Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 202: White Lotus Sect, True Life Sect

Su Hao looked around, but didn't see anyone, changed back to his previous clothes, left the bushes, Su Hao returned to the mountain road, and then walked down the mountain.

After a while, some warriors appeared on the mountain road, as well as some carriages.

Su Hao followed the crowd and the carriage to the bottom of the mountain.

at this time

Su Yi and the others did not leave.

Although she believed in the words of the young man, Su Hao was her younger brother after all, so she was a little nervous and kept waiting at the foot of the mountain.

When Su Hao arrived at the bottom of the mountain, he saw Su Yi and their luxurious carriage. After all, the other ladies had already left.

"Sister, why didn't you leave?"

Su Hao stepped onto the back of the carriage.

"Where have you been, we have been waiting for you for a long time, even uncle, let's go back home."

Su Yi complained, but she also relaxed in her heart and asked the driving Uncle Lian to return to Fang's mansion.

When they returned to the capital, two things came into their ears.

These two things are quite sensational.

One: The city is now circulating everywhere, and the True Life Sect who committed the crime in Nanyang County is the power of the Eight Princes.

Two: The Money Gang was filed with the Town Fusi, and a building was purchased, and the Capital City was asked to establish the Money Gang branch. After 2 days, the Money Gang was formally established.

"Zhenmingjiao is the power of the Eight Princes, how could this news spread?"

Su Rui in the carriage frowned when she heard the information circulating outside.

"What happened to Cousin Su Rui?"

Seeing Su Rui frowning, Su Hao couldn't help asking.

"Nanyang County was murdered at the same time as the leader of the Zhenfu Secretary and the county government because of the True Life Sect, and almost aroused people's hatred, which made the Sangong Pavilion and the Zhen Fu Secretary irritated. They are thoroughly investigating this matter, but such rumors are now appearing."

Su Rui said in a deep voice.

Like his father, Su Rui followed the civil service line. He is now serving as a servant in the Sangong Pavilion where the highest decision is made by the civil service. Of course, he is just a small official.

But he can still know some news.

"Well! In this case, these eight princes may not have time to talk to the people of the White Lotus Cult for a while."

Hearing this news, Su Hao said inwardly.

"This is just a rumor, it shouldn't have any effect on the Eighth Prince."

Su Hao asked softly, after all, this was just a means for Su Hao to hold the Eighth Prince, and it was not true in his heart.

"I'm afraid it's not a rumor. The Zhenfusi and Sangongge had such suspicions before?"

Su Rui said in a low voice.

"Cousin, you said that both Zhenfusi and Sangongge have such suspicions. Then these eight princes are too courageous!"

"When I was passing by Nanyang County, many small towns there were seriously harmed by the True Fate Church. If this happens in other places, then riots will really break out."

Su Hao said in surprise.

With such rumours, he hadn't thought that Zhen Ming Jiao had anything to do with the eight princes, but listening to Su Rui's meaning might really have something to do with the eight princes.

"It's just a suspicion. There is no evidence yet. Zhen Ming Sect is similar to Dawei's Bailian Sect. It is difficult to find out the address of this sect, so it is difficult to find evidence."

Su Rui shook her head.

"White Lotus."

When hearing the three characters of Bailianjiao, Su Hao couldn't help but think that Mu Qingxue, the first saint of Bailianjiao, had come to the capital of Xiliang Empire very early.

"Perhaps Zhen Ming Jiao is the product of the alliance between the Eighth Prince and the White Lotus Sect, but according to Ye Qingyao, there are not many masters of the White Lotus Sect who came to the Xiliang Empire, but where did the Zhen Ming Jiao masters come from? What?"

Although Su Hao guessed that the True Life Sect had something to do with the Eighth Prince and the White Lotus Sect, he still had a lot of doubts.

He has seen the strength of the deputy leader of the True Life Sect, and his strength is very strong, so there should be many masters in the True Life Sect.

If it is a master next to the Eighth Prince, it should be discovered by others, and he doesn't dare to do that, so the question is where the master of True Life Education comes from.

clatter! clatter!

The carriage continues in the form.

"Money Help is so proud that it bought this building."

While Su Hao was meditating, Su Rui opened the curtains and looked at a four-story building outside, and said with shock in his eyes.

"You can use the word money as a help. This money gang must be rich, so don't be surprised, cousin."

Su Hao also glanced at a small four-story building outside. The plaque on the door of the small building had already stared at the golden characters for money.

"But it should be a little troublesome for Money to open a business."

Su Rui closed the curtains and said softly.

"Trouble, there are two masters of the gods in the money gang, and even His Majesty the Xiliang Empire is scrupulous about them, what trouble they will have."

Su Hao knew that his cousin would not say such things for no reason.

"Didn't Lord Xiao of the Money Gang kill Fan Wuji with a single sword? Fan Wuji is the true son of the sword lord Fan Dao. Fan Zhendao is rumored to be a master of the gods."

Su Rui said softly.

"Isn't Fan Wuji known as the spear god? How could he have anything to do with Dao Jun?"

Su Hao asked a little puzzled.

"Fan Wuji was adopted by Fan Zhendao since he was a child, but his gun skills are even better, so Mr. Dao let him enter the military to learn gun skills."

Su Rui explained to Su Hao.

Su Hao listened to the words of his cousin Su Rui, a master of the gods would never fail to avenge his son. It seems that the sword master Fan Daozhen needs to be careful.

The two chatted like this, and after a while, they returned to Fang At this time Fang Lin had already returned to the mansion.

Waiting for Su Yi and the others at the door, but he got the news that Yuan Dingchen, Deputy Sect Master of the Heavenly Demon Sect, went to Ganlu Temple today, and a battle broke out.

Su Yi, who was worried, had been waiting at the door. When the carriage came back, he let go of the nervousness on his face and helped Su Yi get out of the carriage.

"I have something else, so I will return to the cabinet first, and I will see you tomorrow."

Su Rui said when he got off the carriage.

But when he was about to leave, Su Hao grabbed him, and took out a bottle of Xiao Pill from his arms.

"Cousin Su Rui, this is for you!"

Su Rui looked at the pill bottle in Su Hao's hand and couldn't help being stunned.

"Here are two small pill that can recover your injuries."

Su Hao said softly.

"You can see that I am injured."

Su Rui looked at Su Hao in surprise. He was injured in the palm of the pavilion a few days ago. He hasn't been well after raising him for a few days, but Su Hao should not be aware of it.

"His face is a little pale, and there are still fluctuations in the body's breath. I can still see your cousin."

Su Hao put the pill bottle into Su Rui's hand and said softly: "Cousin, who hurt you, we will find someone to clean him up at that time."

"I am not as strong as him, and I can't blame others. Thank you this time. I will go back first."

Su Rui shook his head and put the pill bottle that Su Hao sent into his arms, and then bid farewell to Fang Lin and the others.

"Sister, you go to the mansion, I will go out and go around, and come back in the evening."

Su Hao wanted to meet the people of the Money Gang, and by the way, he sent a message to someone who had been developing in the capital for a while.

Investigating the traces of the first saint of the White Lotus Sect, after all, he has a task to complete, and he can't all count on Ye Qingyao to investigate.

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