Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1686: Biyou Immortal Palace, the struggle of Tongtian clone

Su Hao looked at the system and cursed in his heart.

If he had drawn Gu Chensha's body before, he wouldn't have to run away.

You must have just arrived in the Immortal Realm to merge with the Star Realm. In that case, you will get a lot of benefits and opportunities.

Thinking of this, I hate the Three Great Avenues more and more.

He directly summoned the Inner Demon Thunder Emperor.

[Heart Demon Thunder Emperor] The character in the great master of the coming is one of the nine ancient emperors in the book; the master of the ancient thunder palace. Technique: Supreme Heart Demon Sutra, Nether Heart Demon Thunder. Strength: Tribulation Realm Second Realm Reflection Realm.

"Go to Biyou Immortal Palace, destroy Biyou Immortal Palace, and meet Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, you can let her live."

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit has a relationship with herself.

You can let each other out.

After the inner demon Lei Di appeared, he immediately fled away.

The original Taoist palace here was destroyed, and the undead king came to the blue-shirted swordsman and said, "I don't know what your Excellency is called!"

"Sword Domain, Blue Shirt Sword Saint!"

The blue-shirted Sword Saint replied.

Hear the words of the swordsman in blue. The undead king frowned slightly.

He had never heard of Jianyu.

But regardless of these three worlds, as well as Xingchenhai, and the upcoming Daqian World, there are too many forces from all sides.

It is also normal for such a sword domain force to appear.

Maybe he, like himself, is a figure hidden in the fairyland.

"Tai Shang Dao Palace, I know where it is, let's destroy it together!"

The Undead King then spoke up.

"Go! Hurry up, don't wait until fusion, it will be too late then!"

Duan De spoke.

The three figures quickly disappeared.

After the three disappeared, one after another figure appeared in the abandoned place of the original Taoist palace, looking at the blood mist, the eyes were extremely shocked.

Sandao Palace is the heaven of the fairyland.

Although Fangcun Mountain and the Underworld appeared later, they also became Taoist forces.

But in people's hearts, they are far inferior to the Three Paths Palace.

"The lord of the Three Great Dao Palace went to the astral world to destroy the Fufu Pluto City, but I didn't expect that someone would attack the Fudo Primitive Taoist Palace."

"Not only the original Taoist palace, Fangcun Mountain was also destroyed before."

"But this is good for us. Immortal world is now merging towards the star world. Without a few major forces, we may benefit!"

Some people whispered.

Although it was very quiet, his eyes were indeed flickering with light, and there was a hint of excitement.

The Three Great Avenues Palace has been acquiring resources in the fairyland.

It is the three mountains that are pressing on their heads.

I'm afraid it will disappear now.

Biyou Asgard.

in a hall.

Duobao Zhenjun is standing in front of a statue.

"The city of Fudo Pluto has been destroyed, I am waiting for you to come here in the astral world!"

The voice of Tongtian Daozun came from the statue.

The three went, and now only he is safe, so he cannot leave the star realm.

Once left.

At that time, the opportunities they have fought for may be scattered.

What's more, he has to fight for some territory for the Three Great Avenues Palace.

Hearing the words of Taoist Tongtian, the True Monarch Duobao sighed.

Although Fudo Hades City was destroyed, as he expected, but hearing the news, he couldn't help but feel a little lonely.

Immovable Hades is very strong.

But in front of many forces, it was destroyed as well.

At this time, a figure came in from outside.

It is Our Lady of the Golden Spirit.

"Senior brother, Fudo Pluto City was destroyed, but the bodies of the two uncles who went with Shizun before were destroyed, Fudo Pluto City, the loss is not big, it can be said to be a normal evacuation."

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit said.

She had just obtained the images of the Star Wars, and after reading it, she came to True Monarch Duobao.

Hearing this, Duobao was stunned for a moment. He thought that Fudo Pluto City was destroyed by force, but he did not expect such a result.

"I don't know if Master and the others did the right thing this time!"

Duobao shook his head.


Valley At this time. A black thunder and lightning appeared in the sky above Biyou Immortal Palace, covering the sky above Biyou Immortal Palace.

These thunderbolts form a black lotus.

Black shadows followed by lightning from the black lotus headed towards Biyou Immortal Palace.

inside the hall

Duobao Zhenjun's expression changed.

The figure disappeared in the hall, and the Virgin of the Golden Spirit also left after seeing this.

in a while.

The major island owners in Biyou Immortal Palace all appeared on Biyou Immortal Palace.

They looked at the black lotus flower and the black lightning that kept falling from the sky.

Heart can not help but tremble.

Duobao Zhenjun stabilized his mind and stepped forward.

"Junior Duobao Zhenjun has seen senior, please show up."

With the voice of True Monarch Duobao, the thunder and lightning roared more and more, and the black shadows above the lotus also gathered more and more.

"Biyou Immortal Palace will be destroyed today, leave and spare your life!"

A deep voice sounded in the thunder.

It is the Thunder Emperor.

Hearing this, several people looked shocked.

But they didn't dare to speak out. In front of each other, they felt as if they were facing the master.

Acting, in fact, is no different from courting death.

They couldn't help looking at Zhenjun Duobao.

When Dao Zun Tongtian of Biyou Immortal Palace was away, True Monarch Duobao was always in charge.

"Senior, my master is in the star realm!"

True Monarch Duobao said.

But when he spoke.

A huge thunder appeared in the sky and fell directly towards the hall in the middle of Biyou Immortal Palace.

There is a statue of Tongtian Daozun in the hall.

"Who, who dares to come to my Biyou Immortal Palace!"

A figure came out of the hall. He slapped the thunderbolt with a palm.

"It's just a clone of a robbery, my heart demon Lei Emperor, from the ancient Thunder Palace, I'm here to destroy you Biyou Immortal Palace today."

While speaking, the figure of the Thunder Emperor of the Heart Demon appeared in the lotus flower.

A palm moved towards the figure of the Taoist Tongtian.

The power of rolling thunder appeared in the palm.

At this moment, over the sky above Biyou Immortal Palace, the overwhelming thunder roared down, as if destroying the world.

Seeing this, True Monarch Duobao's faces turned pale.

If this blow hits them, I'm afraid they will turn into ashes directly.

at this time

That Tongtian Daozun did not expect the other party to shoot directly, and his face changed.

His eyes became serious.

As soon as the opponent shot, he knew the strength of the opponent.

It's not something his body can resist.

His eyes narrowed.

Raising his hand and grabbing it, the endless power in Biyou Immortal Palace poured into his body.

Like the original Taoist palace, Biyou Xiangong has collected countless years in the fairyland, and has accumulated a lot of power.

In the original Taoist palace, Yuan Shi's real body was shattered.

Only Yuanshen was left, and the clone was affected and could not appear.

And Tongtian Daozun's real body is still, so his avatar appears directly.

Biyou Immortal Palace is his dojo.

He was able to use his maximum power.

Hit a blow to delay the attack of the demon Thunder Emperor.


The power in Biyou Asgard quickly disappeared, and some islands began to disappear.

Some disciples of Biyou Immortal Palace withdrew one after another.

They have long sensed the magic thunder above their heads, but they didn't take it to heart before, where did they think it would be like this.

"Let's all evacuate first!" Duobao Zhenjun's voice rang in everyone's ears.

Staying here at this time may be shaken to death by the aftermath.

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