Shut-in Magician

581 Rare Beast Observation, Athletic Competition, Lookaround

After spending ample time looking around in the Production Department, I peered into the other classrooms and looked at the research results, and finally headed to the contact corner of the rare beast that I do outside this school building.

"Oh, that was Siu! Thanks for your help yesterday. Thanks to you, I made it."

An upperclassmate youth spoke casually and laughed when he saw Siu's people.

"Welcome, there you are. Take your time and go."

"Yes, thank you"

"Thank you, brother!

The youth seemed happy to be greeted by Susa and Luca.

When I dived into the gate, an area was created where rare beasts seemed to inhabit.

The forest-style trees seem to have carried every large potted plant. I'm growing a weed to hide it. I hear the wizard with the tree attributes worked hard on this one.

In the corners of the rock, there are capreols and capels, and in the water fields built below, Testudo is in the sun.

"Wow, you're adorable!

"Well, there's squirrels over there!

"You're Tamia. It's monkey-shaped seamia over there."

"What does this kid say? This stuffed child."

"It's Irenakeus. When you're a rare beast, you're smart and you understand words."

"Clo's smart, too."

Hey, and I'm talking to Cro, who's sitting over Siu's shoulder.


Everyone laughed when they saw Cro tilting his little neck.

Ferres would be happy to praise him for being smart.

"Oh, some big boys! Solol brother, that, you've ridden it before!!

"It's Draco Equus. Speaking of which, it was fun in Lowal."

"You took care of me a lot and gave me a ride. I rode the horse alone."

"Next time, will you let me ride the horse?

Yeah, yeah, and Luca is nodding happily.

Sorol was also practicing riding horses because he needed them to work as a youngest. The experience of riding the beast seemed to make riding easier.

"You guys ever been on Draco Equus?

A young man from the guide spoke to me and Sorol replied yes.

"Oh, yeah. Fine. I'd like to take a ride, too."

"Oh, whose horseman is this?

"What's with the classmate's brother? You can't ride on your own because you have a special loan."

"Was it? We had the chance to go to King's Capital in Steyburn and we were given a ride over there at the Beast Shop to thank him for his help."

"Oh, enough to be. You're free to ride over there. I envy you."

I was glad that Sorol normally talked to young people because he thought he was the son of nobility.

As a mostly, he was always anxious to see if he was doing it right in the Brad family, and now he's solid.

So is Luca, but I thought Sorol was rooting again.

I left the contact corner and asked him what he would do because he said it was still a little early to get home.

"If you can, I'd like to see Master Siu's class come out"

"And then there's the restaurant that serves all the meat from the Graduate School of Warcraft Demon Ecology."

Is it meat - and Susa lowered her brow. The same goes for the other maids. He's eating lunch well, and he's eating dessert on the way, so he's full.

"... and then there's the Tactical Warrior Department, I wonder if he's a team player"

"Well, that sounds kind of funny!

"I want to see it!

Oh, yeah. Look.

I replied in my heart, laughing vaguely and deciding to guide them.

Adventure-style men looked flirty in the square near Dome Gymnasium.

Looks like he's putting his arms together and watching the students play hands.

"What's that?

Luca pointed to the athletic spreading behind them, not to the students in the hand set. Obstacles can be half as complex and large, but basically similar to those seen in previous life.

For some reason, there were Reynalds and students competing with the general public.

"Okay, now it's my win again!

The original purpose is coming with a different purpose, is it good?

In general, what does the teacher do conspicuously?

"Wait, wait. Let me in, too."

"That's right, you guys just enjoy yourselves and what are you gonna do?"

"I can't help it! Instead, it's your own fault if you get hurt!

No, it's not good.

It's not good, but it looks fun as it turns out. Shall I make it good?

"Sounds interesting! Is Siu doing that, too?

"Um, it's a little different. Oh, I'm the one who built that foundation."

"Wow, wow!

Or this time, I feel like Siu was just laying the groundwork everywhere. I don't mind because I don't like it.

Luca was happy to slap Reynalds' athletics in the hand, thinking it was a competition or something.

The person who wanted to go through also approached me with a funny face about what the hell.

"Is it also possible to jump in and participate?

"If you're an adventurer, you'll never lose. Get the fuck out of here."

"All right, I'll do it!

"I'm leaving, too."

It has become a participatory competition. Is this kind of ant?

I'd like to pretend I didn't see it, but I decided to contact Grenical for once.

Using communication magic to tell him, he was surprised by the sudden communication, but he showed understanding and said, "I'll stab Dr. Reynald with the nail for now".

In this case, it would still be better to have staff or students who can use healing magic.

Though I figured - I couldn't say strongly when I saw the pleasant landscape in front of me.

"You're a monster! What strength."

"Hey, are you really a teacher? You, adventurer."

"The students were quick."

"Let me see that flying tool of yours. I've never seen it before."

It's a dark vessel.

The active adventurers also seemed surprised by Venerio's ninja-only move. It talks about weapons with ease.

Reynald seems to be in a winning state, bragging about his chest.

Edgar, who had taken turns along the way, was flabbergasted by how the specifications had changed.

In the evening, I escorted the Lucas to the gate, after which I took a look around as an executive commissioner.

I joined Lewis and looked around with him, but I had trouble with a general customer trying to get into a restricted area.

Even the students have violators, so they persevered in explaining it to me and asked me to go home.

This kind of thing doesn't protect out-of-the-box serious students, so it's hard. No offense to the person, so it's even more so.

There were also general customers who tried to enter the classroom because they were thieves. I even dropped him off until I left the gate because he was a suspicious wind man, no matter what I saw.

Just in case, I'll give it to you when I take over.

To bulk the information, I went to the student council room frequently, but as usual, Tiberio's hand was there to put it together for me.

Kind of like some company or something, uncomfortable and out early.

"I don't think so."

"You're in charge, those people."

"Well, thanks to you, it's easier"

"Did Lewis look around?

"Well, quite. But I took a good look around yesterday, so I don't care what the real deal is."

"Oh, and so am I."

Sioux too.

If we were laughing at each other, Pluwia and Wendy came too.

"Oh, you're done looking around?


"No job?

"The people at Chairman Tiberio's are hanging out. You're not coming."

"Oh. That one. As chairman, I'm sure he wanted the members to make it easier."

He wanted to work the same day because he had helped so far.

Pluwia is likely to become a working person in the future. Yes, like Shayla.

I remembered and laughed, and Pruwia looked at me with a surprise.

"Oh, my God, that's nasty."

"Oh, nasty?

Wendy walks in laughing.

"Coors said people who laugh at memories are nasty. I don't think so.

"Sometimes you say that."

When Siu affirmed, you see, he strained his chest. Wendy and Lewis looked at that chest at the same time. Then I take my gaze off softly.

"But it doesn't seem to be limited to Siu, does it? You're still like a child."

After turning his jaw against the tung, Pluwia looked at Wendy and Lewis to stare, then turned her gaze to Siu and smiled.

"I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in the future!

Right, and Siu smiled back, too.

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