Shut-in Magician

552 Settlement of contentious matters, future trends

I didn't even let the youths say whether or not, I asked them to come near the carriage and pushed Clarissa into the carriage, still confused.

The rear wheel is strange because it has been hit, but the seats are beautiful and there is no problem getting on and off.

Gemma and Isotta also seemed to understand what Siu was trying to say, pushing Clarissa in.

"Come on, get down"

"Yeah, yeah."

Even though it was as usual, it came down, albeit somewhat inexplicable.

"Thank you. Okay, Mr. Valente, go ahead."


"So get in. Then go down as usual. Please hurry. Classes begin. You're a man in the first place, so you get on and off fast, right?

Valente got upset and tried to get in Clarissa's carriage. but there was no help and I was a little confused.

"Hey, Lancelot!


A squire comes and follows his hand. Then I got in gracefully. At this point, the unrelated students and officials gathered in a hurry to see if they were still rubbing were laughing.

"Then come down"

"Okay. Hey, Lancelot."

Valente felt no wonder at Lancelot, who pointed out his hand, and went down.

And I made a face about what happened to this.

Siu nodded one and grinned.

"Gentlemen, please answer without falsehood. Which one of you was taking the time to get on and off? Also, let me know if it seemed like you deliberately landed or landed slowly"

The blurring earlier disappeared as soon as possible.

In a quieter space, Blanca's tedious voice rises.


"... All right, that's boring, isn't it? I'm sorry."

As he stroked, Siu looked around at everyone.

"This isn't the place to do this boring stuff, is it? Where am I?"


Clarissa shrugged pompously.

"That's right. I'm just about to learn. So now Mr. Valente and the others can learn something new."

"Hey, what?"

"Even women can usually get on and off the carriage. 'Cause you didn't know, did you?

Guh, and clogged his throat, Valente blushed.

If I told you I knew here, you'd be lying, and if you didn't, you'd be ashamed. In the first place, it will be scattered among a large number of officials for what they did in harassment.

"You also figured out that the problem with not rotating the carriage well was on the school side, and it wasn't their fault, right? In the first place, you have to behave like a gentleman with a nobleman, so there's no good reason to bump into each other just because you used to."

To them in silence, Siu continued half-eyed.

"First, let's make an apology. Undeserving humiliation against women who have received it in front of a large number of people."

"Oh, that's"

Still four or five of them have pinched his mouth, and so have the officials. If these students don't complain about each other, they try to ignore each other, but they don't want to make the problem bigger.

"While he's giving respite, it's better to take it"


A squire named Lancelot was also whispering there.

"If there are more than one vow magic cleric, you can't even acquire them. You are losing this one. He says if we apologize officially here now, he won't make a big deal out of it."


After Valente looked anxiously at Lancelot and then saw the fellow who was supposed to be on his side gradually hitting back, he finally realized there was no help.

Although I hesitated for a while, I looked at Clarissa and bowed my head as she looked remorseful.

"... it seems that I have truly taken what your lord or your youngest son says. I apologize for making an insulting statement even though I didn't see it. I'm sorry."

"So you're withdrawing a bunch of your statements, right?

Valente nodded reluctantly as Clarissa replied with majesty.

"Let's promise we'll withdraw"

"Really? Then let the person in charge do the compensation and so on later. I accept your apology. But let me see what happens for a while now about discredit."

"Become, it is"

"What, he was cursed in the presence of so many people like this. I am also anxious to think about what future worries I will encounter as a member of a noble woman. I can't answer you for not consulting your father and the person in charge."

"... come on, I get it. No, I understand."

So I finally figured out I was done talking, and the officials slapped my hands.

"Come on, we'll arrange for the carriage to be repaired, so students should hurry to class!

Valente and the others rushed to the school building.

The remaining Clarissa and Siu laughed face-to-face.

While going to the arena, Siu talked about Alondra.

"She called me worried. He said that his youngest was watching closely, and he seemed to be listening to the conversation that followed, so you'd better go with him to the temple later and leave him in writing under oath magic."


Darilla screamed as gladly as I did before Clarissa responded.

"I was anxious to think you'd get into trouble, so make it good enough for you"

"I get it. Really, thank you, Siu."


"We've been talking about what to do for a long time. If I had to, I'd be too surprised to get blood on my head."

As Jemma talked, I saw Darilla. Looks like Darilla had blood on her head mostly.

"Also, I'm sorry. You're insulting your daughter."

"It's okay, Darilla. Don't tell me Jemma doesn't like it either."

While comforting the soothing Darira, Clarissa hung a few words for the Jemmas as well.

"Guys, you've been patient. Thank you. I was in a hurry because there were no third parties there, but I managed this time. Keep up the good work studying in self-defense."

"Yes, ma'am!

It would be nice if they would stay put, but I can't be alarmed because some people upside down when they crush their faces. Clarissa seemed worried about it too.

However, I was heartily relieved that it was good to have been able to protect my honor.

In fact, Siu also pinched her mouth because if she was a bad person there, she could get dirty on her future life as a noble woman.

If you don't put black and white on right away, rumors are horrible and make you look like Amalia. Clarissa seemed to be most concerned about that, too.

That's why he was happy to take care of Siu.

Going to the arena, the class had already begun, but no reprimand or anything came out of Reynald, who had heard the noise.

"Valente's the name I heard somewhere."

"Doctor, have you forgotten? He was one of the Strategic Command students who interrupted my class the other day."

"Oh! Or!

"There were a few others, and so much so that I thought it was Lord Benigud or Dr. Nilsson's instructions"

"There was some female contempt speech, so you're getting lost."

Siu also pinched his mouth.

Reynald wanted to talk to Siu in detail, so I scratched and explained, and Reynald, who was lady-friendly, seemed to be muddled.

"I don't think you're a gentleman. That's a statement! Damn, I wish I'd taken my class!


I smile at the kindness of the teacher, even though I'm frightened that he was going to do it even with a sigoki.

"Anyway, I don't know if it's Dr. Nilsson's instructions, but I think there's a chance he'll be able to get his hands on it in the future, so, Dr. Reynald, tell me what to do"

"Oh, right, Siu."

In Siu's remarks, Reynald strained and seemed to change his mind.

Thanks to this, the class rode on Nori and progressed significantly over the late hour.

By the way, in parallel, there is also training for Ferres.

It's an unpleasant training example of being intimidated or putting up with even if Siu is being hit.

I'm worried that I wish I was stressing Ferres because of this, but it was only at the beginning that I was stressed, and I was calm as Ston and the possessions were taken when I finished, although I was of course frustrated during the class.

Excessive stress is not good, but it could be that because it was considered good even for humans to have it on a regular basis.

And Cro and Blanca also seemed to remember to put up with it at some point, as they looked like they were playing and watched the training landscape from within the circle from time to time.

At first, I would have screamed if I could have seen Siu being annoyed, but when I cautioned him to be quiet, I would have endured.

After class, I'm fine. - I said no earlier because it's training, and I calmed down as soon as I was as sweet as Ferres, whether it was through or not.

I know it's pathetic from among the young beasts, but I decided to let them sweeten you enough at other times to exhale the stress.

It is imperative that you get into trouble in the future. Anyway, three rare beasts, two of them horsemen, so it's impossible to avoid what's wrong.

"It's training to work hard to stay away, isn't it?

So if you say be patient, say to each one, "Nyah!" "Kikyu!" "Mia," replied Siu, smiling.

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