Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1331: The dream is barren, the God of War Palace

Another place.

Great Dream Celestial Dynasty, in the Prince's Palace.

Menghuang's body was covered with scars, and the whole body seemed to be falling apart.

He looked ferocious and angry.

On his way to the four northern states, he was attacked by Xing Mang.

If it wasn't for the armor on his body and his special physique, I'm afraid he would have died in the hands of Xing Mang.

"Xing Mang, I want you to die!"

His voice was like that of a wounded wolf.

"Roar, what's the use, take care of the injury, improve your strength, and then go to Xing Mang to take revenge."

A deep voice sounded in the palace.

As the voice sounded, a figure stepped into the palace.

"See Your Majesty!"

The people in the palace quickly greeted the figure.

"You all go down."

Menghuang waved his hand, and all the people in the hall retreated.

"Father, the Xing family dared to betray my Dream Dynasty, and they must be wiped out."

Meng Huangwu endured the pain on his body and said.

"Xing Wuming created the Witch Royal Court, which should have been inherited from the ancient Witch Clan, and his strength should not be underestimated."

"The strength of the ancient witch clan, the Three Great Dao Palaces are very jealous, so they can't underestimate each other."

"But I have already gone to test the bottom of this nameless Xing."

The dream emperor said.

The Great Dream Heavenly Dynasty dispatched four princes, and each prince's strength surpassed the seventh level.

Moreover, these four people also carry the treasure of the Great Dream Heavenly Dynasty, the Desolate God Monument. Once activated, the four of them can fight for the existence of transcendence.

"Father, I want to go too, I want to kill Xing Mang with my own hands!"

Dream Desolate said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry about this matter, Gu Xi'er from the Gu family has already stepped into detachment!"

"It's also when you absorb her power. Once you absorb her power, you can fully grasp it. The real power of the ancient God of War!"

"Once you master it, I will abdicate and you will become the new Dream Emperor!"

Menghuang looked at Menghuang Road.

Menghuangwu was the crown prince of the Great Dream Dynasty. The crown prince was always empty when he was reincarnated.

It can be said to be the Prince of Ten Thousand Years.

Many people previously thought that it was because Meng Huang did not want to abdicate, so Meng Huangwu had always been the crown prince.

It turned out that the Dream Emperor was waiting for the Desolate Dream to devour the power of Gu Xi'er and take over the power of the real ancient War God Palace.

"Gu Xi'er has stepped into detachment, good, very good!"

A look of excitement appeared on Menghuang's face.

However, the injuries in his body made his face very ugly.

"Father, I strive to recover my internal injuries within these two days, visit the God of War Palace in person, and devour Gu Xi'er."

Menghuang said with a gloomy expression.

"Okay! When the time comes, Elder Zong will go with you."

While Menghuang was speaking, an old man walked in from outside the hall.

"I have seen Your Majesty, I have seen His Royal Highness!"

He bowed slightly towards the two of them.

"Elder Zong wants to trouble you to take a trip to the God of War Palace this time!"

Menghuang always has some respect for this.

This old man is from Biyou Immortal Palace, and he is still a powerhouse at the seventh level of transcendence, so he must respect him.

"His Royal Highness, this is a seven-star nine-turning pill, which can help you recover from your injury."

That old man took out an elixir from his arms.

There are seven stars on the medicine pill, which exudes a strong medicinal fragrance.

Meng Huangwu smelled the fragrance of the medicine, and the injury on his body began to improve. He took the medicine pill and hurriedly swallowed it.

"Elder Zong, you protect His Highness, I'll go back and deal with things first!"

The dream emperor said.

"Your Majesty, feel free to hand over Your Highness to the old minister, that's all!"

That Zong Lao Gong sent the Emperor Meng to leave.

at this time.

In the God of War Palace, Gu Xi'er was full of breath as she sat upright on the main hall.

The old Gu beside her was very weak, and he didn't seem to be in the Great Emperor Realm.

"Congratulations to the palace lord for stepping into detachment. This is the first time someone in my War God Palace has stepped into detachment. It should be announced!"

Below Gu Xi'er.

An old man in a green shirt said.

"Palace Master, what Elder Chen said is right. This is a major event for my God of War Palace. The Palace Master has stepped into detachment, and my God of War Palace has a greater prestige in the Great Dream Dynasty. It should be celebrated."

Another old man spoke up.

"Even if we don't publicize this matter, many forces will know about it."

"What's more, Xing Wuming of the Great Dream Heavenly Dynasty has rebelled and established the Witch Royal Court, if we are propagating it."

"I'm afraid that the Great Dream Heavenly Dynasty will coerce us and let the emperor take action."

Elder Yan, who had previously gone to Huangjie to pick up Gu Xier back to the palace, said in a deep voice.

Others know that Gu Xier has stepped into detachment, but Gu Xier doesn't admit it.

But once it is publicized, it will be called by the Great Dream Heavenly Dynasty.

Gu Xi'er couldn't escape.

The God of War Palace is sweeter than the Great Dream, but the difference is too much.

Like a drop in the ocean.

"Elder Yan, if the conscription is a good thing for our War God Palace, we may take this opportunity to expand our War God Palace by conquering Xing Wuming."

The old man who spoke up earlier retorted.

The God of War, called the God of War, many people like to fight.

Now that the Wu clan royal court is established, it is indeed an opportunity for some expanded forces.

Hearing the old man's words, the rest of His Highness, as well as some middle-aged men, all became excited.

It seems that they are all thinking about the rise of the God of War.

Looking at the appearance in front of him, Old Yan and the two people beside him looked at each other.

They don't know that this is an opportunity, but I am also in danger. Xing Wuming is the first general of the Great Dream Heavenly Dynasty.

How could he not know the power of the Great Dream Dynasty.

Knowing that he is strong, he dares to betray, and he does not have the confidence to fight against the Great Dream Dynasty, how can he betray.

What's more, the establishment of the Witch Royal Court.

The royal court of the Wu clan is inherited from the ancient Wu clan, so it cannot be underestimated.

Of course, they attached great importance to the royal court of the Wu clan, but they attached more importance to Gu Xi'er's descendant, the emperor's husband.

Now the most powerful force in the star realm, the first young city lord of the unmoved Pluto city.

It can be said that the immovable Pluto in the star realm is completely controlled by Su Hao.

Once something happens to the emperor, I am afraid that the anger of that person will be able to destroy their God of War Palace.

They looked at Gu Xi'er, and now they can only see the decision of the palace master himself.

Gu Xi'er, who was sitting on the throne of the palace, waved her hand.

"I will consider this matter, as well as the matter of the Great Dream Heavenly Dynasty and the Xing Family Wu Clan Royal Court, we will not participate for the time being."

Gu Xi'er said in a deep voice.

After stepping into detachment, she always had something in her heart that she didn't understand.

She felt that there was something wrong with the inheritance of the God of War.

When her voice fell, the hall became silent.

Gu Xier's majesty in the God of War Palace is still very strong.

"Gu Xi' Are you unwilling to deal with the Witch Royal Court? You want to betray my Great Dream Dynasty."

"I'm really ashamed of my hope for you!"

At this moment, an icy voice sounded outside the palace.

"The dream is barren!"

Hearing this voice, Gu Xi'er stood up with a solemn expression on her face.

She got the news.

Menghuangwu was seriously injured and returned to the Great Dream Dynasty, but now this voice does not appear to be seriously injured.

As soon as the injury heals, I will come to the God of War Palace.

What is he trying to do?

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