Chapter 166 God Reversal

Even if he didn’t drive the rest of the water snakes, the group of water snakes who were awakened and enraged also rioted and rushed to Xi Yue fiercely. Xi Yue struggling to go ashore while beating a steady stream of water snakes leaping close to him.

However, the water snake continued to kill, and people couldn’t stand in the water. Soon she was bitten by the water snake and injured several places.

The blood stained the water surface, and it was impossible to tell whether it was human blood or snake blood.

The man faintly blew the jade flute and tried to guide the group of water snakes to retreat, but these snakes were not domesticated and went crazy after seeing the blood. A small part of them slowly left after listening to the sound of the flute, and the remaining ten or so of the strongest and most brutal, chasing Xi Yue.

Seeing that Xi Yue’s strength was getting weaker and she slipped in the water, the water snake opened a mouthful of blood and bit at her——

The sound of hoofs on the shore was thunderous, and Xiao Xinyuan rushed to him with his army clapping his horses.

Seeing that the situation was critical, I didn’t think much about it, squeezing a bow and shooting arrows, swishing and firing three arrows in a row, nailing down the two water snakes that first jumped to the waist of Xi Yue’s shoulders.

Witnessing the tragic scene of a group of snakes biting and attacking the living, all the cavalry behind them turned pale. Waiting for Xiao Xinyuan to shout: “Save people!”

Only then did they woke up and dismounted one after another, drew their swords to kill the water snake beside Xi Yue.

Xi Yue was able to relieve the evil. Left wolf and right tiger, she simply refused to go ashore, letting the current carry it, and rushed downstream. Several cavalry wanted to grab her ashore, but she was caught and dragged, and thrown into the water far away.

This is still trying to help her kill the snake on the other side.

Xiao Xinyuan’s eyebrows frowned when he looked at it: These bastards! Even a woman with bruises can’t help it!

With a pinch of his legs, he urged the horse into the water and headed straight for Xi Yue.

Xi Yue was actually at the end of the battle. Hearing the sound of water behind him, he turned his head dullly and watched Xiao Xinyuan’s crotch a precious horse like wind, splitting the waves and swiftly approaching her.

With the last bit of strength, he squeezed the broken stick in his hand.

Suddenly, his arm tightened, and the man in black not far from the other side shot him, grabbed her out of the water, and landed on the muddy shallows.

Xi Yue was caught off guard, she was startled in a cold sweat, her feet were not firm, and she lifted a stick in her hand and lashed at the opponent.

The black-clothed man raised his hand, Xi Yue only smelled a scent of sweetness on his face, his eyes were black and dizzy, and he threw himself down.

Xiao Xinyuan ran after him with his hind feet, without talking, and slammed directly at the man’s face.

The man’s robe sleeves stretched out, floating backwards like a ghost, standing a few steps away from Xiao Xin:

“General Xiao, this is already the boundary of Yongli County…You led the army to go deep, are you planning to go to war with my Li family?”

Xiao Xinyuan heard the words and stared at him for a while and stared at him, “My uncle wants this woman! If it doesn’t…the Xiao family’s army is pressured, it is bound to go to war with your Li family!”

The man glanced at the unconscious person in the middle, and pondered a little: “I need to learn from this woman the whereabouts of an escaped pet. If you understand, you can take her away.”

Xiao Xinyuan slowly relented: “It can drive thousands of poisonous insects into thousands of troops. Why have you never heard of you in the Li family before?”

The man’s deathly pale face added a faint smile: “General Xiao has never heard of the land, people in this world…too much peace!”


Xiao Xinyuan just wanted to show off the other party’s rudeness, the man slightly cupped hands cupped fist:

“Xia Fu’s surname is Jimo, and the single name is a time character. The identity and position…for the time being, it is the Li family’s sacrifice.”

“for the time being?”

With a move in Xiao Xinyuan’s heart, he suddenly became interested in this ghostly man in front of him:

“Mr. Jimo, I am ordered by my brother to guard Linchang City. Our two distant relatives are not as good as our neighbors. I wonder if Mr. Jimo is interested in coming to Linchang City as a guest?”

In Jimo, the black wrinkled eyes looked at him and bends: “I am a poisonous body. Although the Li family pays a lot of money to enshrine me, they retreat three feet. The general is not afraid, and he invites me to be a guest?”

Xiao Xinyuan poked his phoenix wings into the ground, poked a hole several feet deep, and laughed boldly:

“My uncle is fighting in the world, and he rarely meets opponents. No matter who it is, who has the ability to save his life in this boring man, my uncle will respect him for three points!”

They answered one by one. When fighting secretly, the two cavalrymen obeyed the commander’s wink and went forward to pull up Xi Yue. But what no one thought was that they would approach, and Xi Yue, who thought he was unconscious, suddenly stood up.

With one hand, he grabbed two cavalry, as if they were heavy objects, one hit Xiao Xinyuan and the other hit Jimo, the man in black!

This kind of supernatural power, and surprise, everyone on the scene was shocked.

Xiao Xinyuan almost conditioned his reflex and directly used the boring block to return. It was his own subordinate, a big living person, who quickly took off the weapon, and grabbed the opponent’s armor with his other hand, and placed it firmly on the ground.

As for the one who was thrown at Jimo, it was not so lucky.

Although the effect of own addiction is ineffective in Jimo, but when attacked, the response is very quick.

Drifting on the ground for two steps, he dodges away, allowing the person who was hit to fly seven or eight steps away, hitting a tree, screaming and sliding down to the ground, curling up into a ball.

Xiao Xinyuan’s face changed a little.

But at this moment, how can they help them think too much!

Holding the accelerator card in her hand, Xi Yue screamed for acceleration, her figure rushed a few meters away, and disappeared in the dense forest in a flash.

At this time of reversal, Xiao Xinyuan was so angry that he laughed!

“Follow the blood trail.”

Jimo said lightly: “She is injured, and some of the water snakes are still venomous and can’t go far.”

He inferred from common sense.

But he didn’t know that Xi Yue’s Gold Finger was far beyond his common sense.

Xi Yue swallowed the poison while running. In addition to fatigue and fatigue, she actually suffered a little trauma. Compared to falling into the hands of the enemy, this price is worth it. After fifteen seconds, she had already run a few miles away.

The good news is that the chasing soldiers are out of sight; the bad news is…she is really blind and lost again.

I casually found a big tree and climbed up to sit, and found the medicine bandage from the space bag to wrap myself up. Looking up at the darkening sky, and listening to the faint wolf howling in the distance, she fell into a self-pity and self-satisfaction.

It is a stupid act to drive in the dense forest at night, but even sitting in a tree for one night is hard to insist. She is entangled whether to go down the tree and find a place for a bonfire to roast her soggy body.

But bonfires can easily attract chasing soldiers.

No way, take out the dry food from the space bag and eat it first. When I was eating, I saw a little flame in the forest far away.

I thought it was the enemy at first, and my heart was still tight, but carefully observe that if it is chasing soldiers, it is impossible to be so bright. So, it should be a bonfire raised by other travelers?

Xi Yue’s mind immediately became alive: If it were other travelers, should she go to explore? At least ask Ming the way out of Lin to Yongli.

It is certainly not the best policy to stay in the dense forest for a long time and hide and seek with soldiers.

After hesitating, he slid down the tree and touched in the direction of the blazing light.

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