Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1551: The Calculation of the Ascension Palace Lord

A few people from Mu Chengxue who appeared went directly into the house without any notification.

Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, this Mu Chengxue came very quickly.

Although Su Hao had never met Mu Chengxue, but Heihe Jue had mentioned it before, Su Hao could recognize Mu Chengxue at once.

Beside Mu Chengxue, there are two other people, one of them is a woman, with some royal majesty on her body.

It must be the princess of the eternal imperial court, the master of the Ascension Palace.

As for the other person.

Su Hao didn't know, this old man's aura was dark and his strength was extraordinary.

And to be able to appear with Mu Chengxue and Yuhua Palace Master, this person's strength may not be worse than Mu Chengxue.

"I didn't expect that there are such masters by the side of the Ascension Palace Master. The Eternal Imperial Court should not be underestimated."

Su Hao thought to himself.

"This must be the city lord Su Shao, who is in the imperial court of the eternal kingdom, Marquis Yantian, the princess of the eternal imperial court."

The old man next to the Ascension Palace Master stepped forward and said.

Mu Chengxue didn't need an introduction, so he introduced himself and the Palace Master Yuhua first.

"I have seen City Lord Su Shao."

At this time, the Palace Master Yuhua opened his mouth and said.

"I've seen a few of you, but I don't know if it's a matter of how many of you came here?"

Su Hao looked at several people.

If it was Mu Chengxue's visit, it might be fine, just to come to see Murong Yue, but now that the Ascension Palace Master and this old man are coming together, there must be something wrong.

"Where is Yue'er, I'll go see Yue'er first."

When Su Hao questioned.

Mu Chengxue said suddenly.

She was not easy to participate in the next thing, so she decided to see Murong Yue first.

"Take the Duo Palace Master to the backyard to meet the madam."

Su Hao said.


The blood-devouring vine bowed and took orders, and led Mu Chengxue into the backyard.

"You two, please sit down first."

Su Hao waved his hand to let the two sit down.

"City Lord Su Shao, we actually came here to ask City Lord Su Shao to support the eldest princess."

That Yan Tianhou looked at Su Hao and said.

It didn't hide it, and went straight to the topic.

When Marquis Yantian was talking, Palace Master Yuhua looked at Su Hao, but didn't say anything.

"I just came to see Murong Yue in the eternal kingdom. Now she is fine. I will return to the star realm as soon as possible. I'm afraid I won't be able to help the eldest princess."

Su Hao didn't want to get involved in the internal affairs of the Eternal Empire Imperial Court.

The strength of the Imperial Court of the Eternal Kingdom is not weak.

Participating in such a thing is not a good thing for them to move Pluto.

What's more, he accepted the benefits of the eldest prince.

As the saying goes, take people short. Is cannibalism short?

Hearing Su Hao's words, the old man's eyes narrowed slightly.

Su Hao directly replied that he never wanted to be involved in this matter.

The eldest princess' eyes narrowed slightly beside him.

She didn't expect that Su Hao would reject their proposal.

"City Master Su Shao, actually came to the Eternal Imperial Court, so stay for a few more days."

"We won't bother here."

Ascension Palace Master opened the mouth and said.

She felt that she was a little too hasty here.

They should let Mu Chengxue get in touch with Su Hao and the others, to explore Su Hao's thoughts temporarily, and then come to see Su Hao.

So prepare to say goodbye and leave.

on the other side.

The eldest prince has returned to his palace.

"Your Highness, is it worth it for us to pay such a price?"

The person beside the eldest prince said.

"It's worth it, Yi Tianhou has been loyal to me for many years, the price is completely worth it." The first prince said.

The man beside him was not talking.

The eldest prince can save Yi Tianhou and his son at such a great price, and he will also use such a price to save him.

This is also the reason why they have been following the eldest prince.

"Have other forces emerged behind the eldest princess?"

"Apart from Yan Tianhou?"

The man shook his head.

"I must dig out those guys. There is more than one Yan Tianhou. I really want to know where this force comes from."

"How many years has it been hidden in my eternal kingdom, why is there no sign at all."

The First Prince said in a deep voice.

Years ago, he discovered a very mysterious force that was eroding their eternal kingdom.

He'd been trying to find out, but couldn't find any clues.

But when he collided with the eldest princess, he vaguely discovered the existence of this force.

"But Your Highness, now the emperor is leaning towards the eldest princess, so that the power of the eldest princess has begun to develop rapidly, which is extremely unfavorable to us."

"His Royal Highness, why did the emperor suddenly lean towards the eldest princess?"

"Mu Chengxue of Guanghan Palace should not have such ability."

"I originally thought that I would be able to take down Mu Chengxue this time, so that the eldest princess's supporters would disappear, and the forces behind her would emerge."

"But now it involves the immovable Hades City.

"What are we going to do next?"

The man said in a low voice.

"Let Wei Cangsheng take charge of Guanghan Palace as soon as possible and suppress Mu Chengxue."

The eldest prince said.

"His Royal Highness, but this will involve the immovable Hades City."

The man said in a low voice.

"City Master Su Shao has already taken my things, and he shouldn't do anything to Wei Cangsheng again, so there won't be any problems."

"And City Lord Su Shao is a smart man, so he won't get involved so easily."

This time, I will use Murong Xue head-on to see if I can catch some of the people behind the eldest princess. "

The First Prince said in a deep voice.

Another place.

The eldest princess and Yan Tianhou have returned, as for Mu Chengxue, he retreated and began to recover from his injuries.

The two entered a secret room.

That Yan Tianhou waved his hand, and a series of rune marks appeared in his hand, wrapping the secret room in it.

"Old Yan, then Su Hao doesn't seem to be so easy to I'm afraid we need to think of other ways."

"Can you support me over there?"

Ascension Palace Master said in a deep voice.

Hearing the words of the Ascension Palace Master, the old man shook his head and said: "The ancient dust and sand projection of the people of Fufu Pluto City appeared, and let one of your royal ancestors appear."

"We can't influence the emperor's side now, I'm afraid your ancestor will notice."

You can tell from their words.

The eternal imperial court, the change of the emperor's wind direction, has something to do with these people.

"But the Guanghanzhong side is out of control, and the strength of the Duo Palace Lord's side is no longer able to help me, if there is no action there."

"I won't be able to get in at all on this trip to the forbidden land."

"I can't get in. It's impossible for them to want that thing."

Ascension Palace Master said in a deep voice.

"I will discuss this with them."

"However, Palace Master, if you can bring in the immovable Pluto City, it will be very beneficial to you, and it may be able to cover up their traces."

Yan Tianhou said.

Hearing the words of Marquis Yantian, the Palace Master Yuhua pondered.

"I'll have a chat with her when Master is out."

"Through her to influence Murong Mingyue, you are letting Murongyue influence that Su Hao."

Ascension Palace Master said in a deep voice.

"But now there is an important thing to do, which is to kill Wei Cangsheng."

"As long as you kill me and help Shizun kill Wei Cangsheng, then Shizun owes me a favor.

"Once I owe my favor, she will definitely help me make the connection with Fudo Pluto City."

When the Yuhua Palace Master spoke, a light flashed in his eyes.

Mu Chengxue helps her.

In fact, not only is she an anonymous disciple of Mu Chengxue, but mainly because her mother helped Mu Chengxue back then.

That's why Mu Chengxue would support her.

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