they appeared one after another.

"Do not move the city of Hades, a place outside the square, where the emperor of the Buddha Plateau is buried."

The Emperor's voice echoed in the void.

Hearing Emperor Shi's introduction, some people's expressions changed.

This Emperor Shi is not introducing the Tenfang forces in the City of Pluto, but the outside world. What does this mean? It means that it has nothing to do with the Tenfang forces.

Only nine of the ten forces appeared.

Isn't there another force that hasn't appeared?

Why did it come out of the outside world?

Suddenly, the whole world became dead silent.

Everyone didn't know how to talk.

"I thought it was the last of the ten powers? I didn't expect it to be? It doesn't change how much power Pluto has."

Looking at this situation, Die Lanyan said in horror.

Xu Qingling couldn't help looking at Su Hao, thinking that Su Hao could answer.

It's just that Su Hao's face was calm.

The last of the ten forces is for the Death Palace.

At that time, if you can draw the God of Death in Thunderbolt, then the Lord of the God of Death will be the God of Death.

Earlier, Su Hao thought about letting Di Shi and the others appear as Qi Coffin Gate.

But it doesn't feel right.

After all, there are now two emperors and tyrants, one is fighting the Immortal Emperor, and the other is Emperor Shi, the ruler of the Buddha Burial Plateau.

They are all amazing characters, it's really not appropriate for you to let them succumb to the strange coffin door.

And the fighting style is different. So it came up with a place outside the square.

As for how many places outside the square.

Then see how many people in the emperor he summoned out.

"Do not move to the place outside the city of Hades, to bury the Buddha, Emperor Shigao, today I am here to see how strong you are?"

King Tianyuan took a step forward, his eyes fixed on Emperor Shi, the ruler of the Buddha Burying Plateau.

Although he said so, his mind was indeed highly concentrated.

The opponent's aura is very strong, if you don't do your best, you may lose.

"Devouring the Devil!"

King Tianyuan let out a low voice,

A huge ghost appeared behind him.

After the ghost appeared, it instantly became thousands of feet in size.

He opened his huge mouth to devour Emperor Shi and the Buddha-burial plateau behind him.


The space vibrated, and the magic mouth directly tore the void and appeared in front of Emperor Shi.

It's just that Emperor Shi, his face didn't change in the slightest, he raised his hand, and a lotus pedestal radiating Buddha light appeared in his palm. .

"King Kong subdues demons!"

That Emperor Shi let out a low voice, golden light flickered all over his body, and streaks of golden light enveloped him.

The Buddha buried plateau behind him also became clearer.

A majestic breath emanated from the plateau. Although this breath was majestic, it gave people a feeling of spring breeze.

The minds of some spectators became quiet at this moment.

This tranquility is completely different from the devil body of the King Kong Buddha.

A palm attacked the magic mouth.

The golden Buddha palm has the general feeling of pressing the heaven and the earth.


The two forces collided, the magic mouth disappeared, and the golden palm shattered in an instant.

But after the magic mouth, a blood-colored long knife appeared in the hands of Yuan Wang that day, and the aura around him quickly gathered, and he snorted:

"The magic sword opens the way, one sword cuts the world, two swords immortals and demons, three swords cut life and death,"

Three sword shadows appeared in the void in a row, piercing the innate and finally forming a **** light, attacking the emperor.

"King Kong subdues demons, Buddha Lord is angry!"

Emperor Shah let out a low voice, and in the Buddha burial plateau behind him, as if opening the Buddha's fruit, countless Buddha shadows appeared. The faces of these Buddha shadows were not kind and gentle, but a kind of Buddha's anger.

Those Buddha shadows whispered in their mouths: "Amitabha!"

The voices of the Buddha gathered together to form a heaven-shattering Buddha name, and the eight celestial dragons appeared beside Emperor Shah and sat in the four directions of Emperor Shah.

At the same time, he raised his palm and attacked the blood-colored sword light.

"This is horrible!"

Watching this battle, the people watching the battle were horrified.

They have never seen such a battle.

Too intense and too powerful.


At this moment, the fourth emperor Jiuying Wang suddenly attacked Taiyueshan and Qin Feishan.

"Kill you first and pay interest to my daughter."

Jiuying Wang shouted in a low voice.

The giant palm in his hand was shot out, covering Qin Feishan and the two of them.

"King Jiuying, you are courting death!"

Looking at the King of Nine Infants who came over, Yue Taishan shouted fiercely, and attacked the King of Nine Infants at the same time with Qin Feishan.

Seeing this, Butterfly Emperor also followed to resist Qin Feishan.


When the two sides fought together, Diehuang was stronger than Qin Feishan, but it was impossible to quickly solve Qin Feishan.

Because a gray copper pot appeared in Qin Feishan's hand, and from time to time, gray sword glows erupted from the copper pot, flying towards the Butterfly Emperor.

"This fourth emperor?"

In the dark, Su Hao, who was watching the battle, watched this scene, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Shouldn't the Nine Baby Kings wait?

Why go straight up.

This is to see if the battle is not very fierce, and make the battle more intense?

From the moment when the fourth emperor, Jiuyingwang, waited for the people of Pluto to take action, he knew that Jiuyingwang was not an impulsive person.

Heart is very calm.

"The four of you surround and kill the third emperor!"

After that Yue Taishan collided with Jiuying Wang, he shouted in a low voice.

Colorful Fairy, Yan Huihuang looked at each other and nodded.


The four of them smashed directly towards the third emperor of the Wasteland God Dynasty, and they had already stood in line, so they could only follow to the end.

The third emperor's eyes narrowed

He is really not an opponent when the four of them join forces, but the other members of the Wasteland God Dynasty have not arrived yet.

He could only resist.

Now I hope that there will be a few more Taoist powerhouses in Fudo Pluto City.


At this time, the thunder of heaven and earth appeared, and a coffin appeared in the thunder.

Cosmic Supreme Coffin.

Endless thunder and lightning enveloped the four.

"The third emperor, right? I'll help you!"

A low voice came out of the coffin.

With the appearance of the cosmic supreme coffin, a ghostly qi appeared between heaven and earth, the ghost qi filled the air, and a coffin appeared in the ghost qi.

A ghostly figure appeared on the exuding a frightening aura.

"Who is this from Qi Coffin Gate?"

Some people spoke up.

From the ghost energy and the coffin, we knew that the person who appeared must be someone from Qi Coffin Gate.

Then a sinister voice came out of the coffin.

"Qi Coffin Gate, Ghost King Coffin came to see the strength of several."

His voice was low, as if a demon was coming.


With the breath of the evil ghost approaching the door, a domineering and boundless aura appeared between the heavens and the earth, and everyone's eyes could not help but look towards the place where the domineering emanated.

A tall figure stepped out from the void.

The bright rays of light on his body are like rushing water.

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