Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1892: Reaper 1-like flying section

"What kind of practice is this!"

He saw two figures erupt from Su Hao's body.

And the auras of these two figures are exactly the same as his deity.

Those who were watching the battle were horrified.

Of course, Zuo Jibai's face became extremely ugly when facing Su Hao.

Faced with one person, he felt the pressure.

Now the two are separated.

However, he thought to himself that these two figures appeared, and their strength should not be as good as the deity.

boom! boom!

when he thought.

The two figures had already rushed over, their palms slammed out, and one of the figures' fists flowed down like a moonlight.

Gives a very soft feeling.

The other figure is like a big sunset, and the fiery rays of light cover the world, as if to evaporate everything in the world with one punch.

Although one is gentle, the other is violent.

But Zuo Jibai felt the same pressure.

There is no way but to stop first.

Yet at this moment.

A purple-gold light appeared in Su Hao's body. This light was like a vast ocean, rushing towards Zuo Jibai.

Zuo Jibai, who was originally ready to defend against the two attacks.

Suddenly, I felt as if I was in a swamp, unable to move.


At this moment, Zuo Jibai's complexion changed greatly.

However, the fists of the two figures had already fallen, directly hitting Zuo Jibai's body.

The fists are like the bright moon in the sea, and the sunset sinks into the West Sea, all of which hit Zuo Jibai's body.


Zuo Jibai let out a scream, and was covered by these two fist shadows, turning into a mass of flesh and blood.

Su Hao's three figures became one, standing in the void.

At this time, time was as silent as if it had frozen.

That Zuo Jibai flesh and blood kept falling towards the ground, making little noise, but it moved people's hearts.

Everyone was speechless and fearful.

The huge Void Protoss Imperial City was silent at the moment, and everyone held their breath.

The appearance of Su Muhai was a bit cruel, and he simply killed the Zuo brothers of the Wild God Sect.

And he didn't care about the Wild Shenzong behind Zuo Jibai.

Jiang Muchen looked at Su Muhai, and a chill rose in his heart.

The chill pierced into his body and made him tremble.

Previously, he had attacked Princess Qingling's idea.

This Su Muhai will not shoot at him.

On the other side, Qin Shan, who was standing with Niu Wuye, said: "This Su Muhai's own strength is a bit scary. We are not opponents. If we want to fight against him in the robbery realm, I am afraid that we need to contact the powerful person in the realm."

"How can there be such a master around Princess Qingling!"

"It seems that the previous plan to support the void night needs to be changed!"

Qin Shan thought to himself.

the other side.

That Die Lanyan was shocked when she saw Su Hao who took the shot. Now she believed what Qing Ling meant.

"This Su Muhai, fortunately, we didn't have a bad relationship, but it was rumored that a strong Taoist realm came from the Wild God Sect. Why didn't we take action?"

At this time, Die Lanyan asked in confusion.

"This subordinate doesn't know either!"

The old man beside him frowned.


Just when his voice fell.

Void shakes.

Two figures burst out from the void.

One of them held a golden spear and stared at the blood-devouring vine in black robes in front of him.

"Isn't that Qin Feishan of the Wild God Sect? I didn't expect him to be here. It seems that he wanted to rescue Zuo Jibai just now, but was blocked!"

"Qin Feishan has been in the Dao realm for many years, and he was blocked by people with all his divine power. He can't even save people."

"who's that person!"

Seeing a man with a gun, the previous silence quickly disappeared, and some people quickly started talking.

"It wasn't blocking, then Qin Feishan was injured, didn't you see it?"

Heard someone say that.

Some people checked quickly, and they noticed that Qin Feishan's gun-carrying arm was vaguely bleeding.

The blood quickly stained his arm.

"Who are you, how dare you stop me!"

The man with the spear looked at the blood-devouring vine.

When Zuo Shaobai was in danger just now, he wanted to take action.

But he was pulled into a **** space, and he fought his opponent for several rounds, and finally he shot the void.

Shoot out from it.

But from the current situation.

If it weren't for the end of the battle here, he shouldn't be able to come out of that space.

"You want to take action against my Palace Master, isn't it normal for me to stop you?"

The blood-devouring vine said softly.

"Palace Master? You said that Su Muhai is Palace Master Ni, who are you?"

Hearing the words of the blood-devouring vine, the man with the gun was stunned and said in a deep voice.

His eyes couldn't help looking at Su Hao.

He didn't expect that Su Hao was still the head of a mansion.

"Hmph, who we are, you don't need to know, if you shoot me, you will die!"

Su Hao looked indifferent.

His eyes swept across the four directions, and his eyes were even more brilliant. Standing there, his breath was flowing, and there was a tendency to suppress the world.

Su Hao became the master of ancient stars, and his aura had already been cultivated.

Now that it is displayed, it has a supreme momentum in itself.

Princess Qingling who was outside the palace looked at Su Hao, her beautiful eyes were extremely bright.

Beautiful women love heroes since ancient times.

How could Su Hao's aura not attract her?


Hearing Su Hao's words, Qin Feishan's face was furious. The other party not only murdered, but also looked down on their Desolate God Sect.

This is not tolerable.

He must maintain the dignity of the Wild Shenzong.


His whole body was full of light, and the golden light instantly filled his entire body, and the arm that was still spewing blood quickly condensed.

The whole person gives an unfathomable feeling.

The spear in his hand instantly pointed at the blood-devouring vine.

If he wants to kill Su Muhai, he must defeat the man in black first.


The golden light on his body rushed out towards the blood-devouring vine, overwhelming the sky, to suppress and drown the blood-devouring vine.

The blood-devouring vine's eyes narrowed.

But he didn't move.

Because he has to guard against another person.

As for this person, someone will deal with it.


At this moment, a crack appeared in the void, and a blood-colored sickle appeared from the void.

This appears to be extremely ferocious with the sickle. A huge hole was torn out of the void, and a strong black cursed breath spread out from the hole.

Let the whole world permeate a sense of terror and depression.

Can't think much.

Qin Feishan, who was holding a spear, saw this situation, and his expression changed.

The long spear in his hand hit the blood-colored sickle directly.


The two forces collided.

The figure of Qin Feishan was shocked and stepped back a few steps, looking at the black void crack with dignified eyes.

In the black rift void, a man wearing a black black robe, a cloak, and a blood-colored scythe came out.

This person walks out.

The void became pitch black as ink, extremely eerie.

Some people feel their scalps go numb, as if they see You have to take action against our palace master! "

A low, hoarse voice came from the figure.

"Who is this?"

Looking at the figure, there was a hint of doubt in the eyes of Princess Qingling.

Among the powerhouses in Fudo Pluto City, there seems to be no such person.

Feiduan and others are just characters who appeared in the early days, and later they were just ordinary members, and they didn't have any dazzling performances.

What's more, they just kill people and have no reputation.

That's why Su Hao asked Feiduan to come directly.

Of course, Feiduan is a strong Taoist now, and with an evil aura, he is like a **** of death.

Definitely able to calm some people down.

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