Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1522: Occupy Jilei Mountain, master of kendo

Su Hao glanced at the 2 level 14 crystal lottery cards in the inventory with a smile on his face.

He really needs a lottery card lately.

The layout of the fairyland underworld is obviously not enough, and it needs to be supplemented.

Only then can the Three Great Avenues Palace be hard steel.

However, he will be able to get 2 unranked lottery cards after a while.

The last mission was to obtain the Nebula Lock, and to open the Astral Myriad Channels,

He has obtained the lock of Xingyuan, but Dugu Baitian has not yet refined it.

Therefore, it is not possible to open the Wanjie channel at any time, so I did not get 2 non-level lottery cards.

Of course, if the time is not enough after refining, he will not open the Myriad Realms Channel.

"Master, the white-browed master of Fangcun Mountain, and the other three should be the current heads of the other three great palaces."

At this time, Duan De, who returned to the flying boat, opened his mouth and said.

"The other principals of the Three Great Avenues Palace?"

Su Hao looked towards the void.

However, it was resisted by a layer of energy, and it was impossible to see the situation inside.

in the void.

"We also see the strength of the underworld clearly, we are leaving now."

Xuandu glanced at Xie Zun who returned to Su Hao's flying boat and said.


The four cut through the void and turned to leave.

Jilei Mountain.

The white-robed man and Meng Wanjie also quickly returned to the Jilei Hall.

"Uncle Qin, how did this underworld know that Cao Wuyan came to our Jilei Mountain."

"Cao Wuyan came to Jilei Mountain last time, and I received him. He will come in three days, but only you and I know."

"Now the people in the underworld are waiting here exactly three days later. It's obviously a bit of a wait-and-see attitude.",

Meng Wanjie said.

Hearing this, the white-robed man's expression condensed: "You mean people from the underworld who are monitoring us."

While speaking, the white-robed man's expression changed.

The whole body exudes a sword light, and this sword light instantly enveloped the entire Jilei Mountain Hall.

"Jianyu, Jianyin!"

The inexhaustible sword qi surged up in the entire hall, as if it was going to penetrate everything.


When the white-robed man spoke, he turned into a sword light and headed straight for an attack.

The sword light is extremely fast.

The black and white avatar that had changed in the corner of the hall was directly split in half by a sword, turning into a mass of black water.

After killing Black and White with a single sword, the sword light in the hall disappeared instantly.

After the sword light disappeared.

Meng Wanjie and the white-robed man both had extremely solemn expressions.

Unexpectedly, they have been under surveillance all the time, that is to say, all their conversations are under surveillance.

"The underworld has been monitoring my Jilei Mountain. Could it be that the underworld is attacking my Jilei Mountain?"

Meng Wanjie thought that the color inside became pale.

"Don't worry, if they want to do it, they will attack now."

"After all, now is a good opportunity to take action against us."

The white-robed man shook his head.

"But why is the underworld monitoring us?"

"What are they trying to do?"

Meng Wanjie said in a deep voice.

"Right now we can only wait and see what happens, but be prepared to leave."

The white-robed man replied.

Another place.

In the void, above the flying boat.

"Lord, my clone was discovered and I couldn't leave."

Black and white.

"Looks like they noticed something?"

"But it's normal. It's normal for us to wait outside Jilei Mountain like this."

"If this is the case, then destroy Jilei Mountain directly."

Su Hao said.

[Trigger quest: Occupy Jilei Mountain and become the base of the underworld in the fairy world, and reward a level 14 crystal lottery card. 】

When Su Hao decided to destroy Jilei Mountain, the system also issued such a task.

"It turns out that when you gave me the Thunder Vein altar, you actually let me occupy the Jilei Mountain and occupy the Thunder Vein."

Su Hao looked at the tasks announced by the system and said.

"Mr. Duan, Jilei Mountain is a good place. I feel that the underworld can be built here."

Su Hao said.

"This Lei Mountain Thunder Vein and my Origin Technique can indeed exert great power. I will go and make them all unknown!"

After Duan De finished speaking, he disappeared from the flying boat.

When it reappeared, it had already appeared beside the defense outside Jilei Mountain.

He raised his hand and slapped it directly on the defensive formation.

The defensive formation shattered directly.


The change in the white-robed men's formation in the Jilei Mountain Hall suddenly changed his expression.

"It's not good that the underworld has made a move against us?"

"Come on!"

Before he could finish speaking, he saw a huge palm print directly towards their Jilei Mountain Hall.

The white-robed man turned into a sword light and rushed out.

At the moment of rushing out.

A huge long sword appeared in the sky and slashed directly at Duan De.


The long sword collided with the giant palm.

on the other side.

Meng Wanjie's complexion changed dramatically, his figure flashed, and he walked towards the Thunder Pond of Jilei Mountain.

There is a departure teleportation array there.

But when he appeared in this thunder pool, several black and white figures appeared in the thunder pool.

The power of lightning flashes all around these black and white.


Meng Wanjie's expression changed, he did not expect that there would be this person in this thunder pool.

Feel the teleportation array.

He gave a low drink.

"Underworld, Fang Muyun dares to come to fight."

The sound resounded throughout the world, causing the black and white to stop.

on the flying boat.

Su Hao heard Meng Wanjie's voice, his face showed a hint of admiration.

This dream is a very good move.

He is not Black and White Jue's opponent at all, but he can fight against Fang Muyun.

As long as he defeats Fang Muyun, he will have vitality.

[Trigger task: The host faces the challenge, defeats or kills the dream, and rewards a 14-level crystal lottery card. 】

At this time, the sound of the system rang in his ear.

"Since the other party wants to fight with me, then I will go to meet this dream."

Su Hao stepped out of the flying boat.

As for the evil deity, it did not appear.

A mountain of accumulated thunder, I really don't need his shot.

Of course, there are also some experts in Jilei Mountain at this time.

It was just that silhouettes continued to emerge from the Thunder Pond, heading towards all parts of Jilei Mountain.

The power in the Thunder Pond made Black and White constantly create clones.

These clones fought with the people of Jileishan.

"Swordsmanship covers the sky!"


After Meng Wanjie made a sound, the giant sword collided with Duan De's palm and instantly turned into ninety-nine-eighty-one long swords.

The long swords converge in the void, forming a grinding disc.

The sword energy shrouded in the grinding disc, covering the world.

Towards Duan De shrouded in the past.

Duan De's eyes narrowed slightly, and the black gold shield appeared in his hand, charging towards the sword light.


The two forces collided, and the sword light dissipated and turned into a man in a white robe.

He looked at Duan De solemnly.

"No wonder you have been able to fight Cao Wuyan for so long, it's really amazing."

"But it's not so easy for you to hold me."

"The body of the sword, the body of the sword."

The white-robed man let out a low voice.

A figure appeared behind him.

The figure is also plain white, but it exudes a terrifying sword energy, like a long sword that is fierce in the world.

"It seems that you are about to comprehend that trace of catastrophe."

Duan De looked at the plain white figure behind the white-robed man and opened his mouth.

light pen

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