Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1504: Fangcunshan meets, Duan De breaks through

With the light of that treasure bottle solidified.

The flame that rushed into Empress Mingyue's body began to be gradually suppressed.

And the light of the treasure bottle formed a vortex above the Empress Mingyue's head, gradually sucking the flame into it.

As the flames were swallowed up, an illusory shadow appeared in the aquarium.

There are vortexes formed by thirty-six rays of light around the shadow.

It is constantly swallowing the flame energy that was sucked into the vortex.

And Empress Mingyue's originally opened eyes gradually closed, as if the whole person had entered a state of deep sleep.

There was a dark purple aura about him.

And a dark aura emerged from her body.

It seems that this Empress Mingyue has had an adventure.

deep in this abyss.

Under the ground, in a dark space.

A huge black giant bird is suspended in this space.

It swallowed the flames from the nine secluded hells around it.

Those sleeping eyes suddenly opened.

A deep voice echoed throughout the space.

"Nine secluded body, the most suitable companion body, is my chance."

The giant bird groaned.

Then it turned into a black light and disappeared in this space.

at this time!

In the void, Su Hao, who was on the flying boat, already knew that Dugu Baitian had obtained the Nebula Lock.

And also buried Ji family in the cemetery of gods and devils.

"My lord, Mr. Dugu said that there was a piece of news that someone came to Ji's house and gave them Ji's help."

"I hope their Ji family will refine the Nebula Lock as soon as possible, open up the recovery of the astral world, and become the channel of all realms."

Black and white absolutely spoke.

Burying the ancestors of the Ji family in his own cemetery of gods and demons, Dugu Baitian also probed their consciousness.

Know something.

Hear black and white.

Su Hao frowned slightly, there would be someone looking for the Ji family to start the Myriad Realms passage as soon as possible.

"What's in it for them?"

Su Hao groaned in his mouth.

"Since Dugu Baitian has retrieved the nebula lock, we don't need to return to the star realm for the time being, but go directly to the fairy realm."

"I want to get in touch with Jiutian Succubus and ask about the situation of the temple."

"Look at the information about that temple."

Su Hao said.

Of course, when Su Hao went to the Immortal Realm.

The Immortal Underworld has already contacted Master Dajue to inquire about the temple.

At this time, Fangcun was in the mountains.

Master Baimei, Master Dajue, and a man with a monkey-shaped face.

"Senior brother, come from the underworld to inquire about the information of the temple."

"It seems that they know that the temple is about to open, but Guangcheng and Duobao don't seem to be willing to let people from the underworld enter."

Master Dajue said.

"They mean this, but I am Fangcunshan to form an alliance with the underworld, and we must stand on the same line with the underworld."

"If we don't stand on the side of the underworld this time, our three-way alliance will probably dissipate, and our Fangcunshan's reputation will be gone."

Bai Mei said in a low voice.

"But the underworld is indeed a bit peculiar. The people who come back seem to have no inheritance. Previously, the martial arts of the eighteen kings of the underworld were very unfamiliar."

Master Dajue frowned.

"This is not something we have to consider. The other party does control the palace of the underworld. This is the symbol of the underworld."

"Whether or not to obtain the underworld martial arts is not something we have to consider."

Bai Mei shook his head.

"Let the current ruler of the underworld come, and I want to talk to him in detail."

After a moment of contemplation, Master Baimei said.

There are now three Eternal Realm powerhouses in the underworld, and there are only three.

And according to the intelligence, these three people should not be the real masters.

Bai Mei wanted to see the person in charge.

One is to determine the strength of the underworld, and the other is to see if the underworld is worth the final cooperation.

"Understood, I will inform the underworld on my side."

Master Dajue understood what Senior Brother meant and nodded directly.

As for the other side.

The man with a monkey-like face didn't speak, he was eating peaches.

It's like they don't care about these things at all.

These three people are the three mountain masters of Fangcun Mountain.

Master Dajue immediately contacted the underworld and informed them of their meeting needs.

within the underworld.

In a secret room, Duan De sat cross-legged quietly, and in front of him was a giant pond exuding Origin Qi.

There are some star source stones stacked inside, which are transformed into endless star source energy and integrated into the source pool.

Duan De became the Lord of the Underworld, but he felt that there were many powerful people in the Immortal Realm.

Always looking for treasures to enhance their strength.

After all, he had just been born, and his strength was at the seventh level of eternity.

After a period of practice.

Duan De's strength has reached the peak of the eighth level of eternity, and now he is sprinting towards the ninth level of eternity.

Cultivation is not ordinary fast.

With a flick of his finger, a black jar appeared in front of him. There was a note on the lid of the jar, and a letter was written on the note.

The note shone with light, and it was a means of sealing.

What's inside shouldn't be simple.

This black jar is Duan De's ability to use the underworld to control the Nether for a period of time, steal some of the Nether's origin, and seal it here.

His current body is the body of the underworld.

Can use the source technique to absorb the ghost energy to improve the cultivation base.

After entering the fairyland, feeling the strength of the three Taoist palaces in the fairyland, Duan De was eager to improve his own strength.

That's why he uses this method to improve. After all, it takes time to simply practice asceticism, and he doesn't have time right now.

Who made Su Hao not draw anything about Duan De recently.

Taking a random draw, Duan De's strength may only reach the peak of eternity.

Or directly comprehend the aura of robbery.

"No, so I can only improve according to myself."

He took off his shirt, revealing his bronze-colored body, with black spots appearing on his body.

There are waves of energy fluctuations in the spots.

"By absorbing the dark energy of this altar, I should be able to step into the Eternal Ninth Layer."

Duan De secretly thought. .

Then he let out a breath and tore the seal printed on the jar.

As the seal on the jar was torn open, dark energy floated out from the jar.

After these dark energies floated out, they did not spread to other places, but went toward the black spots on Duan De's body.

Seeing the dark energy coming towards him, the rune appeared in Duan De's palm.

After the rune appeared, all the dark energy was integrated into the Origin Qi pool in front of him.

When these dark energies were pressed into the source pool the source pool began to boil.

With the boiling, dark shadows appeared in the pool.

Looking at the tumbling source pool in front of him, Duan De jumped directly into the source pool without any hesitation.


The dark energy formed waves, Duan De sat cross-legged in it, and his hands were sealed.

When the mark appeared, the black spots on his body began to spin wildly, forming a vortex, and began to absorb the rolling power in the source pool.

Chi Chi!

When the **** dark shadow entered Duan De's body, Duan De's entire body showed one after another hideous blood-colored lines.

These blood-colored lines continued to riot, as if they were about to break through.

Duan De's body trembled violently when these blood-colored lines rioted, and his complexion became a little pale.

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