Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1515: Escape, 1 palm to destroy

Latest URL: "This!"

Seeing Ling Yanrong being swallowed by the cloud of blood. The eyes of the spectators could not help but be stunned.

What's the situation, why is there still a pile of blood clouds?

Is it still the blood-devouring vine.


The blood cloud was shaken away, and a figure emerged from the middle.

It was Ling Yanrong, but at this time, Ling Yanrong's whole body was corroded, and every drop of blood was on her body, as if it was swallowing her up.

"How is it possible that you are not dead yet."

She looked at the blood cloud in horror.

The blood cloud changed and turned into the figure of the blood-devouring vine again.

In the sea of ​​blood, immortality is immortal.

You are only concerned with my blood, not your own blood, your blood is also a part of me.


After the blood-devouring magic vine's voice fell, he whispered in his mouth.

Bang, bang! Bang!

That Ling Yanrong was swallowing up the blood spots on her body and exploded directly.


Ling Yanrong let out a scream, she wanted to activate her **** eyes.

But when her **** eye appeared, a blood-devouring vine directly penetrated the **** eye.


The **** eyes were pierced, Ling Yanrong's body trembled for a while, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person was shaking.

"Send you the last ride."


At this moment,

Countless vines flew out of the void, pierced through Ling Yanrong's body, and then covered her.

This time Ling Yanrong had no means and was swallowed by the blood-devouring vine.

Looking at this result, everyone looked at the scene in the void in horror.

This blood-devouring vine is too terrifying. What is terrifying is not his combat power, but his immortality.

Anyone who confronted him would be terrified.

at this time!

Lu Ming is fighting against Chen Zhan.

He seemed to sense the changes here, and there was also a look of horror in his eyes.

He didn't expect Su Chixue to defeat Ling Yanrong over there.

He glanced at Chen Zhan who was resisting him.

Chen Zhan's life is being lost, but the madman seems to care about this at all.

The power that erupted from the fist was like a mountain, making people palpitate.

He felt that he could consume the battle to the death.

But if the blood-devouring vine kills Ling Yanrong, you have the ability to kill him.

He punched out, punched Chen Zhan, and the whole person fled towards the void not far away.

He can't stay here, it's better to escape first.


Just as his body entered the void, a terrifying abyss appeared in the void. In the abyss, a huge arm emerged from it and grabbed Lu Ming directly.

When Lu Ming saw the palm that appeared in the abyss, his eyes were horrified, and he punched out.

But the fist slammed into the opponent's palm, and there was not even a trace of waves.

Continue to press towards him.


The palm of his hand fell on his body, just as Lu Ming was about to say something, his body turned into ashes.

When Lu Ming turned to ashes.

The palm and the abyss disappeared.

With one palm, a palm appeared, beheading Lu Ming. end of terror.

On the other side, Shao Siming appeared, her hand was sealed, and green life energy appeared in the void, pouring into the past towards Chen Zhan.

Help Chen Zhan stabilize the loss of his own breath.


The Soul of Zhantian, which had previously been attached to Chen Zhan, suddenly collapsed, turned into a mass of energy, and merged into his body.

in the void

Su Hao appeared and looked at the soul of Zhantian that merged into Chen Zhan's body.

He murmured in his mouth: "In this battle, the soul of Zhantian shattered and merged into the body. Chen Zhan realized that he might not have reached the peak of eternity, and he could comprehend the aura of a catastrophe. It is really good fortune."

"Let's go back to the Shrine of War."

Su Hao said.

Several people pierced through the void and returned to the God of War Palace.

There was silence in the void.

"It turns out that they didn't leave, they miscalculated."

"Who is the last person who made the move to Pluto City?"

"I seem to have some resemblance to the palm of my hand, as if it was the hand of the Emperor Abandoning Heaven."

"Abandoned Heaven Emperor's strength, is it so strong?"

Some people asked suspiciously.

"Let's go, the war is over, and the prestige of Fudo Pluto City has been opened in the Immortal Realm."

Some humane.

Previously, they just sighed that Fudo Pluto City was somewhat strong, but there was no concept of how strong it was.

Today's battle changes everyone's opinion.

Some people started to leave.

After some departures, two figures appeared in the void.

These two figures are the Emperor Jin of the Great Jin Dynasty and his elder brother, although the breath on them has reached the eternal realm.

But his face was solemn and gloomy.

"Brother Huang, if you don't move Hades City, just send someone to take action, and you can destroy my Great Jin Dynasty. What should we do now?"

Emperor Jin said.

"Evacuate Dajin, go to the sea of ​​stars outside the territory, and join the Magic Mountain of Myriad Beginnings."

That Jin Taiyue said.

"Join the Magic Mountain of Myriad Beginnings?"

Emperor Jin did not understand.

"The background of Wanshi Magic Mountain is not simple, we can only join Wanshi Magic Mountain now."

"Join Wanshi Magic Mountain and interact with Menghuang at that time, we can still return to the fairyland, let's go!"

After Jin Taiyue turned around and left, he wanted to return to the Great Jin Dynasty, gather all the resources, and go to the Wanshi Magic Mountain in the sea of ​​stars outside the territory.

after they leave.

Black and white Jue appeared, and the cold light flashed in the eyes of the two of them.

Just returned to the Shrine of War.

Black and white will tell Su Hao what he just heard in the void.

"The two people from the Great Jin Dynasty have stepped into the Eternal Realm and want to escape to the sea of ​​stars outside the territory."

"How can you let them go?"

"You go and inform Gu Huai and go to the Great Jin Dynasty with Gu Huai. The royal family of the Great Jin Dynasty does not need any more."

Su Hao said.

The Dream Emperor of the Great Dream Dynasty, let him run away, this Great Jin Dynasty will not give them another chance to leave.

"But also investigate the situation of Menghuang."

Su Hao said.


Black and white absolutely disappeared in front of Su Hao.

The current status of Menghuang should not be simple. He wants to know what the situation is with this person who cannot be regarded as an opponent.

at this time.

Another place.

Original Taoist Palace.

The white-browed master of Fangcunshan appeared outside the original Taoist palace.

He came to visit, Guangchengzi, the current leader of the original Taoist palace, Guangcheng Zhenjun.

Inside the original Taoist palace.

Guang Chengzi's face was solemn.

Standing below him is the person who went to the star realm to see the Empress Mingyue.

"Then why haven't the Ji family members been born?"

"Did they take things and do nothing?"

Guang Chengzi said in a deep voice.

"Master, the Ji family was the No. 1 imperial family in the astral world back then, with an extraordinary background. They obtained the Nebula Lock back then and immediately for tens of thousands of years, they used the power of the Nebula Lock to enhance their strength, they should have There have been many masters."

"Accordingly, he got our help and should be in a hurry to get out of the Nebula Lock!"

The man below him shook his head.

"Did something happen?"

Hearing the reply of the man below, Guangchengzi's expression condensed.

"Lord True Monarch, Master Baimei from Fangcunshan is here."

At this moment, a servant outside the hall walked in and reported.

"Bai Mei, why did he come to see me? Senior Brother Xuandu didn't talk to him."

Hearing Bai Mei coming, Guang Chengzi frowned.

light pen

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