Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1894: Wild God Territory shakes

Death Palace

Hearing Su Hao say such a name, some people frowned slightly.

They had never heard of such a force at all.

Even the voice of Yue Taishan's eyes was condensed.

If there is a strong Taoist power, even in the surrounding area, they will pay attention to it.

But never heard of it.

Is it related to the undead **** clan?

Yue Taishan knew about the Undead God Race, which was far from the Wild God Realm. In ancient times, the Wild God Sect and the Undead God Race suppressed Gu Xing together.

Of course it was just a union at the time.

There is no other contact at all.

His eyes couldn't help looking at Feiduan, there was some immortal aura on his body.

"Are they really them?"

That Yue Taishan's eyes narrowed.

"You have something to do with the Undead Clan. You must remember the ancient star covenant. We, these forces, can't arbitrarily erode our respective areas of influence."

Yue Taishan said in a deep voice.

"The Undead God Clan has nothing to do with me. Besides, I didn't come to occupy the territory of your Desolate God Sect. I'm just here to help!" Su Hao said coldly.

Fei Duan devoured the Undead Clan, and his body could vaguely reveal some Undead Clan aura.

Maybe this is the reason for the other party to mislead them from the undead race.

Although not forced to explain.

If the other party misunderstands, just misunderstand. Anyway, he didn't say that he was an undead god.

"Young man, although you have two powerful Daoists by your side, this is the Wild God Realm, the realm of my Wild God Sect. If you act too domineeringly, you can imagine the consequences!"

Yue Taishan said with a gloomy face.

"Originally, I came here well, and it was your Desolate God Sect who took the first shot at me. Could it be that your Desolate God Sect meant to let me stand and kill you!"

"Then your Desolate God Sect is too domineering!"

Su Hao didn't look down on Yue Taishan's threat at all.

Hearing Su Hao's words, Yue Taishan glanced at Su Hao and said coldly, "This is the end of today's affairs, but if you are still so domineering in the future, even if you have a strong Taoist by your side, you will still Can't get out of the Wild God Realm!"

"The strong Taoist is not your amulet!"

"let's go!"

Yue Taishan glanced at Su Hao and took Qin Feishan and Fan Xueyi to leave quickly.

This time, I couldn't kill Su Muhai.

It has already made them lose face in the Wild God Sect, and they continue to stay here, which only adds to their troubles.

After the four left.

The place became silent.

The flying section and the blood-devouring vine stepped into the void and disappeared.

But everyone knows that these two must be around.

Su Hao fell down, looked at Princess Qingling and said, "It seems that you are the Emperor of the Void God Race!"

"I am right or wrong, but this imperial court has been destroyed countless times by your battle."

Looking at the messy Void Protoss court, Princess Qingling shook her head.

"Isn't your palace all right? What's more, the old one has to go, and the new one doesn't come?"

Su Hao walked towards the palace with Princess Qingling in his arms.

When he walked into the hall, Su Hao coughed and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"You are hurt!"

Princess Qingling, who was beside him, said immediately.

"Is it normal to take a lot of points for a strong body and Dao realm? Just take some training!"

Su Hao said.

Although his physical body is strong, but after all, it is the physical coercion of the Taoist powerhouse, which still causes him certain injuries.

What's more, Su Hao did this on purpose.

After all, it is normal for a martial artist in the realm of robbery to suffer a little injury in the face of the suppression of a strong person in the realm of the Tao.

You are not hurt at all.

People will think that you are a big trouble and a godsend.

It might be time to hit him.

For the time being, Su Hao didn't want to collide with the other side.

Of course, Su Hao didn't fully believe in Princess Qingling.

The opponent is the ancient star power.

But having been rooted in the polar world for so long, who can believe who?

What's more, even the ancient star forces will compete with each other, otherwise, the five major forces will not be entrenched.

this day.

The wasteland trembled.

There has never been an appearance of the Death God's Palace. The Palace Master of the Death God's Palace, Tianjiao, fought against the Zuo Jibai brothers of the Desolate God Sect, beheading the two!

It can be said to be extremely powerful.

Later, two Daoist powerhouses from the Wild God Sect appeared, including the long-established Yue Taishan.

Can't get the opponent.

It can be said that it caused an uproar.

The news quickly spread everywhere, the Death God Palace, Su Muhai, and the entire Wild God Territory overnight.

Of course a lot of people were surprised.

This Death God Palace Master dared to offend the Wild God Sect.

The Wild God Sect is the true ruler of the Wild God Domain.

Many people feel that the situation in the northern region is changing.

Coupled with the previous rumors about the inheritance of the Black Water True Monarch, many young geniuses quickly came to the Void God Race in the Northern Territory.

They really want to see Su Muhai and see if they can defeat him and become a famous genius in the Wild God Realm.

In the courtyard where Die Lanyan lives.

A series of runes appeared around her, isolating her from the outside world.

In front of her, there appeared a beautiful woman wearing a colorful robe.

"See Mother!"

Die Lanyan bowed towards the figure and saluted.

This woman is one of the seven great princes and princes of the Wasteland God Dynasty, the only female princely prince, and the butterfly is flying. Known as the Butterfly King.

"Tell me about Su Muhai, you should know some details about him when you are in contact with Qingling!"

The Butterfly Emperor looked at Die Lanyan and said.

"Qingling, her mouth is very strict! There is no way to know."

"But she agreed to cooperate with us. I think I will have contact with that Su Muhai, and I think I will find out his details!"

Die Lanyan said confidently.

"Don't use extreme means, this person's background should not be simple! Maybe it can help us get out of the current predicament!"

The Butterfly Emperor said in a deep voice.

"Could it be that mother is not optimistic about the siege and suppression of the stronghold of Hades City this time!"

Hearing this, Die Lanyan asked solemnly.

"Not only is it not optimistic, this siege, and the matter of True Monarch Blackwater, are not that simple."

"This is what the Wild God Sect is doing. I heard that the wasteland and inaction of the Wasteland God Dynasty have already set off from the capital. They should have come to the Void God Race."

The Butterfly Emperor said.

"Huang Wuwei came, is there anything strange?"

Die Lanyan was a little puzzled.

Huang Wuwei is just the first arrogant among the younger generation of the Wild God and the Prince of the Wasteland God Dynasty.

There is some influence, but the Wasteland God Dynasty is not what it used to be, so she doesn't care.

"Since Huang Wuwei came, it represents the Wasteland God Dynasty. His appearance also represents one thing, representing the Wasteland God Dynasty, and he may face the Wasteland God Sect head on!"

"The Wasteland God Dynasty is against the Shanghuang Shenzong. How can their strength be compared with the Wasteland God School?"

Die Lanyan said involuntarily.

"It seems that you, like outsiders, think that the Wasteland God Dynasty is lonely, but I tell you it's not. The person sitting in the position of the emperor of the Wasteland God Dynasty is just a clone."

"The Lord of the Wasteland God Dynasty, has been cultivating!"

The Butterfly Emperor said in a deep voice.

Her words made Die Lanyan look horrified, and she didn't believe what her mother said.

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