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Chapter 1348: The sound of the bell ringing, the Jiang family trembled

Hearing the words of the guards who came in, the expressions of the three of them changed.

Unexpectedly, Su Hao and the others went directly to the ancestral land of the Jiang Clan.

"How many people went there?"

The old man at the end asked.

"Four of them, City Master Su Shao, a follower of Su Hao, Emperor Abandoned Heaven, and the original Taoist Palace Shen Gongbao."

The guard immediately said

"Just the three of them dare to go to the ancestral land of the Jiang family, this?"

The old man who spoke earlier had a surprised look on his face.

The three ancestors of the Jiang clan were all detached from the ninth level, so Su Hao took the Abandoned Heaven Emperor there. What happened?

Of course they didn't believe it, Su Hao didn't know, but Shen Gongbao knew.

Shen Gongbao is the original Taoist palace. He was calculated by Jiang Ziya and became a prisoner of the original Taoist palace. He was one of the ancestors of the Jiang family.

So Su Hao and the others knew that the Jiang clan had the existence of the ninth level of transcendence.

"The strength of the Abandoned Heaven Emperor has been passed on not very clearly. Could it be that he has stepped into eternal existence."

The old man who spoke last said in a deep voice.

"Shouldn't it be?"

The old man who spoke earlier said uncertainly.

"No, is something wrong?"

At this moment, another old man spoke up.

"What's the matter, second brother."

asked the leading old man.

"Big brother, third brother, Fudo Pluto City has always been domineering and unusual, and now these sixteen clans have occupied Fudo Pluto City."

"Once City Lord Su Shao comes back from the Jiang clan, then I'm afraid something big will happen."

The old man said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the other two fell silent at the same time.

They also sensed that things were unusual.

"This matter, immediately notify the patriarch and ask the patriarch to come to the imperial battlefield. I think this imperial battlefield is going to change!"

Another place.

Sunset Valley.

Empress Mingyue and Chu Kuangsheng were in a cave.

The two of them looked a little tired. After searching for so long, they still couldn't find the ancient mirror of stars.

"Ming Mingxingchen Ancient Mirror, it's in this place, why can't we find it?"

Sacrifice such as Sacrifice such as. Empress Mingyue said in a deep voice.

"Emperor, don't worry too much, we should be able to find it in this place."

"I'm mainly afraid of attracting the attention of these emperors. Once they get involved, it will be difficult for us, so we must find the ancient mirror of stars as soon as possible."

Empress Mingyue said.

Although she came in hiding, this was the battlefield of the ancient imperial race after all.

The ancient emperors are familiar with her, and her whereabouts may be exposed if she is not careful, and the ancient emperors may be attracted at that time.

When her voice fell, Chu Kuangsheng's expression changed beside her.

"Emperor, for the time being, you can rest assured that no one will pay attention to us."

"The young city lord of Fudo Hades came to the battlefield of the ancient imperial clan, and also destroyed the Jiang city of the Jiang clan. Now it has been transferred to the ancestral land of the Jiang clan."

"At present, except for the merchants who cooperate with Fudo Hades City, there is no Jiang Clan city to go to,"

"The other sixteen emperors have sent people into the Jiang Clan city, thinking about how to divide up the Jiang Clan's territory?"

Chu Kuangsheng said in a deep voice.

"Is Su Hao from the underworld city coming to the Imperial Clan battlefield?"

Hearing this, Empress Mingyue's expression changed.

"This Su Hao's murderousness is really great, he will never give up if he kills the Jiang family. Who are they dispatched?"

Empress Mingyue asked with slight interest.

"I didn't bring anyone, just Abandoned Heaven Emperor followed."

"Abandoned Heavenly Emperor, Lord of Heavenly Demon Pond, that person whose strength has never been determined?"

Empress Mingyue asked.

"Yes, the emperor."

"It seems that the Jiang family is going to exterminate the clan, and the sixteen clans of the ancient times are probably also unlucky. They dare to carve up the city occupied by the city of Hades."

"Once Su Hao comes back, he might attack them."

"We must find the ancient mirror of stars as soon as possible to avoid any changes."

Empress Mingyue said in a deep voice.

"Emperor, who are you? Su Hao will take action against the Sixteen Imperial Clan."

"The strength of these sixteen imperial clans is worse than that of the Jiang family, but together, the Jiang family can't handle it."

"Otherwise, the Jiang family will not only occupy the central area."

Chu Kuangsheng said with some certainty.

"Based on Su Hao's previous performance, he will definitely do it."

Empress Mingyue got up and said.

She felt that she had to find Xingchen Gujing and leave here as soon as possible, so that she would not be able to leave by then.

Chu Kuangsheng also thought about it, and his face was also gloomy.

The two began to continue to explore the ancient mirror of stars.

Another place.

The merchant family.

The head of the imperial family received news from the battlefield of the ancient imperial family.

The look was startled at first, and there was a hint of doubt on his face.

He didn't understand a little, how did Su Hao and the others enter the imperial clan battlefield. Originally, Su Hao asked him to be his attendant to contact their imperial clan.

Entering the ancient imperial clan battlefield, but Su Hao did not pass them.

If it is entered through other families, then one of the other sixteen ancient imperial clans will definitely not appear in the Jiang family city.

They must know the power of Fudo Pluto City.

"No matter what happens, we may be taken out of the ancient imperial battlefield."

They did not take the Jiang family city together with the sixteen ancient imperial clan.

The sixteen ancient imperial clans should have an opinion on their merchant clan. If they unite and force them, their merchant clan will be forced out of the ancient imperial clan battlefield.

the other side.

If Su Hao takes action against the ancient sixteen imperial clan, if the sixteen emperor clan is destroyed, then the merchant family will be left, and they may also be withdrawn from the ancient ancient imperial clan battlefield.

So now the situation is more critical. ,

He must go to the ancient imperial clan in and go with the only ancestor of the business clan.

After saying that, he left the hall.

Another place is the ancestral land of the Jiang people. ,

within a palace.

The three old men were sitting side by side, and the three of them exuded a faint aura.

It seems that the breaths that appear are of the same origin, and they flow through each other.


Among the Jiang clan, a bell rang.

The three retreating elders opened their eyes at the same time.

Three breaths emerged from him, turned into three figures, and disappeared into the palace.

until they show up again.

si minus Bxwx.cO* si. appeared in a hall.

In the hall, Jiang Yuheng's expression was extremely solemn.

On his side, he has already obtained that the Jiang family was destroyed in the ancient imperial battleground city.

Because the Jiang Clan's disciples' soul lamps were extinguished one after another on the imperial battlefield, and even Jiang Qinian's soul was extinguished.

Explain what, the explanation is dead.

The Jiang clan's children were destroyed in the ancient imperial city, and he had no choice but to ring the Jiang clan chief bell, awakening the three ancestors of the Jiang clan who were being ignored.

The bell appears.

Not only did the three great ancestors come, but also some of the ancestors of the Jiang family who were in retreat came quickly.

"What happened?"

An old man stepped into the hall and asked in a deep voice.

"Jiangcheng was destroyed on the battlefield of the ancient imperial clan, and Jiang Qinian and others were killed. The other party may have passed through the teleportation array and came to the ancestral land of the Jiang clan."

Jiang Yuheng said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the old man who entered, his face changed greatly, and the people who came in later also looked horrified.

Mi He Mi. Something really happened.

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