Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1730: The body of the undead clan, the opportunity to fly


Wu Wudi, who was attacked, also had a huge fluctuation of power. He shouted loudly, and it was also a punch.


Wu Wudi obtained the invincible heart, and his combat power was exceptionally bright.

He punched out, the galaxy shattered, the heaven and the earth cracked.

The murderous aura filled the air for a while, and it didn't take long for the two sides to enter a white-hot battle.

The strength of the undead king is close to the third realm.

Wu Wudi stepped into the second realm and was also pursuing the third realm.

Su Hao looked at the two people fighting in the air and was a little confused.

He didn't expect the fight to break out so quickly.

Haven't said two words yet?

"City Master Su Shao, is this helping the underworld to make things difficult for my undead **** clan?"

That Minglu looked at Su Hao with an indifferent expression, his eyes were icy cold.

Su Hao came here, definitely on behalf of the immovable Pluto City.

This is the basis for the underworld.

Let his plan to conquer the underworld fail.

He had killing intent towards Su Hao.

But he knew that in the current situation, he didn't want to kill Su Hao.

But the other party wants to kill them.


Instead of killing others, he killed Su Hao.

As long as Su Hao is killed, the Underworld City will surely find trouble in the underworld. At that time, the underworld will have no choice but to rely on their undead **** clan.

At the moment Minglu shot, a huge breath burst out from his body.

Minglu can cultivate to the third realm.

Needless to say, strength is definitely not easy.

"Eight barren worlds, gods and demons are buried."

The dead aura around Minglu frantically poured out.

As soon as this death energy came out of the ruined world, it began to disintegrate rapidly.

At this time, a black halberd appeared in the hand of the Minglu.

The halberd slashed towards Su Hao like a galaxy.


The halberd hasn't hit yet.

There was a terrifying force pouring out from the void and falling down on Su Hao, as if to imprison Su Hao.


At this moment.

That emptiness shot.

First, he punched and shattered the imprisoned power.

Then a palm slapped the halberd that fell from the sky.

"One halberd destroys all lives!"

See your offensive being blocked.

The Minglu shouted loudly and directly attacked Su Hao.

"Damn, this is killing me!"

Su Hao didn't expect this Minglu to kill him twice.

This is to kill him.

kill him.

Then the alliance between the underworld and Fudo Pluto might be destroyed.

This is completely different from the arrogant personality just now.


Nothingness appeared in front of Su Hao.

With a punch, it collided with the halberd again.

But the power that erupted from the halberd and the fist boiled towards Su Hao and the others.

There was no means to seal the palm of the hand before.

A dazzling beam of light formed in his hands, and these rays of light condensed together instantly, wrapping Su Hao and all the ruins of the Jade God Palace behind him.


The boiling power river collided with the light.

Suddenly, runes appeared in those rays of light.

This rune absorbs the power of the underground and blocks the blow of the deer.

see this situation.

The Minglu's face condensed, and his figure moved towards nothingness and killed it.

Duan De, he can't see through a little, the demonic energy in the void is suppressing him a bit, but he can still see clearly.

That nothingness saw the Minglu shot.

His face turned cold.

Immediately attacked and killed the deer.

Demon · Destruction, Sin · Riot

Two moves in a row.

One move to suppress the halberd.

A blow to the body of the deer.


The two fought once and evacuated.

"If the ancestors of the Undead Clan have the same strength as you, then the Undead Clan will only have to become the undead of the underworld."

Nothingness looked at Minglu and said coldly.

A bloodthirsty light flashed in the originally calm eyes.

The people who dealt with the Buddha clan before did not use all their strength.

Originally thought that this Minglu, as a powerhouse of the three realms of the undead gods, should have some trump cards.

But fight down, but that's it.

Of course, he also had another purpose.

I want to know the strength of this undead **** race from Minglu's demeanor.

Minglu looked at nothingness, and his heart shook.

Just after the fight, he shrouded the death energy of his cultivation to nothingness.

But this nothingness seems to be unaffected by his death aura.

Death itself is also a big help for him.

It's useless now.

He can only fight with each other recklessly now.


Thinking of this, Minglu didn't stay any longer and killed it directly towards nothingness.

When killing nothingness, endless rays of light erupted from his body. These rays of light did not contain death energy, but they made his own combat power explode rapidly.

"Strength has become stronger!"

Nothingness looked at the other party's eyes coldly.

At the moment when the opponent's halberd slashed, his figure disappeared, forming a vortex on the spot.

The whirlpool firmly sucked the halberd of the deer.


Just this moment.

Nothingness appeared again, raised his hand and slashed.


The arm of the deer holding the halberd was cut off by him.


The deer let out a scream.

When he screamed, the nihilistic fist directly bombarded the opponent's chest.


A blood hole was punched out of the chest by the fist.


The Minglu let out a low roar, and his body instantly retreated, panting and standing in the void, looking at nothingness.

He didn't expect that he would be so suppressed in a fight.

"My undead gods are not so easy to kill!"

Minglu looked coldly at nothing.

As he spoke, a burst of blood appeared in his body.

Blood energy appeared, the arm that had been cut off before reappeared, and the chest healed quickly.

Undead tribe.

Since it claims to be immortal, it must have some special abilities.

"It's not dead!"

Su Hao looked at the deer in the void and frowned slightly.

He did not expect that the undead gods would have such an ability.

[Trigger quest: The host summons the character Duan Fei, who has an undead body, devours the flesh and blood of the undead **** race, and his body can evolve. Help me, Duan Fei, to devour the deer, and get a Lv. 15 crystal lottery card. 】

A mechanical voice sounded in Su Hao's ear.

"I didn't expect that the undead gods would bring Duan Fei a chance."

Su Hao did not expect such a mission to appear.

Looking at Minglu, he couldn't help shaking his head.

He directly notified Duan Fei to come.

Duan Fei belongs to the forces of the underworld, and has always worked for the underworld, and has never been in Su Hao's Underworld City.

Now the strength has reached the ninth level of the Eternal Realm.

Came here very fast.

Then he informed the nihilistic and Duan De, and informed the nihility and Duan De of the situation

At this time, Minglu's figure had recovered, and he looked at nothingness with cold eyes.

"If you want to kill me, you can't do it."

when he speaks.

A figure appeared behind him.

It was Duan De.

A rune appeared in Duan De's palm, which was directly printed on the body of the Minglu.

The body of the deer was also slammed to the ground by a palm.


The body fell directly on the set off a cloud of dust.


Minglu didn't expect someone to attack.

But this injury was useless to him, he stood up, but the figure of nothingness appeared above his head.

The palm is directly pressed down, and the huge palm print is like a grinding disc, pressing on the opponent's body.

Let the standing up figure be immobilized.

At this moment, four black rays of light appeared on the ground.

Four black rays of light formed four rune chains, penetrating the limbs of the deer.

With the pressure of the empty palm and the suppression of the black chain.

The entire body of the deer was nailed to the ground.

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