Shut-in Magician

563 Markets and mountain tours, mountain games and home

The moon of mountain makeup, the day of the first fire, hashigged the market of the ports of Unentrigh and Varum in the morning, and shopping triple delayed.

It's something I'm used to, and if I go, the rep will come with it and I can buy it quickly.

The ingredients unique to this season were also included, and from noon they were transferred to Grandpa's house to process the ingredients and even cook and preserve them.

At my grandfather's house, it didn't take long to take care of the fields and woods in particular because I usually come to Mame, so I just looked around and spent some time with Ferres and the others.

The next day he transferred to Lake Cordis and harvested the grace of the mountains.

Of course, we hunt warcraft. As always, downstream of the river flowing out of the lake, there is a good slime, which is thankful because it can be used for a variety of materials, but it was on the other hand accumulating.

"It's a big fall. I mean, it's already a sign of winter."

Mount Royer is already snowing high and the middle belly looks like winter.

Clartail, where the Fire Dragon lives, also peeked, but the children were growing up well. I'm glad there doesn't seem to be any particular problem.

According to Garelado, the dragon's great breeding season lasts for at least a few years, so in the unlikely event that the firedragon flies elsewhere, it will be a hassle again. More vigilance was needed than there was a nest of females here.

In addition, the next day he turned to the Harbour Market of Halpkreisbuft and the Harbour Market of Frach.

Buy large quantities of each and go back to Lake Cordis for immediate processing.

Meanwhile, Ferres and the others were playing in the lake.

I dive even though it's cold and I'm full of energy. Occasionally, he cleverly sweeps the drowning blanca out of the water, and Ferres lets him swim on his apparently back. Seeing those places, I think you're my brother.

Cro doesn't go unscrupulous, but he has somewhere close to something he was interested in by himself, so from time to time Siu gave instructions to Ferres to go get him.

"Come back. It's lunch."


When he heard it was rice, Ferres hurried and put it on his back, which also looked cro, he flew back.

I do it blubberly when I put two heads down, so the water flies all over the place. Even if you don't do it, the water dries, but it's like a beast instinct. The little ones are doing the same blurb.

"Dry properly?" Dry. "

By saying it out loud, I'm telling you what I'm doing.

I'm ashamed of chanting, but lately I've been able to break it off a bit, wondering if it would be okay without anyone.

When I finished lunch, I moved to Grandpa Stan's house.

If you came back in the Fei Long, it would be just the right day, I made it this day.

"I'm home."

"Whoa, I'm home. Come on, come on."

Heading into the living room, the toys were scattered.


Seeing Ferres head to the bulk, the feeling that I thought he had become a corner brother also flew away, and I laughed.

"All right, all right. This is yours. Look, Crowe and Blanca, come on."



Growing up, I hold two heads and stroke them. Crowe is a child who reads the air and is quiet but can't read Blanca, so when he leaned back and jumped out of his arm, he stormed the toy.

You remember they played before, take your favorites to Grandpa Stan's.

"Whoa, okay, okay. Now you want to play."

Then Ferres also took it in front of Grandpa Stan with a coveted stuffed animal and sat back.

"You too. All right, all right."

He liked all three of Grandpa Stan, who would play a lot, and since it was a sign he wouldn't leave for a while, I left it to him and decided to go to the store.

"If you're tired, let me play on my own. Don't push me."

"Do you treat me like a grandfather to Siu? Not yet."

"Haha. Sorry!"

He waved out and proceeded to the Belius tool shop on the surface. There was a Dmitre workshop along the way, and Emina was in customer service when she greeted her and went into the store.

After a short wait, the adventurous men left and Emina smiled and jumped.

"Welcome back!"

"I'm home. I mean, Emina, baby baby"

"It's okay. It's stabilization."


"Yeah. Look, you must have grown up, too, right?

Punch your stomach. A fancy woman.

Even though it's harrowing and scary, such as Siu.

"Mr. Chloe will be here soon. Maybe another month."

"You're early."

"Hey. I'm next year. Oh, come see your face when you're born, huh?

"Of course, of course."

Afterwards, as we were keeping each other posted, a few customers switched over again, and Akiera also showed her face in the evening.

They're still helping Emina.

She says she can study the store, and it's a penny, so she's working harder than her parents' store.


When I complimented him, he kicked me out of the light.

At night we were all supposed to go to the Vurst cafeteria and eat.

Ferres was already big, so I tried to keep him waiting in front of the store, but Garcia called out to the regulars to let me in.

"You're a quiet cat-shaped horseman, aren't you? I don't care."

"Yes, yes. It would be pathetic if you didn't let the kid in and let him in."

The regulars laughed and said that to me.

"Ferres, good for you."

"Niña, niña"

"Guys, thanks, 'cause"

Translated, the men were all together and out of touch.

When I also let Cro and Blanca eat, I put the rest on Ferres. Though he was surprised at first to see not only the regular, but also the guests who came later, he smiled immediately, and when he approached him, he stroked him back to his seat.

"How cute is a young beast on a horseback!

"Really, you're so cute. Big kids have beautiful hairs, too."

"Hey, I think it's time to have a horseman, too, okay? Why don't we raise them together?"

Seems to be used to dictate a woman for some reason, but Siu decided not to listen because she seemed to have quite a pleasant conversation.

"By the way, how's school?

"I'm having fun going through. Uh, I could've rubbed it with some noblemen, but did you solve it for now? Next time I have a cultural festival, I might be busy getting ready for that announcement."

"Culture festival. Ah. I'd love to go, but it's far away."

"Before that, you must be weighing in, right?

"Shit, Dmitre. Just kidding, kidding."

Absolutely a lie, not only Dmitre with her face, but Siu and the others saw Emina, but where does she keep talking with the wind blowing.

He also said that his appetite has healed and is now plagued by unstoppable appetite.

"Uh, delicious"

"You can't eat too much and be fat, Emina"

"I know. Yikes. The midwife tells me so."

Saw Garcia's special wiener unfortunately, and he was sighing haha.

Upon returning to the house, Emina was returned to her room early, and Dmitre did some cleaning up and so on before greeting Grandpa Stan and dropping back.

Hanging out with Grandpa Stan that he's still awake, Siu also talks in the living room.

"Well, that's another big deal."

He remembered talking to nobles in the Vurst dining room, and when he got home, he scratched Hildegard's story and told it.

"I remember the young lady's story, but it's difficult."

"I talked to him and he calmed me down, but nobility is tough, isn't it? Because they trick us, they don't know where we're connected, and they involve third parties, not conflicted ones."

"Well, well, well. I don't like nobles either."

"Doesn't Grandpa Stan have much to do with his work?

"It has something to do with purchasing. I don't know if I'm going to teach Emina, but it's a headache."

Anyway, that was direct, and I laugh.

"The good news is, Dmitre, that you married me. That's usually quiet, but I have the guts to do it when I have to. We can deal with nobles well."

"Yeah. You can count on me, can't you, Dmitre?"

"That's not the most miraculous thing Emina's ever done."

"It's terrible, it"

I laughed unexpectedly. Grandpa Stan seemed to be joking too and laughed cheeky and fun.

"No, then, really. As for Emina, it's the best choice of my life... I think it's important that we meet these days. [M] I don't even think there might be an unnecessary encounter."

"Grandpa Stan..."

Grandpa Stan, looking at Siu and smiling calmly and deeply, was full of mercy.

"Not that I met Siu, not that Siu met Ferres."


"It's also a miracle that Siu's grandfather picked it up."

That's for sure. Many times he nodded, Grandpa Stan laughed and stroked Siu's head.

"You should grow up slowly. Even with sudden cancer. Yeah. I'm still Siu's grandfather."

"... yeah"

It stinks and it stinks.

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