Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1914: Heavenly Slaughter Great Array, the status of inaction

the next day.

Outside the secret realm of True Monarch Blackwater.

The fluctuations in the space continued to occur, and one after another silhouette appeared, all of which were young talents from the Wild God Realm.

people who come.

They looked around.

I want to see if Huang Wuwei appears

After all, the secret realm of True Monarch Blackwater can only be opened by Huang Wuwei.

"I heard that the seven princes and kings are going to fight Fufu Pluto City today. Do I still want to watch the battle?"

"I didn't expect that today would actually open the secret realm of True Monarch Blackwater. What do you think this wasteland is doing?"

Some people were talking quietly.

The news of the seven princes appearing in the Northern Territory to fight the immovable Pluto City came out early in the morning.

Make these young geniuses want to watch that battle.

But they didn't want to miss the Black Water True Monarch Cave Mansion.

"You got it, this battle is absolutely wonderful, it's a pity, it's a pity!"

Some people sighed.

while they were discussing.

The void begins to twist.

A figure emerged from the void.

Impressively, he was the prince of the Wasteland God Dynasty, Huang Wuwei, whom everyone was waiting for.

Seeing Huang Wuwei's appearance, some people's faces became serious.

True Monarch Blackwater used to oppress the existence of the entire Desolate God Realm back then, so the secret realm of the powerhouse, as long as they can get a little bit.

Must be able to become a strong Taoist.

They must be taken seriously.

in another place.

Su Hao walked out from the void with the three daughters.

When they appeared, they attracted a lot of attention.

Not only pay attention to Su Hao himself, but also pay attention to the three people beside him.

Xu Qingling, Die Lanyan, Qiu Caier.

These three can be regarded as beauties in the Wasteland God's Domain.

In particular, Qiu Cai'er is even more famous in the Desolate God Realm.

And many people know that Huang Wuwei is chasing Qiu Cai'er.

But Qiu Cai'er appeared together with Su Muhai, which is completely in the face of inaction.

Everyone's eyes could not help but look at Huang Wuwei.

Huang Wuwei also saw Su Hao's appearance, his eyes looked a little gloomy.

He stared at Su Hao stubbornly with murderous intent in his eyes, but he finally suppressed it and turned his eyes away.

The strength of this Su Muhai is not simple.

Even if you make a shot yourself, you may not be able to beat him, and it may cause yourself to be injured.

He can't get hurt right now, he still has important things to do.

It will not be too late to kill Su Muhai after finishing his own affairs.

"I didn't expect that taking you out would make people kill me."

Su Hao said with a smile.

"With the three of us to accompany you, isn't it normal for people to kill you?"

When Die Lanyan spoke, she also hugged Su Hao's shoulders.

The plump **** squeezed on Su Hao's shoulders.

this situation.

Let the Tianjiao of the Wild God Realm look at Su Hao with a feeling of swallowing him.

Desolate nothing is invisible to the eyes.

With a seal in his hand, one after another rune was smashed into the void by him.

As the runes continued to pour into the space, a crack appeared in the void, and the Huang Wuwei flashed and entered directly.

after he entered.

Those Tianjiao who were outside rushed in at the same time.

Su Hao and the others did not hesitate and rushed in.

After entering.

Su Hao and the others felt the change of time and space, and they appeared in a dark place.

The breath here seems a bit violent, and the violent power forms a power storm, raging and sweeping between the heavens and the earth.

Some peaks have been eroded by force over the years, leaving only a mound.

I didn't feel any breath of life, as if it was a dead place.

"This is the secret realm of True Monarch Blackwater!"

Looking at this situation, Su Hao couldn't help asking Xu Qingling on the side.

At this time, Xu Qingling, Die Lanyan, and Qiu Cai'er were also stunned.

They didn't expect the scene in front of them to be like this.

when they were astonished.

Several figures appeared.

It was a few young men in brocade clothes, but they didn't stop and galloped towards a place.

Looks like he wants to leave this area first.

"There seems to be an area like this all around."

Xu Qingling used his divine sense to perceive some surrounding situations, and said in a deep voice

"I feel it too."

Die Lanyan also frowned.

Qiu Cai'er also shook her head.

As for Su Hao, his eyes were looking at one place.

In his eyes, there is a dark mountain.

The mountains were swept away by the storm, but were still intact.

"It's different there, let's go and see!"

Su Hao said.

at this time.

In the black mountain range that Su Hao saw, there was a palace.

The figure of Huang Wuwei appeared in this palace.

In the palace, there is also a coffin.

Inside the coffin, a corpse was lying in the coffin, with black runes flashing all over his body. It seems to be absorbing the power between this world.

Huang Wuwei came to the coffin calmly.

"True Monarch Blackwater's Dao Body, if I integrate this Dao Body, after stepping into Dao Realm, my cultivation will definitely grow faster!"

Huang Wuwei murmured in his mouth.

However, he did not immediately refine this Taoist body.

Instead, he turned to the side, raised his palm, and a mirror with black light appeared in his palm.

A shadow appeared in the mirror.

The phantom was projected into the hall.

The phantoms that appear are not people of the Wasteland God Dynasty, but the real people of the Wasteland God Sect.

"I have seen Shizun, please help me to start the Heavenly Slaughter Formation!"

Huang Wuwei saluted towards the real person Tianlu.

If anyone was here, they would be absolutely shocked.

Huang Wuwei actually called the real Tianlu as the master.

"Don't you need to wait any longer? Maybe you can bring in some geniuses."

"In this way, you can increase your strength!"

The real Tianlu opened his mouth and said.

"Master, I can only step into the Dao realm just a little bit. As long as I absorb half of the blood energy, I can step into the Dao realm."

"The remaining half, I will refine them into puppets."

There was a trace of cruelty on Huang Wuwei's handsome face.

This Black Water True Monarch secret realm is a game.

But the purpose of this game is not to calculate the business emperor, but to help Huang Wuwei step into the Taoist realm and improve his strength.

Huang Wuwei is the prince of the Wasteland God Dynasty.

But it is also the person who was secretly selected by the Wild God Sect to replace the Shang Emperor.

The Shang Emperor was astonishingly talented, and he led the wasteland of the gods.

As the prince Huang Wuwei, it is impossible to become the emperor of the Wasteland God Dynasty at all.

The Wild God Sect took advantage of and successfully incorporated Huang Wuwei into the Wild God Sect and became a disciple of Tianlu.

From this point of view, the Wasteland God Sect and the Wasteland God Dynasty have deep calculations.

"it is good!"

The real ghost of Tianlu nodded.

Then he formed a seal in his hand, and the runes merged into the black pillars of the palace.

Light shrouded the pillars.

When these pillars are shrouded in light.

In the entire secret realm of the Black Water True Monarch, changes began.

Huge cracks began to appear on the ground, and among the cracks, huge blood columns rose from the ground.

After these pillars appeared.

The originally wanton energy storm poured into the pillar in an instant.

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