Shut-in Magician

591 Inside the Dragon Nation, the Welcoming Party and the Proposed Agricultural Reform

After meeting the Dragon Warrior, it took less than a day to get inside.

They are highly physically capable dragon people, so I ran most of the time to move on. Originally, they planned to travel on foot to suit their guests, but at any rate, Shiu and the others had some riding beasts and some convenient things called flying boards. So it didn't seem to weigh itself.

Garelado also ran amusedly through the equally accustomed woods by meeting nostalgic faces.

It was the second tree day of the week that we arrived inside the Dragon Nation.

It would have taken me over a week to get out of the city of Acrida because it was last week's water day.

Still, let Garelado tell me, it was a very quick itinerary.

The dragon warriors in the guide were also very surprised to hear the story.

Inside, the unique dragon voice magic of the Dragon Nation sent a unique sonic wave to contact me, and when Shiu and the others arrived, a large number of people welcomed me.

"Well Returned, Sokius Garelado"

Sochius means comrade or companion. The Dragons seem to be a deeply bonded clan, so they're all "buddies".

The elder was named Sonus, an old man with a wrinkled face to see. He had full gray hair on dark brown skin and his eyes were golden. I think it must be because of the aging that it looks a little cloudy.

Looking at the other faces, I find that they are of the same race due to the location of the corners, splendid physique, etc., but somehow the skin color and hair color were very fragmented.

A long time ago, people said they had interacted with ancient dragons of the mythical age, it could have been a remnant of that.

"Oh, Lord Siu-Akvira. I am Sonus, Sonus of Wenelis."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Siu-Aquila. This is Ferres, then Crowe and Blanca."

When prompted, she greeted herself. Even so, it's normal driving as usual.


Heh heh heh heh heh, to a mindless greeting,


It doesn't make sense. It's just a squeal. And.


Recently, Blanca, who had become a dull voice, had answered with a sweet voice, which she called out when she was hungry.

Not all those toddlers. Aurea stood down from Ferres alone and greeted him properly.

"It's Aur. Hello!"

He said he had been in there before, but he was close to the baby and he didn't remember. Greeting like the first time, Elder Sonus was smiling and disgruntled.

A welcoming party was held inside that night.

I was going to shy away because it was Garelado's first long return, but Siu decided to join me, not only because the elders, but also because the people inside would invite me to take his place.

The sioux and the others were to be allowed to stay in a spacious cabin, standing a little high from the center of the inside, but they usually shut it down here.

So what the hell do they use it for, when newlyweds make kids? The whole reed is a small, family-like community, so the heck of it seems to care.

I also use it for other visitors.

It's strange who comes to such a despicable place, but rarely does an adventurer say that sometimes a dragon tribe who left the interior once returns to nostalgia. Those who lose their homes inside, they use them to stay.

They also ask people to stay if they come from the interactive village of Geheimnisdorf.

They bring things from each other's areas of specialty for barter.

When asked to do so, the Dragon Nation sometimes goes to the city to buy out, so you think it will go out to the inside with the handover?

"Well, you're close,"

"If you're a dragon warrior, it's two days away, so if you say it's close, maybe it's close."

When Siu was talking to Sonus, a man nearby cared about the flickering one. I heard you being stupid that it wasn't about talking to outsiders, so I guess you're worried.

Cutting it up where appropriate, I headed to Aurea, where I was relaxed.

Garelado had been caught by family and friends, leaving Aurea uncommonly alone.

Even so, Aurea was accompanied by a group of women to bake that and this and taking care of her.

"Aur, if we're going to sleep, shall we go back?

"Sioux. Aur, over there, it is."

I lean in with my calf and laugh with a fuzzy smile. Seemed to be still awake.

"Excuse me, my kids are about to get out of here because it's the limit"

"Oh, it's true. Little ones, sink."

Blanca is stuck on Ferres, she's in a bluffy state, and Kro is stuck on Ferres, but she's falling asleep completely.

Ferres' eyes are squishy too, so Siu decided to pull them out too.

"Well, we'll go and get you ready, too."

"Oh, I've cleaned up already, so I'm fine"

"Yeah? Really?

"Yes, I'm magically purifying it and bringing a futon."

"Oh well! Amazing!"

He looked intrigued, but he just shy away from coming to peek.

Greeting the women, Siu took Aurea back to the cabin.

The next morning, for some reason, Garelado was sleeping in the dirt of the cabin.

I took turns at night during the journey, but he slept flat on the dirt for a price. He said he had no trouble because of his strong skin, but that's not the problem.

I wondered if I didn't go home, but I did my usual stretching exercise in the morning, and I cooked a pot in my backyard and got to cooking.

By the time I finished making it, I could see a few women walking in from the center of the inside, so when I came out on the table, they apparently prepared breakfast and brought it to me.

"I was telling you yesterday that you would have trouble with all the men..."

"You didn't make it through."

"Is Garelado asleep yet?"

"Too much to drink, men."

Everyone was laughing so luxuriously that Garelado, who slept with a hangover, also woke up.

"Uhm...... what, wale"

"Nothing, Garelado. You're letting your kids cook!

"... no, Siu is"

While holding my head, I was enjoying Garelado's rare demise, but I pitied him and put out a helpship.

"Um, because cooking is my hobby. I've already made it."

"Oh, really?

"Where? I don't suppose there's anything here."

"Oh, I made it on my own back. I'll get it right back when I get out of here."

"No, that's fine."

He was curious, so we were supposed to go back together.

Siu grinned bitterly at the corner of his gaze as the liberated Garelado was horrified.

What Siu made was very popular with the women.

That also means that the Dragon people like "meat," so it seems that it's almost the only species that eats meat, but that's all women still get bored.

He sometimes picked mountain vegetables and devised them because his body gets sick.

You think that in the inside, a few women put together a mechanism to cook for everyone, replacing the men who only come hunting for meat, and some women pick mountain vegetables? In the autumn season, there's a lot of grace, but in winter, he manages to do it with a tough, tearful effort.

By the way, they also buy seasonings in the city, but generally, they season them with just the salt they take from nearby rock salt mountains.

"I really want herbs, too. But I'll be packed to take it home. I knew there wasn't enough cereal, so I had to give up."

"Herbs, I wish I had raised you. And cereals."

"... I can't have cereal. This place is tough, isn't it? Even the village of Geheimnisdorf is not bribed."

I appraised the inside and walked, but there was hardly anything like a field. Doesn't seem like a very good land.

On top of that, it seems that the Dragon tribe, whose meat came long as a staple food, never embarked on a reform of its food. You think it was also Geheimnisdorf's influence to start eating vegetables and cereals?

"You just need to reform the farmland and plant something edible on this land. It's going to be hard to buy out, and I think it's worth a try."

In fact, Garelado also consults me to bring seeds and seedlings. Of course planting will be next spring, so you just have to prepare the fields by then.

And then there's the seasoning, but the herbs are surprisingly something you can pick in the woods, and if not, you can plant them. Fortunately, even in the North, it is possible to raise dragon people who can use magic.

Besides, I also found a pepper tree in the woods. This is definitely a good idea if you eat meat.

Without example, pepper can be picked in warm areas in this world. However, rare varieties also exist, even in areas where it is cold: green pepper, which is not as good as black pepper but has a unique flavour. When Siu also lived in the Iota Mountains, he usually used it.

I was talking about that while showing off the dishes I had made, and the women were quite interested in getting on. Either way, field work and the like would be women's jobs, so if they were willing, they would do well.

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