Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1517: Manji Mayama Deputy Mountain Lord

The latest website: "The Canglan Empire will be handed over to your invisible empire to deal with, and others will not participate."

Su Hao said.


Youhabach's expression was calm, and he didn't care about dealing with the Canglan Empire alone.

I know it's difficult, but it suits his heart.

After saluting Su Hao, his figure disappeared inside the palace.

He wants to return to the invisible empire and start to fight against the Canglan Empire.

at the same time.

In the Origin Mountain, the Origin Immortal King suddenly stood up and patted the table and chair in front of him with a palm.

The tables and chairs shattered instantly.

"Do not move the city of Hades, a master who understands the aura of robbery?"

His face was gloomy and his voice was cold.

"Yes, from the last trace of the shot, the people in the immortal world thought that it was the hand of the Emperor Abandoned Heaven who did not move the city of Hades."

"It's also my fault that Lu Ming and the others were unlucky. Then Su Hao came back from the heavenly realm and did not return to the star realm, but went to the God of War Palace."

In front of him, an old man in a green shirt spoke up.

"What's going on over there at Wanshi Magic Mountain?"

"They have lost several elders in a row. In addition, this Ling Yanrong is a disciple of the Mountain Master of Wanshi Moshan, so there should be more action."

Origin of fairy kings.

"There has been no movement yet. It is estimated that the countermeasures are being discussed over there?"

"But we don't have to worry, not moving Pluto City offends a lot of forces, we have a chance later."

"Lord, if you are still thinking about finding Lin Yuanyuan and completing the source fusion, you should be able to comprehend the power of the second source."

"It's not too late to deal with Pluto City when the time comes."

The old man in the blue shirt said.

"Understood! My origin immortal formation has been built, I will retreat to find the trace of Lin Yuanyuan, and you will be responsible for the origin of the mountain."

The Origin Immortal King said.


The old man in the blue shirt nodded.

And another place.

The sea of ​​stars outside the territory, a palace on the highest peak of Wanshi Magic Mountain.

Outside the palace, there was a domineering demonic energy that dyed the sky black.

Outside the palace, five people stood.

They exude one after another extremely tyrannical demonic energy, and it is obvious that the five of them are powerful.

The five stood quietly, as if waiting for something.

As time passed, a purple figure walked out of the palace.

Suddenly, the demonic energy between heaven and earth vibrated violently, like boiling water.

"Meet the Deputy Mountain Master."

The five people outside watched the purple appear, and bowed to meet the road at the same time.

The purple figure that appeared, walked in front of the five people.

Only then did I see clearly that the purple figure that appeared was a beautiful woman.

The woman's body is as slender as a crescent moon, and the arc of her chest is amazing.

Outline a reverie and beautiful arc.

But the five people opposite her all bowed and saluted, not daring to look at each other.

"What happened?"

The woman's voice was cold, and she looked at a few people.

"Vice Mountain Master Qin, Elder Ling Yanrong was beheaded in the Immortal Realm, we are here to report."

One of the elders said.


When the elder's voice fell, a terrifying demonic energy burst out from the purple figure.

Think of it as a terrifying magic wave, pressing down on the five people in front of you.

Just as the five people in front of them raised their heads, they felt the impact of the terrifying magic wave, and their bodies flew out involuntarily. ,

There was a muffled groan in the throat.

The blood in the body is surging, and the complexion is a bit bitter.

This deputy mountain master is still domineering as always, and he will do whatever he says.

"Tell me the details."

When the devilish energy disappeared, the purple figure said.

The elder who spoke first informed the purple figure about the immovable Hades City.

"Do not move Pluto City, the power of the star realm, there are strong people who understand the aura of robbery."

As she spoke, her eyes became cold.

"The other party has a strong aura of catastrophe, why did you detect it before?"

The purple figure looked at several people and said coldly.

"When in the heavenly realm, Elder Ling has already detected a strong man who has comprehended the aura of catastrophe in Fudo Hades City."

"But Cao Wuyan of the Cao family appeared and threatened Elder Ling and the others, asking them to explain."

"That's why Elder Ling proposed to kill Chen Zhan in the immortal world of the God of War in the City of Hades to give Cao Wuyan an explanation.",

One of the elders replied.

"Humph! Do we need to explain to the Cao family for our Wanshi Magic Mountain?"

Hearing the elder's words, the purple figure snorted coldly.

"Where is this Cao Wuyan now?"

The purple figure asked.

"After Cao Wuyan went to Yuanyuan Mountain, let us explain and disappear."

"But judging from the situation, Cao Wuyan should have gone to Immortal Realm."

"Immortal world? What is he doing?"

asked the purple figure.

"This was not detected."

The talking elder replied.

"Give me a copy of the information about Fudo Pluto City in the astral world, and investigate the whereabouts of Cao Wuyan."

"By the way, I will send the next post to the Origin Immortal King, saying that I want to see the Origin Immortal King."


Several people heard the words, took a breath, and turned to leave.

In front of the palace, only this woman was left.

She looked at the voices of several people leaving, and said softly: "I didn't expect such a strong force to appear in the star realm."

"I don't know how many robbery atmospheres these two people have realized."

After she finished speaking, her figure flashed and she headed down the mountain.

and did not return to the palace behind him.

After the woman left, demonic energy surged around the palace behind her.

After a while, it disappeared, as if the palace had never appeared before.


Outside Jilei Mountain.

in a void.

A spaceship stood sideways, as if waiting for someone.

Su Hao, who transformed into Fang Muyun, stood in front of the boat and looked at the surrounding void.

Beside him is Duan De, the **** of the underworld, and his whole body is enveloped in black Qi, the evil **** of eight Qi and Black and White Jue.

They are here waiting for Cao Wuyan to come.

Beheading Cao Wuyan, robbing Cao Wuyan of endless reincarnation.

This time, they were hiding their whereabouts, just waiting in the void.

In the mountains of accumulated thunder.

Meng Wanjie and a man in a white robe were standing in the main hall of Jilei Mountain.

The two looked solemn.

"Uncle Qin, this underworld is really domineering. He even intercepted Cao Wuyan outside my Jilei Mountain."

"It really doesn't take our Jileishan into consideration. You said whether I should go out and fight that Fang Muyun."

When talking, Meng Wan Jie's eyes were boiling with fighting intent.

"You are not Fang Muyun's If you want to be killed or abused by others, you can fight against them."

The white-robed man beside him said.

"Uncle Qin, you are raising other people's ambition and destroying my prestige."

Meng Wanjie shook his head.

"Seek truth from facts. When Fang Muyun appeared, I paid attention. In the detachment, it is difficult for anyone to beat him."

"Unless the royal bloodline of the eternal kingdom and the death court."

The white-robed man said in a deep voice.

"It's so powerful! Then you said that they attacked Cao Wuyan this time, are they sure of victory?"

"Uncle Shi said earlier, that Cao Wuyan is stronger than you!"

Meng Wanjie said.

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