Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1539: Mu Chengxue's surprise

Inside the Snow Emperor Palace.

Mu Chengxue never showed up, she kept paying attention to the conversation between Heihe Jue and Murong Yue.

She was very surprised.

Black and white absolutely Su Hao is very respectful, which shows that Murong Yue's husband's status is extraordinary.

The extraterritorial sea of ​​stars is very large, and there are many ancient and powerful forces.

But Murong Yue was brought back from the star realm by her, and she should not contact the ancient forces in the sea of ​​stars outside the realm.

Could it be the hegemonic force of the astral world, the people who do not move the city of Pluto.

But this is somewhat unlikely.


Murong Yue was a little hesitant when she heard that Black and White would definitely take her to see Su Hao.

Is her master still in the Snow Emperor Palace now?

at this time!

In the Snow Emperor Palace, Mu Chengxue also knew that he could no longer hide, so he showed his body directly.

When Black and White Jue saw Mu Chengxue, his expression froze.

Although Mu Chengxue didn't show his momentum, it made him feel a palpitations in his soul.

He got a divine tree on his body, and he integrated his soul into the divine tree.

The person who can make his soul palpitate must be extremely terrifying in strength.

Over there, Mu Chengxue also felt that the black and white was not simple, and said, "I don't know where Mr. come from?"

"The next one is from Fudo Pluto City."

Black and white refused.

"Do not move the city of Hades, now the overlord of the star realm!"

"You said that Yue'er's husband is the young master of Fudo Pluto City."

Hearing this, Mu Chengxue's face showed surprise.

She had always thought that Murong Yue's husband was just a person of ordinary power, but she did not expect to be the young master of Fudo Pluto City.


Black and white absolutely nodded.

"Yue'er, I didn't expect you to be the young lady of Fufu Pluto City, and Fufu Pluto City, you are no worse than my Guanghan Palace."

Mu Chengxue looked at Murong Yue and said.

"Master, I actually don't know that Fudo Pluto City is the overlord of the star realm!"

Murong Yue said with a wry smile.

Although she knew about the matter of the immovable Pluto City, she didn't know the details at all.

Not long after entering the star realm, she obtained the inheritance of the Snow Emperor Palace and has been cultivating.

Later, he was guided by the Snow Emperor Palace and Mu Chengxue.

She came to Guanghan Star, and has been practicing hard, wanting to step into the transcendence.

"Master, shall we go directly to Guanghan Palace to expose the senior brother?"

Murong Yue said.

"Don't make things so simple, your senior brother, joined Guanghan Palace ten thousand years ago."

"I am afraid that he has already controlled Guanghan Palace, otherwise, the palace will not be so peaceful."

"And now that I'm injured, I'm afraid I'm no longer your senior brother's opponent."

"Returning to Guanghan Palace rashly is extremely detrimental to us."

Mu Chengxue shook his head.

Her disciple is hiding too deeply.

If it wasn't for this time, she wouldn't know that the opponent's strength would be so strong.

"Master, what should we do now?"

Murong Yue asked involuntarily.

"Since we have already left the Guanghan Palace, then we will go to the imperial court of the eternal kingdom to see the eldest princess."

"There should be something on her side that can help me recover from some injuries."

"When my injury recovers, I will contact some elders in Guanghan Palace before making a decision."

After Mu Chengxue finished speaking, he said to Black and White Jue, "Mr. Jue please send us to the imperial court."

"it is good."

Black and white is dead.

He didn't know much about Wei Cangsheng.

Just to check the conversation between the other party and the second sea master of the sea of ​​magic.

The other side!

In the Guanghan Palace, Wei Cangsheng was sitting on a bench and thinking.

Suddenly he stood up and walked out of the hall.

in a while.

He came to the secret prison where Murong Yue was previously imprisoned.

Entering the restraint, his divine sense checked Murong Yue's situation, and his color suddenly changed, and he grabbed Murong Yue's body with a palm.

When he grabbed Murong Yue with his palm.

The black-and-white avatar disguised as Murong Yue flashed, disappeared in place, and ran away from the ban.

But that Wei Cangsheng turned his palm and grabbed directly at Hei Jue.

The strength of Heihe Jue's clone was not enough to see in front of him, but when he was about to grasp Hei Jue in the palm of his hand.

Black and White Jue's body exploded directly, turning into a cloud of blood.

No chance for Wei Cangsheng at all.

After all, Wei Cangsheng's strength is much stronger than him, what happened.


Wei Cangsheng's expression froze.

He looked at the blood mist in the secret prison, and his consciousness spread around, but he found nothing, and his eyes became hazy.

"Come on!"

He snorted lowly.

A figure appeared in front of him.

"Murong Yue escaped, and ordered the Guanghan Palace disciples to arrest Murong Yue with all their might, and they must find Murong Yue."

Wei Cangsheng said.


The figure bowed and disappeared.

Inside the prison, Wei Cangsheng's face was gloomy and uncertain.

"Who rescued Murong Yue? It seems that some elders who have not been controlled will be controlled."

Wei Cangsheng murmured in his mouth.

Murong Yue, who was rescued by Black and White, made him think that it was someone in Guanghan Palace who did it.

So he was going to attack the elders in Guanghan Palace.

at the same time.

Eternal Kingdom Court

Senior Sister Mu who appeared took Su Hao and the others outside a huge palace-style building.

"This is the office of the Ascension Palace in the imperial court, let's go in first."

Senior Sister Mu said.

And led Su Hao and the others into it, and led them into an inner courtyard.

"You are in this small courtyard now. I'm going to report this matter to Elder Wanqing, Cai'er, come with me."

Senior Sister Mu looked at Qiu Cai'er and said.

"Don't tell me your identity, lest there be any accident."

Su Hao transmitted the voice to Qiu Cai'er.

Qiu Cai'er nodded towards Su Hao and left with Senior Sister Na Mu.

"My lord, the lady has been rescued, and that Mu Chengxue has been hiding on the young lady's body in the Snow Emperor Palace?"

"He already knows that, Lord, you have come to the imperial court of the eternal kingdom."

Black and white.

"I didn't expect this Mu Chengxue to hide in Murong's Snow Emperor Palace. No wonder, why didn't Mo Nianhai and Wei Cangsheng find them?"

Su Hao praised.

"My subordinates go to investigate some of their conversations first!"

After Hei Jue finished speaking, his body merged into the ground and disappeared.

Outside the small courtyard, Senior Sister Na Mu and Qiu Cai'er appeared in a separate pavilion.

Guanghan Palace is the most beneficial supporter of the eldest princess ascension, so some people are stationed in the eldest princess' ascension palace.

Inside the attic.

A woman in a long purple dress is sitting on a futon cultivating.

She is Li Wanqing, an elder sent by Guanghan Palace to Ascension Palace.

Senior Sister Mu brought Qiu Cai'er in after entering.

The two saluted the woman in the purple dress at the same time: "See Elder Wanqing."

The woman in the purple dress looked at the two of them: "Cai'er, didn't you just return to Guanghan Palace? Why did you return to the imperial court?"

"Could it be that there is news from the Palace Master?"

The disappearance of Mu Chengxue, the master of Guanghan Palace, has already been reported to the imperial court.

As the conflict between the Ascension Palace and the First Prince's Purple Dragon Palace has deepened, they need people like them to sit down.

Otherwise, he would have returned to Guanghan Palace long ago.

"Elder, there is no news from the palace master. I came out of Guanghan Palace without permission. I came to find friends."

Qiu Cai'er said.

"Elder, the friend who was with Cai'er killed Zilongwei, and Yan Xin, the deputy commander of Zilongwei."

Senior Sister Mu hurriedly told what happened.


Hearing this, the expression of the Guanghan Palace elder changed.

Now the Palace Master of Guanghan Palace has disappeared and is in the stage of wind and rain.

Now the people who brought people from Qiu Cai'er also killed Yan Xin of Zilongwei.

This is a big deal. If you don't get it right, the Purple Dragon Palace may attack them in Guanghan Palace.

The palace lord disappeared, and the Yuhua Palace lord's side may not necessarily stand on their Guanghan Palace's side.

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