Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1310: Black Mountain Cave House, Black Demon Old Man

"Two Your Highnesses, the Underworld Organization has already attacked Wanmo Mountain, and the means shown are quite strange."

"On the bright side, the Ming organization occupies a little more territory than us, but we have now won three Wanmoshan giants."

"It is estimated that the old man Wanmo is thinking about how to fight back."

Jun Wushuanghui reports.

"How about the others?"

"They just sent people to Wanmo Mountain, but again, our people have already won several areas in Wanmo Mountain. Judging from the feedback, we have obtained the most areas."

Jun Wushuang continued to reply.

"They didn't even make a move, do they all want to make a move on the old man Wanmo?"

Li Yuanba said in a deep voice.

"Everything in the outside world is empty and can be occupied at any time. The key point is the old man Wanmo and the Yuanmu. These two talents are the key to Wanmo Mountain."

"The second valley owner of the Tibetan Bing Valley, Ying Wanqiu, dispatched at the same time as the third ancestor of my family. Let's go to meet the owner of the valley first."

At this time, Jun Wushuang turned around and walked in front of the two of them.

"But before that, we need to discuss who will be kicked out first today!"

At this time, Jun Wushuang said.

A prince can't be killed, but it doesn't mean that he can't grab it.

Once captured, he will also lose this imperial replacement specification.

"Do you have any idea?"

Hearing this, Li Yuanba's eyes flickered, and he asked in a deep voice.

"Judging from the news, the guards on the side of the third prince Li You are the weakest, so we can take action against the third prince first."

"The third prince, Li You, why do you think the guards around him are the lowest?"

Li Yuanba said in a deep voice.

He knew Fang Muyun's methods, he knew that Fang Muyun had masters around him.

What's more, the people of Yaochi Holy Land also supported Li You, so the third prince Li You should be protected by a master.

Li Yuanba believes that there is a risk in taking action against it.

"They were Li You who took them away in secret, and Li You was not with Fang Muyun."

"Fang Muyun is the young master of the Ming organization. According to reason, the masters of the Ming organization should be around Fang Muyun!"

Jun Wushuang said in a deep voice.

Hearing Jun Wushuang's analysis, Li Yuanba and Li Yuanchang fell into deep thought.

They are weighing the feasibility of this matter in their minds.

"Then what kind of expert do you think will be able to take down Li You?"

Li Yuanchang asked softly.

"Beyond the first weight, you should be able to win it!"

"We don't have a lot of powerhouses who are beyond the first level. We will consider taking out such powerhouses to support our forces!"

"Can your family make arrangements?"

Li Yuanba said.

Hearing this, Jun Wushuang envied and meditated.

There is a big gap between the Transcendence Realm and the Great Emperor Realm. The Transcendence Realm is among the major forces in the Immortal Realm, and it is also a high-end combat power, so it is generally considered carefully.

Seeing Jun Wushuang fell silent.

Li Yuanchang, who was on the side, said, "Here, let's first arrange five peak emperors to try it out."

"If it can be successful, it is good, if not, let them withdraw in time."

"That's fine, I'll make arrangements first!"

Jun Wushuang nodded.

"Ninth brother, you are too careful. The Jun family has already helped us. What should we do, otherwise, when you ascend to the throne, they will not get any benefits at all."

Li Yuanchang said.

"Some things are not as simple as you think!"

"The Jun family has been in the immortal world for countless years, and has been secretly expanding its power, which has vaguely affected our Tang Dynasty."

"I agree to cooperate with you this time, and I also want to see the details of this Jun family."

"Fifteenth brother, you must remember that the Tang Dynasty is the foundation of our Li family, and no one can let it loose."

"The Zen Buddhism was the best example back then. Their ambitions were too big and they were suppressed by others."

"And you have to remember that your surname is Li! Your mother is the concubine of Emperor Tang of the Tang Dynasty."

Li Yuanba stood up, patted Li Yuanchang on the shoulder, returned to his room, and prepared to continue his practice.

In the house, only one person, Li Yuanchang, was left.

Li Yuanchang's eyes flickered with light.

After a while, Li Yuanchang stood up, and he slowly walked out the window.

"Li Yuanba, Li Yuanba, I didn't expect you to care so much about the Tang Dynasty."

"But if my family wants to expand, it can only start from your Tang Dynasty!"

"Who made the Tang Dynasty the closest to us!" Li Yuanchang said softly.

As he spoke, a dark figure appeared behind him.

The figure was full of breath, exuding an endless coercion.

This coercion was not released, it was all condensed on the figure, giving the impression that the figure just didn't move.

The first move shocked the world.

Half a day passed quickly.

Su Hao and the others appeared in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain.

When entering Wanmo Mountain.

Su Hao has already changed his clothes, put on a cloak, and galloped towards the old demon of the Black Mountain.

At this time, Ten Thousand Demons Mountain, Heishan Cave House

In this cave dwelling, a gloomy demonic energy permeates.

Some men in black robes were trembling with fear, standing in the cave with nervous expressions.

in front of them.

An old man in black robe sat on a wide chair filled with dark demonic energy.

The old man's eyes radiated a cold light, and he glanced at the men in black robes standing in the cave.

It was the old demon of Montenegro from Ten Thousand Demons Mountain. At this moment, his whole body exuded a terrifying pressure like a mountain.

In his own cave, it can be the same as the momentum displayed in the Ten Thousand Demons Cave.

"The outside world hasn't contacted you?"

The Montenegrin old demon said.

The voice was biting and cold, as if to freeze all these people into ice.

"Ancestor, there is really no contact with us, we are all loyal to our ancestor!"

One of the men in black robes stepped forward and bowed.

But when his voice fell, the old black mountain demon suddenly raised his hand and sucked the man in black robe into his Li Yan, you think I don't know, the second prince Li Shimin's side Did you send someone to contact you? "

The old demon of Montenegro snorted coldly.

When he spoke, a huge black gas burst out from his hand, directly wrapping the black-robed man.

"Ah, my ancestor!"

The black-robed man only had time to let out a scream before being swallowed up by the black mist and turned into nothingness.

this moment.

The men in black robes standing in the hall all knelt down on the ground and shouted, "The ancestors forgive me.

The old demon of Montenegro looked at the people who were kneeling and bowed down. With a wave of his palm, all the black demonic energy flew back into his body, and he looked at the man in black robe kneeling on the ground with scarlet eyes.

"Wan Moshan, before it collapses, you are thinking of finding a way back and treating me as a decoration? Whoever contacts outsiders at this time and fails to report, Li Yan is yours."

"Ancestor, the disciples understand!"

All the people in black robes quickly expressed their thanks.

Saying these words, their hearts also settled down, and the ancestors will not kill again.

"someone is coming!"

Suddenly, the expression of the old black mountain demon changed, and he sensed that someone was coming.


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