Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1525: Yama, the immortal king

Original Taoist Palace.

The four who had just returned received the news that Su Hao and the others occupied Jilei Mountain.

"This underworld actually occupies Jilei Mountain. They really don't care at all, the Eternal Kingdom Niu Family."

Guang Chengzi shook his head.

"There should be a conflict between the thunder veins of Jilei Mountain and the exercises practiced in the underworld.",

"How could they occupy Mount Jilei."

Duobao said in a deep voice.

In the reincarnation of the underworld, to gather the power of the soul to improve the cultivation base is incompatible with the thunder and lightning itself, and should not occupy the Jilei Mountain.

"The underworld now is not the underworld of the past."

Bai Mei, who was beside him, shook his head.

"Okay, Baimei, you can go back and contact the underworld, and you can give them five places."

Xuandu said.

Now that there is no need to test the strength, it does not matter if you come up with five places.

at the same time.

Immortal world, in the forbidden land of Kunlun.

An empty place.

Nine-day succubus and two men in battle armor appeared in a place full of bones.

There are white bones everywhere here.

Some have been weathered for thousands of years into a pile of bone powder.

Desolate, silent, terrible.

Breed and spread in this place.

"Jiutian is really the burial place of the Eternal Demon Lord. I think it's all bones."

A man spoke up.

"Yeah, if there is, it is estimated that the Eternal Demon Lord will also become a pile of bones."

Another person spoke up.

"This is indeed the burial place of the Demon Lord of Ten Thousand Demons. Don't look at these bones. Their power was swallowed up by the Eternal Demon Lord and turned into white bones."

Nine Heavens Succubus opened his mouth and said.

Hearing the words, the faces of the two of them suddenly condensed. Unexpectedly, the bones in this place were swallowed by the Eternal Demon Lord.

They looked again at the endless white bones on the ground, a vast expanse of white.


"Let's go, the Eternal Demon Lord is in the deepest part."

Nine Heavens Succubus opened his mouth and said.

The three of them walked on foot.

After they entered the Land of Bones, layers of white fog storms suddenly appeared in this world.

The three figures were wrapped in them and disappeared.

The environment of the three began to change.

They appeared in a palace made of huge bones.

A man with a devilish aura on his body was sitting on a throne made of white bones.

"Jiutian Succubus, I didn't expect you to come to me, why did you come to me this time?"

The big man sitting on the bones looked at the Nine Heavens Succubus.

Jiutian Succubus's expression remained unchanged and he said, "Eternal Demon Lord, this time we are here for the sake of the temple."

"We want to enter the temple and get the aura of catastrophe. I hope you didn't go with us when you were born."

"Is the temple going to open?"

Hearing that, the Eternal Demon King's expression froze.

In fact, his attribute time is not long, and he is consolidating his cultivation recently, when the Nine Heavens Succubus entered the Kunlun Forbidden Land.

He sensed it, so he has been waiting here for the Nine Heavens Succubus.

"Comprehend the aura of the Tribulation Realm. You have already comprehended it once in the temple back then. If you enter again, you won't gain much."

Eternal Demon Lord said in a deep voice.

"I entered it to restore my aura of calamity, not to comprehend."

"You just woke up, and you must have the power in the temple to restore your aura of catastrophe."

Nine Heavens Succubus opened his mouth and said.

"Of course, I also need it. I will go to the temple with you."

The Ancient Demon Lord Wanmo said.

"But these two wastes, you don't need to bring them!"

When the Demon Lord of Ten Thousand Demons was talking, he walked down from the White Bone Throne.

Every time he took a step, an aura appeared in the entire space and pressed against the two people beside the Nine Heavens Succubus.

Those thick white bones in the space, at this moment.

Because the power of the Eternal Demon Lord turned into powder.

The faces of the two people next to Jiutian Succubus couldn't help but change, and of course anger erupted from them.

This Eternal Demon Lord is insulting them.

Nor can they tolerate it.


A huge aura erupted from the two of them, and they punched the Eternal Demon Lord with a punch.

"Hmph, trash is trash. After falling asleep, your strength has fallen to the Eternal Ninth Layer. What's the use of you?"

When he spoke, the Eternal Demon Lord threw a punch.


The two of them screamed, and under the punch of the Eternal Demon Lord, their bodies cracked instantly.

Then it exploded with a bang, raining blood.

"Eternal Demon Lord, you!"

At this moment, the complexion of Jiutian Succubus changed.

She didn't expect the Eternal Demon Lord to behead the person beside her while she was speaking.

"Jiutian Succubus, you attacked the Undead Heavenly King back then, did you think no one knew about it?"

At this time, the Eternal Demon Lord looked at the Nine Heavens Succubus and snorted coldly.

Grab the Nine Heavens Succubus with one hand.

"What, how do you know, who are you? You are not the Eternal Demon Lord."

The charming figure of Jiutian turned into a black light and disappeared under the grasp.

"Nine Heaven Succubus, you know it's too late now."

At this moment, the Eternal Demon Lord, who had normal pupils, had a golden light in his eyes.

"The Third Heavenly King of the Underworld, Yama Heavenly King."

Jiutian Succubus changed his face when he saw the golden light on the opponent's pupils and said.

"How will you be here."

There was a look of disbelief in her eyes.

At that time, she watched the other party being killed by the Three Great Dao Palace, the original Dao Palace Master.

"It's okay to tell you, before I was killed by someone, I devoured and refined the soul of Eternal Demon Venerable."

"Cut off a trace of soul and leave it in the body of Eternal Demon Venerable."

That King Yama looked at the Nine Heavens Succubus Dao.

"Then you don't know that I attacked the undead king, you have seen the undead king."

Jiutian Succubus's eyes narrowed and he said in surprise.

"Don't talk so much nonsense with you, I'll capture you first."

Heavenly King Yama let out a low voice and shot again.

The golden light in the palm of the hand pressed the heaven and earth directly on the body of the Nine Heavens Succubus.

But when the palm fell, he found that his palm fell again.

"The Nine Nether Heaven Escape Technique is really unusual."

Seeing that his palm fell in the air, the Heavenly King Yama was not shooting, his eyes looked at the void, and his mouth praised.

After speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared into the white bone space.

When he appeared again, he had come to a dark space.

In this space, a majestic figure stands in the void.

The figure is blurred and unclear.

But the breath that exudes is extremely terrifying.


The Yama Heavenly Dynasty bowed and saluted the majestic I planned my body for tens of thousands of years, but it was beheaded, reincarnated, and taken away, you go and find out for me ,what's going on? "

The voice of the figure echoed in the space.

"What, senior brother, you said that Cao Wuyan was beheaded, he has endless reincarnation, he should have realized a calamity atmosphere."

"How can you still be beheaded?"

Hearing the figure's words, King Yama couldn't help but said.

Knowing from the mouth of Yama King.

The figure in front of him was the Immortal King of the Underworld back then.

And Cao Wuyan was just the body he planned tens of thousands of years ago.

light pen

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