At this time, with the fantasy killer ability of his left hand, Lieutenant General He’s ability to wash fruits was eliminated, and Ling Bai immediately clenched his fist with his left hand, and a punch landed on Lieutenant General He’s mouth.

Without looking at the identity of the other party as a grandmother, such a powerful punch, with an amazing power, Lieutenant General Crane was finally punched out by Ling Bai’s punch, and Lieutenant General He’s thin-looking body fell out tens of meters.

And the yellow ape has already struck, after Beiling Bai blocked it, with an expected attitude, the yellow ape jumped out again.


The surrounding air shook, and the ice was inevitably shattered.

“Yellow ape, come to this knife!”

Ling Bai held the pitch-black tai knife in both hands and slashed down at the yellow ape, and the yellow ape looked at the blade body that was wrapped around the dark red air flow that was about to burst into steam, and instinctively resisted it with his own Heavenly Longitudinal Cloud Sword.


At this moment, this Heavenly Longitudinal Cloud Sword was split in half by Ling Bai’s Tai Dao in the unexpected and unexpected gaze of the yellow ape!


The yellow ape’s face changed in shock, and the taidao in Ling Bai’s hand did not stop, after cutting off the yellow ape’s Heavenly Longitudinal Cloud Sword, it continued to tear down, in the case that the yellow ape was inescapable and defenseless, even the yellow ape had felt that violent dangerous aura, but he just couldn’t dodge! There is no defense either!

His Hun mouth, which should be torn apart with his clothes and Hun mouth!

Rip and pull!

That sound was so clear that the yellow ape’s mouth was split! Of course, this is not a serious injury, nor is it a fatal injury, but it is also enough for the yellow ape to be uncomfortable!

Ling Bai, a knife tore open the mouth of the yellow ape, and with that knife, the wound was more than fifty centimeters long, and blood immediately gushed out!

Ling Bai’s tai sword, but covered with armed color domineering!

And Ling Bai, a somersault, volleyed against the yellow ape’s leg again, this time, the yellow ape because of the severe pain in his body, his nerves were a little numb at once, and he did not defend in time, so Ling Bai’s attack with a leg that covered the armed color domineering naturally fell on the yellow ape’s head.


The crane that rushed over exclaimed, but the yellow ape had been hit by Ling Bai’s kick, and in the next second, the yellow ape was smashed to the ground, and at that moment, the ice surface shattered, and a huge deep pit collapsed, and even the entire ice surface shook violently.

Everyone who could see the situation of the yellow ape at this time couldn’t help but feel numb in their scalps, Ling Bai’s attack was too terrifying!

And Ling Bai did not stop at this time, directly swung the knife with his right hand, and an ice ball with a diameter of about fifty meters immediately popped out in the air, and the huge ice ball fell down like a meteorite, facing the big pit where the yellow ape was.


With an earth-shattering sound, the ice ball buried the yellow ape underneath with the force to smash the entire ice surface!


“Mr. Yellow Ape!”

“Mr. General!”

The Warring States exclaimed, of course, many navies were almost similar exclamations, not only witnessing the yellow ape injured and the Hungarian mouth being torn apart, but now also witnessing the yellow ape being placed under the ice by a huge ice ball.

Ling Bai’s strength can be seen!

It’s terrible!

“Is the yellow ape actually going to be crushed?”

“Is that crushing the hell? Or is it just the yellow ape releasing water? ”

“That guy, but defeated Kaido, one of the four emperors, in the sea area of New World Beehive Island!”

“Powerful, this guy named Ling Bai is the real monster!”

The revolutionary army, the Whitebeard Pirates, and the Chambordi Islands watching the live broadcast of the war were all shocked and very shocked by Ling Bai’s combat power.

The ice ball that appeared out of thin air made people’s scalps numb.

“This kind of ice blade really can’t hold up.”

Ling Bai landed on the top of the ice ball, looking at the ice knife that was about to crack, even if there was armed color domineering, this knife could not withstand Ling Bai’s kendo power, just now the total kendo and the yellow ape fighted, Ling Bai did not exert the kendo power to the extreme at all, after all, now Ling Bai’s ultimate ultimate kendo power is not what this kind of knife can withstand!

And just when he gave the yellow ape that blow, this ice blade had already begun to crack.

Ling Bai felt that he needed to come up with a good knife, if it was the supreme fast knife, it was the best, of course, the two Heavenly Feather Feather Slashes and Yan Devils in the Kingdom of Wano were also good, after all, it was a famous knife that had slashed a hundred beasts Kaido!

“Lieutenant General Tsuru, do you still want to continue to come?”

Ling Bai looked down at Vice Admiral He, and now, the yellow ape is under this ice ball, of course, Ling Bai believes that the yellow ape will not be in danger of life, if a naval general is killed by Ling Bai so simply, of course, it is impossible, at least Ling Bai’s current combat power cannot do it.


Lieutenant General He was angry in his heart, feeling extremely angry towards Ling Bai, of course, he was more worried about the yellow ape.

“Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, which I really like, can you introduce it to me?”

Ling Bai smiled, he knew that the relationship between Peach Rabbit and Lieutenant General He was the relationship between sister and sister, of course, the relationship between them was much worse, and they were not biological sisters.

“Pirates, don’t tarnish justice!”

Lieutenant General He snorted coldly, knowing that Peach Rabbit is still on Beehive Island, that is, Ling Bai’s base camp, coupled with witnessing Ling Bai’s strength now, Lieutenant General He is naturally a little worried that Peach Rabbit will have an accident on Beehive Island.

“Coincidentally, I like to defile justice!”

Ling Bai’s smile suddenly became evil, and he even had a small goal to take away all the beautiful navies in the navy headquarters.

For example, Tina, Ain.

If Lieutenant General He knew what Ling Bai was thinking at this time, it was estimated that she would be able to vomit blood, and if she knew that Ling Bai had infected the peach rabbit, I don’t know what she would think,

“Pirates! Get out of Marin Fandor! ”

At this moment, there was a thick roar in the air, and when Ling Bai relaxed slightly, the people who were close to Malin Fando blasted Ling Bai out with a punch.

Ling Bai was sent flying and was blasted for tens of meters, but Ling Bai still forcibly stopped his body and landed on the ice.

Just now, he was hit in the right shoulder, and at this time there was pain in the shoulder, of course, this was not a problem for Ling Bai,

After all, his physique is very strong!

“Are you actually playing sneak attack?”

Ling Bai saw the person coming clearly.

It turned out to be the legendary commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, Steel Bone Kong, former marshal of the navy!

“It’s kind of interesting, haven’t you retired properly?”

Ling Bai became excited.

Steel bone, a navy older than all the navies present, but it still looks like a powerful existence that can burst out amazing power,

“Air Marshal, he’s finally here!”

The effect of the execution table was also excited, and this time, the rescue of their navy finally came!

“Air Marshal!”

Karp was also surprised, but he did not expect that at this time, the marshal of the steel bone also came,

Steel bone void, really the legendary navy, few navy have seen him in person today, only heard of this man in the legend.

The Warring States also shouted with a radio phone worm: “All navies, our reinforcements have arrived, former naval marshals, steel bone air marshals have descended on Marin Fandor, so, we have sufficient strength to win this war, everyone, don’t give up!” Fight on! ”

“Justice will win!”

The last four words of the Warring States are roared out with the loudest voice, which is to cheer up all the navies.

“Marshal Steel Bone?”

“It turned out to be that legendary naval marshal, a naval marshal in Roger’s time!”


“Justice will triumph! Pirates! Death to all! ”

“That old man, he looks so strong! The legendary Steel Bone Void is more than ninety years old, but unexpectedly, he still looks like a daunting existence! ”

Seeing the appearance of the steel bone, countless people who also felt and the naval families and civilians of the Chambordi Islands were excited.

The Navy felt more excitement than ever before.

“Sora, are you finally here?”

At this moment, behind the empty steel bone, a hoarse voice came, and he rushed back to subconsciously look back and saw an old man.

That familiar face, how could the steel bone be forgotten?

Red Earl!

“Stay here this time! Ryder! ”

Rushed back and roared, and rushed towards the Red Count! And the Red Count also rushed to the steel bone.

Count Red, a master of physical skills, is also a master of kendo!

The top powerhouses of the old times were generally very strong in physical skills!


Immediately after that, in the shock of countless people, two legendary old men collided together, and the ice surface with a radius of twenty or thirty meters was exploded on the spot!

“Lonely Red? I didn’t expect to come out of Advance City! ”

Whitebeard looked at Count Red and them, Count Red as the top powerhouse of his time, Whitebeard naturally knew him, a guy who was arrogant to the extreme!

Because he had a domineering appearance different from ordinary people at a very young age, the red count, who could pronounce it, saw the sins in the hearts of too many people, and since then he has been withdrawn and disdainful to be with anyone!

But there’s no denying that he’s strong, strong!

“Hey, who is that old man? I know, who is this old man who calls Steel Bone Sky by his first name? And I actually feel that the two of them are equal in strength? Is this just an illusion? ”

“Anyway, who is that old man?”

“They collided with their fists again, oh my God, what a terrifying power!”

“The ground is cracked!”

The people of the Chambord Islands have already been frightened, and the appearance of the Red Count has made them scratch their heads, but this strange old man, how terrifying is the combat power!

The Red Count, as a figure of the last era, has been forgotten by many people with a dusty history.

The camera turned back and wielded the knife Marin Fandor, not to mention that the people of the Chambord Islands were shocked by the collision between the steel bone and the Red Count, and the pirates and navy here were equally shocked.

After all, the battle between the two was too fierce.

“Ryder, is your body rusty?”

“If you only have this level, then you should keep your old life inside!”

Steel Bone Kong said loudly, using both fists together, constantly attacking the Red Count, and the Red Count was constantly defensive, seemingly very passive.

This is not the case.

“Empty, you lost to the old man back then, gee! Don’t try to beat me today! ”

The Red Count laughed and countered with a punch, shaking the steel bone apart.


Hearing the fact that he was defeated by the other party back then, Steel Bone Kong was a little reluctant to think back, after all, at that time, he was indeed defeated, and the Red Earl, who was the winner, was also caught by Karp because of his lack of physical strength!


The two old men fought, and the terrifying power, and the power of physical skills, made countless people feel a terrible fact.

Your grandpa is always your grandpa!

“Count Red, that guy made a move!”

Sengoku frowned, and thought that Count Red would not make a move, but he did not expect that when Marshal Steel Bone Air came, he rushed out.

“Moreover, isn’t this guy’s strength much weaker? Even after more than twenty years in the Advance City! ”

Now looking at the power that Count Red is weakly displayed, it is still such an unimaginable existence.

Apart from getting old, there doesn’t seem to be much change.

“Count Red, finally strike!”

Ling Bai didn’t expect that the condition for this old man to make a move turned out to be Steel Bone Void coming here, and Ling Bai naturally didn’t expect Steel Bone Void to come here.

However, here, there are others!

Ling Bai had already seen a man in a white suit and a mask, which was naturally a member of CP0, and the one at the head looked very strong!

Ling Baidi felt that it originated from his powerful domineering perception of seeing and hearing!

And Ling Bai also found that the CP0 member who was walking in the front looked at himself.

It seems that he wants to make a move against Ling Bai.


Seeing that Weibull had just cut off a hand of a revolutionary army commander, Ling Bai shouted Weibull’s name, and the commander of the revolutionary army was still wailing on the ground.

One of the commanders of the Revolutionary Army, the commander of the “Northern Army”, Kallas, was cut off by Weibull and was an animal-lineage birdman.

Here comes Weibull,

“Big brother, I’m coming.”

Han Weibur appeared in front of Ling Bai with a large knife in hand.

“See those men in masks?”

Ling Bai pointed to the CP0 members.

“See, big brother, what are your orders?”

“Kill the back inside!”

“Good! I’ll kill them!” Definitely won’t disappoint big brother! ”

And the CP0 members, they were stunned for a moment, and immediately became angry, as the guardians of the Draco, I and other powerful CP0 members, how can you kill if you want?


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