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Chapter 1485: Ceremony, Youha appeared, Emperor Canglan incarnate

The latest website: "The divine sense of Emperor Canglan? How can there be the divine sense of Emperor Canglan in Yue Qingcheng?"

Hearing Youhabach's words, Su Hao frowned slightly.

He thought to himself: "Could it be that Yue Qingcheng has something to do with Emperor Canglan?"

Su Hao couldn't understand for a while, so he looked at Yue Qingcheng who was fighting with Qin Miaoyan.

This Yue Qingcheng's physical strength is around the sixth level of transcendence, and he has a long sword in his hand.

As soon as the long sword came out, it drowned her opponent Qin Miaoyan like a river in the starry sky.

The shot is ruthless, and there is no room left.

In front of Yue Qingcheng, Qin Miaoyan's strength was suppressed.

If there is no hole card, it is a matter of time to lose.

Immediately, his eyes turned to the real body of Yue Qingcheng, who was walking towards the five coffins in front of the tomb of God.

"This month Qingcheng is a bit interesting. She should want those five corpses."

Su Hao said softly.

At this time, Yue Qingcheng's real body came to the five crystal coffins in the Void God Tomb.

She clasped her hands together.

A bright light appeared behind her, and there was a huge figure in the light.

This figure is exactly the same as Yue Qingcheng.

Yue Qingcheng in the light is like the goddess of the world that descends.

"Ancient God's Prayer!"

Yue Qingcheng whispered in her mouth.

Five rays of light appeared on the huge figure and merged into the five crystal coffins.

When the corpse in the crystal coffin got this power.

There is a breath of life in the body.

It was like being resurrected from a coffin.

"Yue Qingcheng, you dare to blaspheme the goddess of my Void Sacred Mountain."

Qin Miaoyan, who was fighting against Yue Qingcheng's avatar, gave a stern voice.

But she was suppressed by that figure and couldn't come at all.

"Don't you want to see my real strength? She is the avatar I imagined. You can't win even one of my avatars. How can you beat me."

Yue Qingcheng said calmly.

The light and shadow behind him grew stronger and stronger, pouring into the five corpses.

"The Lord is that divine soul energy, she is integrating her divine soul into these five bodies."

"I just don't know what will happen to these five corpses after fusion."

Yuhabach's eyes flashed with light.


Just then.

Following Qin Miaoyan to the old slave, he suddenly exploded with divine might, and a crutch directly pierced the chest of a man in black.

Immediately, the bones of the man in black exploded, white bones and flesh and blood flying.

One hit.

The cane in the old slave's hand burst out with fiery light, forming a flame-like light.

He directly cut off all the people around him, blood splattered, and the whole space boiled with blood.

Although the old slave eliminated the opponent, his face was extremely pale.

It seems that he used some secret techniques in the blow just now.

The remaining few people's complexions changed completely, and they evacuated.

The old slave glanced at a few people and didn't make another move.

Instead, he stepped in the direction of Yue Qingcheng.

"Death to the Blasphemer!"

Her voice was low and full of anger.

"My Void Sacred Mountain has been silent for too long, has it been forgotten?"

The more the old slave walked, the stronger his breath became.

This breath moved towards that Yue Qingcheng coercion.

The huge coercion caused some fluctuations in the huge light and shadow above Yue Qingcheng's head.

The power sent to the coffin began to diminish.

The corpses that were recovering quickly had gradually regained their vitality and began to slow down.

"Don't disturb her ceremony."

At this moment, a deep voice sounded in the air.

As soon as this voice appeared, a huge palm pressed directly on the old slave.

The old slave who used to be very vigorous.

Under the suppression of this palm, the body fell directly from the air.

Seeing this, Qin Miaoyan's expression changed when Yue Qingcheng suppressed Qin Miaoyan.

The figure suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it appeared beside the old slave.

"Miss, I'm fine, that person is terrifying, we are not opponents."

The old slave said.

At this point, the scene became silent. ,

Although the figure that appeared did not burst out of coercion, it made people feel extremely heartbroken.

It's like facing a very scary person.

So the place became very quiet.

"Continue your ritual, I would like to know what it will be like after the fusion."

The figure looked at Yue Qingcheng Road.

The person who shot this was Youhabach, who was studying the energy source of Yue Qingcheng.

So don't expect any disruption.

Hear what Youhbach has to say.

That Yue Qingcheng's originally dull expression changed slightly.

Although the figure behind her was suppressed, she still had a trump card on her body.

This hole card can coerce everyone here.

That is the incarnation of Emperor Canglan, and Emperor Canglan has an incarnation on her.

The other party is waiting for him to complete the ceremony.

What does he want to do?

Could it be that he was waiting for my ceremony to complete and then shot at me.

"Let's test this person's strength first."

Her mind turned.

Over there, Yue Qingcheng, who fought Qin Miaoyan, flashed and turned into a white light, rushing towards Youhabach.


A cold hum came, and then the white light exploded directly.

But after the explosion.

Those light spots began to change, turning into dozens of white lights, and in each white light, there was a shadow of Yue Qingcheng.

Yue Qingcheng wanted to use this method to judge the strength of the incoming person.

Looking at the dozens of white lights, Youhabach's eyes flashed, and he raised his big hand.

Those white lights that rushed towards him were all caught in his hands.

With a firm grip, those figures turned into **** of light, trying to escape.

But a huge hole appeared in the palm of Youhabach's palm, and he swallowed the light ball in one bite.

After the light group was swallowed up.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Yue Qingcheng's mouth.

"Don't do unnecessary temptations, complete the ritual, maybe you still have a life, if you don't complete it, it will devour you now."

Youhabach looked at Yue Qingcheng Road.

Yue Qingcheng was shocked, and when the white light was swallowed up just now, she was also severely injured.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

What she can do now is to complete the ceremony first, and then use her trump card to leave.

The hand begins to seal.

The huge figure behind him began to split into five rays of light, falling towards the coffin.

When the five rays of light merged into the five bodies, the five corpses opened their eyes at the same time.

"My goddess Ji Ruochen of the Void Mountain?"

In the first coffin.

A woman opened her eyes and walked out of the crystal coffin, she murmured.

When speaking, I am also recalling, as if sorting out my own memory.

Hearing this sentence, Qin Miaoyan and the old slave's pupils suddenly tightened.

It feels incredible.

If she was refined by Yue then she shouldn't say that.

Ji Ruochen was the name of her senior sister.

His eyes couldn't help looking at the other people who came out of the coffin.

"My Void Sacred Mountain, Mu Jia Mu Qingyan?"

"I am a disciple of the Void Sacred Mountain Moon Temple, Long Lingyu."

There was a hint of uncertainty in the words of the resurrected person, as if confirming his identity.

As for Youhabach, who was observing in the void, his eyes narrowed slightly.

He didn't expect that Yue Qingcheng's final ceremony could restore the other party's soul consciousness.

It's just that the core of the soul is still the core of Yue Qingcheng.

I am afraid that there is no Eternal Realm strength, and it is impossible to see the power in this soul.

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